Mew wants to play

After having shown Koro sensei all around the place, which he enjoyed a lot as he was constantly trying out new food or admiring the pretty women, Mew left the Garden and once again ended up in Master Plo Koon's lap. It didn't seem like he left a long time, as he could see Master Plo Koon putting away the Oran berries.

Looking at the Jedi who were watching Mew curiously, Mew waved at them in greeting once again.


Mew said, giggling as he dumped a lot of different berries at each of the Jedi's feet and left in search of Anakin to play with.

The Jedi looked stunned at the sudden gifts, but they soon resumed their conversations about the current state of the war. Though Master Yoda looked at Mew with an interested glimmer, as he could feel the Force seemingly vanishing around Mew into nothing when Mew disappeared before.

After leaving the Jedi behind, Mew went to look for Anakin and Ahsoka, which seemed easier than it was. He was sure that they were still on Coruscant, as the Jedi had spoken about Anakin accompanying Senator Amidala in the senate building.

Though Mew knew where the Senate building was, it was still huge and the task of finding one person was easier said than done.

Looking around curiously, Mew followed a few senators that seemed interesting, pranked a few that were looking a bit uptight by pulling down their pants or trapping their clothes between the doors. After playing around a bit, Mew finally found out where Anakin was from a droid. He was apparently in Senator Amidala's apartement, playing a bodyguard for a while.

Moving to said place after getting a map and directions on where to go, Mew quickly arrived at the appartement complex.

It wasn't that far away as Mew came upon a elegantly decorated room first. It was clearly some place meant for work, as only the necessary equipement was placed in the room, while other living arrangements were in the other rooms. Standing in front of the desk, Anakin and Ahsoka were currently talking with a brown haired woman who was most likely Senator Padme Amidala.

As if sensing something, Anakin looked around. Feeling like something was about to happen, Anakin took a few steps back. He felt something pass by him by just an inch. Already having an inkling as who it might be, Anakin smiled wryly as he grabbed Ahsoka and decided she was the one to take the brunt of it this time.

"Ahsoka would be glad to play with you, I'm busy right now!"

Anakin said loudly as he retreated next to Padme.

"Anakin what are you talking about?"

Padme said a bit confused. Even Ahsoka was a bit stunned at her Masters actions and words.

[Really? Then why don't we play hide and seek?]

Mew said, his words echoing through their minds.

Anakin could feel a weight pressing down on his head as he rubbed his head thinking about how exhausted he was about to feel after this.

"Master, can you explain this to us please?"

Ahsoka said as she looked questioningly at her Master.

"Well... it's like this...."

Anakin explained about what had happened in the Jedi High Council room the day before, leaving out the confidential matters.

Hearing the complete story, Padme couldn't help but laugh as she imagined Anakin's situation during that time.

"It seems you have a playful friend with you, General Skywalker."

Padme said, looking jokingly at Anakin.

[Wanna see a picture of it?]

Mew said as he became visible to them and showed a funny picture of Anakin hopping about and one where he lay defeated on the ground with an victorious Mew perched on his back.

Ahsoka couldn't completely stifle her laughter at the sight of it. Even Anakin couldn't help but be down after seeing how miserable he looked.

Looking at Ahsoka, Anakin smiled wryly at his Padawan.

"Don't worry, Snips. It's your turn to play with him after all."

Anakin said as he pointed at Mew and at Ahsoka.

[But hide and seek isn't fun with just two! Why don't both of you join as well? I won't use invisibility and we'll keep it to this room. Pay with me! I'm bored!]

Mew said as he tugged at Anakin's hair painfully.

"Fine, Fine! But only once!"

Anakin said as he tried to pry Mew from his head.

Padme laughed a bit as she found the sight of it adoring.

"I have a bit of time as well. If it is to keep you occupied, I won't mind playing with you a bit. After all, I have time to spare after the last council meeting."

Seeing all of them, well except Ahsoka but she didn't have a choice, accept, Mew happily bounced up and down as he turned to the wall and began to count to thirty.