Trip to the castle

"Oi... Shiro... Am I dreaming right now or is there a weird cat thing hovering in front of me?"

Sora rubbed his eyes, just to sure he was seeing right, but the scene of a flying pink cat with three smaller pink cats didn't disappear.

"Nii... There is a cat flying in front of you. I can see it too..."

Shiro helpfully added, clinging tightly to Sora. Steph had been completely forgotten but even she was gobsmacked at the unidentified creature in front of her.

"Then that means only one thing, little sis."


""The game crashed again!""

Mew once again watched the comedic duo perform and couldn't help himself from laughing at them again.

[No way silly! How can the world crash when it is so interesting?]

"In case you didn't know, a lot of awesome games crash too."

Sora refuted, still clinging tightly to Shino.

[Eh? They do? I didn't know that... Anyway, I'm Mew and these are my kids. They are all called Mewtwo, but I'm still thinking of a name for them...]

Mew pointed at himself and the three Mewtwo smiling brightly behind him.

{{{Hi funny ones!}}}

"Sora... There are voices in my head... it feels weird."

Shiro clutched her head, yet she looked at the four pink cats in curiosity.

"Don't worry sis. This is just that really famous game trope where some weird creature uses telepathy to talk to the protagonist. It is completely normal. Your big brother guarantees."

Shiro seemed relieved at Sora's explanation. She continued to watch Mew and the Mewtwo while Sora fixed them a place to stay at, the castle, by looking 'charmingly' at Steph who readily obliged.


Once at the castle, the siblings were provided with some new clothes, well new, they were hand me downs but they looked cute on them. Mew ogled at the fancy suit Sora was wearing, but when he asked Steph for a similar suit, she just laughed it off.

"You're weird. We don't have clothes for pets, so there is nothing in the right size for you."

Mew gasped at the words Steph used.

'She just called me a pet. Me! How rude.'

To get back at her, Mew hanged her upside down. Steph screamed in a high pitch while Sora quickly began to take pictures as he gave Mew a thumbs up. Steph did her best to protect her dignity as a princess, but she failed miserably as she had a little too few hands.

After Mew and his kids were done, Steph quickly hurried outside the room in a hurry, giving an excuse as making tea to flee the scene. The Mewtwo kids were all too happy to help Mew with his mischiefs and were planning on what to do next when Steph returned.

Mew let his kids to their own devious devises and found the siblings sitting on the balcony, Shiro reading a book while Sora overlooked the town.

[Once you're done reading a boring book, want to play some games with me? I've got a lot of fun ones...]

Mew showed the N*ntendo Sw*tch he had bought in the previous world, as well as a few games that were playable on it. He even had a few games where there were pokemon on it, finding it interesting as to what the games would have for content.

As soon as Mew showed the games, he could see Sora and Shiro's eyes sparkle as they were intent on playing a game they hadn't before.

"Shiro! Let's finish our information gathering as soon as possible! We've got a few games to play!"

"Un, I'll do my best Nii, praise me when I'm done..."

"Sure, you'll get all the praise you deserve my little genius."

Sora and Shiro quickly read through the books they had on hand, with Shiro having finished it in five minutes resulting in her understanding the language as if it were her mother tongue.

[Let's go when you're ready! Or when you got some time. Steph seems a bit troubled.]

Steph had arrived at that point and was looking smitten at Sora, but also with a bit of sadness in her eyes.

"I've brought the tea! I even made cookies."

Steph hid her troubles and began to pass around tea and cookies, clearly trying to ease the mood a bit as Sora once again overlooked the pretty yet empty city.