Attack on Geonosis Pt 3/?

While Mew and Gengar had once again started their energetic target practice, Anakin and Master Mundi had regrouped with Obi-wan.

"It seems you had less casualties than we had though, master Kenobi. It is good to see you are well."

Master Mundi said, though his eyes gazed over the devastation surrounding them. Pits of lava, giant spikes of stone, craters and what not were surrounding them. If one looked carefully enough, they could see the remains of tanks and fighters.

"Though I must admit you did not have it easy as well?"

Master Mundi said, though he wasn't quite certain of his own statement.

"We had help."

Obi-wan simply said, giving a knowing look at Anakin.

"It seems you have riled up our little friends a bit too much with your bet, Anakin. I wonder how you are going to handle it once this is over."

Obi-wan stated as he and Anakin looked at the happy face of Mew as he and Gengar were raining down devastation on the enemy. All their attacks failed, as Mew would just deflect or outright block them, while Gengar simply sank into the ground into a shadow.

"I will figure something out master. For now we should take out the shield generators."

Anakin replied, as he took out a hologram to show them their current situation.

"Our combined forces should be enough to destroy the shield generator. Anakin, you'll need to take a small squad through the shield and come in close enough to take out their gun emplacement. From there you should be able to temporarily jam their scanner, so they don't notice the tanks. After that Master Mundi can take out the shield generator with the tanks. Afterwards I can take in the rest of the ships with the gunships."

Having thought out their plan, the Jedi soon got to work. Anakin and his squad moved through the shield as they were ready to jam the scanners. Master Mundi had taken the tanks further into the shield and was waiting for Anakin's command to shoot. Meanwhile Obi-wan was waiting for the shields to go down.

While all of that was going on, Mew and Gengar had though of something else as well. Both of them had gotten hold of a couple of blasters as they went to the front lines together.

Flying above the Geonosians, Mew and Gengar aimed their blasters and shot at the canons. While Gengar was doing fine, not feeling any of the recoil, Mew was making salto's through the air with every shot. The recoil was just too strong for Mew to handle, though Mew found it funny as well. Navigating through the battlefield with just the recoils, Mew was flying through the sky, shooting Geonosian and droids.

Seeing Anakin through some round objects at the scanners, Mew moved out of the way. He had already emptied the ammunition in the blasters, so the fun was already over. Seeing electricity coming from the round balls, frying the scanners to malfunction, canon fire from the tanks blasted against the shield generator. Not long after, the whole thing came tumbling down as everyone sought cover. Once the whole thing was down, Obi-wan and master Mundi closed in with the troups and surrounded the Geonosians who quickly surrendered.

After that, they had successfully secured the area.