Decisions, Decisions...

Seeing Kirihito again with two shikigami, Mew waited for Kirihito to talk. What would he say? A threat? A deal? Or would he use force?

Like that, Mew continued to wait until Kirihito finally began to talk.

"What is your intention with this move? I can't see how you would benefit from this."

Mew just smiled, his tail sweeping back and forth. Aldos released Mew as the latter flew in front of Kirihito. He wasn't in the least scared that they could hurt him.

[I want a playmate for the time I'm here. The body looked interesting, so that was why.]

While Mew was hovering in front of Kirihito, turning around in the air in a lackadaisical manner to the ones in front of him. He seemed more interested in his tail as it swept in all kinds of directions without his intention.

"Haah? As if I'm going to play a toy. You must be out of your mind."

[So you don't want to?]

Mew said, small tears in his eyes as he looked at the disinterested expression of the youth.

"No way."

[Hah, then I'll put it back where I found it. No use in keeping it if it doesn't play with me.]

Mew grabbed the pouch tighter in his hands as he was ready to teleport back to Yomi.

"Wait! Where do you think you're taking my body? Return it to me."

Mew looked at Kirihito as if he was stupid.

[Why should I give it to you? I didn't get it from you and you apparently don't want it. You don't even want to play with me...]

"What has playing with you to do with returning my body!"

Kirihito was clearly losing his patience.

[You get your body if you play with me for a week. After all, I won't be in this world that long.]

Mew said, once again starting to chase his tail. If Kirihito didn't want it, he would put it back. If he wanted it, then he should play with him a bit. It was no fun if he was just losing a toy without paying with it.

"Only for a few days. No longer. This body I'm currently in is too weak to really bear any strain."

[But you're not playing in this body, right? Why stay in something dead that isn't even yours?]

Mew cocked his head to the side as he could clearly see the body Kirihito was in now was in a state that was about the detoriate. It was only through the yokai energy that it didn't.

[I'll keep the dead body safe if you want me to. You can even go back into it if you want to. They are both, sort of, yours right?]

Not waiting for Kirihito to answer, Mew took out the demon body from the pouch as he placed it on the ground.

With one look, Kirihito could see a divine energy around it.

"What did you do!?" He grumbled.

[Eh? You're going to play with me right? So it is only fair if you're with me in that time. This, familiar thing, is only helping a bit. I'll end it as soon as I go. That fine?]

Mew didn't really get what the deal was. It was only a play. And that whole familiar thing was only to see if it really worked or not. When he moved on, it would end by itself.

[No time like the present. Let's play!]

Not waiting for an aswer, Mew tapped Kirihito 'lightly' on the back. On contact, the soul moved from Kirihito's human body to the yokai body.