Mew meets Natsu

(T/N: Apologies for the long wait, I was enjoying more than a week of of writing. I had school stuff and work stuff to do, so had only a little bit of time for writing. Anyhow, here is the chapter and another one will be posted later today.)

Arriving in yet another world, Mew was looking around curiously for any sign of civilization. The place where he was currently was in a dense forest, where strange animals popped up every now and then to attack him. Mew had already dubbed these creatures as monsters, as they were much like the mindless creatures from the Tower of Babel.

From the frequent attacks, followed by increasing amounts of bodies strew about, Mew had adapted quite quickly to this new world. The monsters were weak and they kept a fair distance once the piles of corpses were high enough.

Moving towards a random direction, Mew continued to fly on in the hopes to find a human or other humaniod race with intelligence.

Continuing that way for a certain time, Mew came across the first signs of civilization. There was smoke in the distance, as well as the accompanying smell of food being cooked.

Trusting his little nose far more than his other senses, Mew followed the smell to its origin, finding a small group of one human and a flying blue cat.

"Natsu, Natsu, give me that fish! It smells delicious."

"You're right! It smell good."

"Hey, that's my fish!"

"Nope, I already took a bite. Get the other one."

Seeing the pink haired boy jesting with the cat, Mew wanted to play around with them as well. So, as Mew was hungry as well, Mew levitated the remaining fish from its place near the fire towards his little paws.

"Natsu! The fish is possessed!"

The blue cat yelled.

"Happy, get it back! That is the only food we have!"

The blue cat Happy rushed after the flying fish, his little legs trembling all the same as he followed it.

"Aye Aye! Give the fish back mister ghost! That's Happyy's food."

"Get him Happy!"

Natsu yelled as he followed after Happy. Natsu and Happy followed the 'trail' of the floating fish and arrived in front of Mew who was happily munching on the remains of the fish.

Seeing the two of them, Mew smiled brightly, shoving the last piece in his mouth while covering it up with his little paws. Almost as if he was saying, 'Where is your evidence I was the criminal?'

Swallowing audibly, Mew rubbed his small tummy.

"You! That was our fish!"

"Aye, that was Happy's fish!"

Natsu was momentarily stopped, glancing at Happy as if he was looking at a traitor, Natsu once again pointed at Mew as he spewed fire out of anger.

"Give me back my fish!"

[Can't. I don't have it. Where is your evidence?]

Giving a knowing smirk, Mew circled above them as he giggled at Natsu's gobsmacked face.

"The evidence? You just ate the evidence!"

[Where is your proof?]

"How can I prove it when you ate the fish!"

[Exactly. There is no evidence so I didn't do it.]

Mew argued, sticking his chest out in pride. He was really smart. No way would they be able to pinpoint the perpetrator if the evidence was gone.

"Aargh! Too much thinking!"

[I agree! Too much thinking.]

Mew nodded sagely as he plopped down on Natsu's head and smirked at Happy.

[Go forth and show me a human settlement, my trusty steed!]

"Who are you calling a steed, thieving cat."

[Art though not a steed? But I am sitting on thy head, so thou are a steed.]

Mew nodded, followed by a burst of laughter.

[Show me a town, Natsu! I'll give you food in return.]

"Happy wants a fish!"

[Then Mew will give Happy a fish.]

Happy brightened up immediately.

"Come on Natsu! Let's go back to the guild. I want my fish."

Not following the conversation, Natsu could not help but mutter, "I'm not a steed" as he moved towards the guild.