A game of living chess (Pt. 2)

Mew knew little of chess, but from the way Steph reacted, Kurumi's way of playing it were a bit different than normally. Unlike telling where the pieces would go, the pieces seemed to have a mind of their own, moving as many spot forward as they wanted.

The pieces Shiro commanded moved according to their orders, but as soon as they come to a point they could be 'killed' they refused to listen.

At this point, Shiro became tense, continuously trying to make her pieces move or at least move them to cut of other possible moves from Kurumi. Eventually, Shiro couldn't take it anymore, as tears began to fall.

"I... I can't do it... I'm so sorry..."

Mew looked up at the crying girl, wiping away the tears that spilled down.

Mew wasn't the only one who started to comfort Shiro, as Sora hugged her tightly.

[Don't cry... It doesn't hurt anywhere...There is no need to be sad...Why are you crying...?]

Mew didn't understand why Shiro was crying. He had already looked her over once, spotting no injury. No one had died, so there was also no reason to be crying.

Sora didn't speak, he just put Shiro on the rails of the balcony, which was overlooking the game board. Steph had tears in her eyes as well, feeling the plight Shiro was feeling, though she was a bit confused at what Sora was doing.

Sora inhaled deeply, which hinted to Mew what he was about to do. He quickly clasped his little paws over his ears as Sora yelled at the pieces below.


The white pieces looked at Sora, who was standing there like the general of an army. Mew could feel the excitement bubbling up, as he became psyched.

'I want to play! This seems so fun when Sora is doing this!'

Mew had of course just used future sight, getting a slight premonition on what was about to happen, which riled him up even more.

"As your kind I declare that those who fight bravely will be declared heroes! If we win, you will be exampted taxes, get medals, receive housing and free medical care. As well as get to get chummy with any woman they like! You won't have to partake in any military duties, thus my people, you must not die! For those who have family and loved ones back home, I promise you will all come back alive!"

The white pieces, the soldiers in Sora's white army, became excited, their morale rising after Sora's moving speech. All the pieces moved forwards, all rules of a normal chess game long forgotten.

"You can't really promise them that!" Steph said, stratled by Sora's claims. After all, these were just chess pieces and not living beings.

"Thanks, little sis. Thanks to you I realised this wasn't really chess."

Shiro looked up with her teary eyes at Sora.

Mew looked at Sora as well as he began to explain what was so different at this game.