Searching for Salamander

One funny yet tiring traian ride later and Mew and Happy were standing outside of the train waiting for Natsu to get out. Well, Happy was standing and Mew was floating.

Natsu was hanging out of the window, his face green and ready to throw up his breakfast.

"Let's go Natsu, otherwise Salamander might be gone when we get there."

Happy said, as he continued to watch Natsu.

"Just give me a sec."

Well, that's all it took, cause one moment the train was there and the next they heard Natsu screaming as the train departed with him still in it.

[Should I get him or you?]

Mew asked as he continued to watch the train getting farther and farther away.

"You do it. I did it last time."

Mew sighed as he went after Natsu while Happy fixed himself some fish from who knows where.

Not even five minutes later Mew came flying back with and energetic Natsu flying behind him covered in a pale blue glow.

"I'm fired up now! Let's find Igneel!"

"Aye Aye."


Natsu looked at Mew with a wide grin.

"I guess I didn't tell ya. Igneel is my dad and he's a dragon. I'm looking for him."

Natsu said, followed by a air punch.

[What does your dragon dad look like?]

Mew asked, wondering if Igneel was hard to find.

"Well, he looks like a dragon? He's red, cause he is a fire dragon."

[Aha, so I need to watch out for a red fire dragon called Igneel? Got it.]

Mew nodded, though he wondered how common dragons were in this world.

"Now that you know, let's look around and see if we can find Salamander."

Natsu yelled excitedly as he ran into town followed by Happy and Mew.

The town they were currently in was called Haregeon and it was mostly faring on trade. They had a lot of ships and dealt with fish and other marine stock. Mew wondered if they would even find a dragon here. The dragons he knew were mostly staying away from humans especially towns and cities. He could be wrong. Maybe the dragons in this world could polymorph into a human.

Once in the town, they heard high pitched shrieks from excited females.

Haah, it is always the human females that make such a noice. He never heard such a sound from the males. Maybe it was an inherent trait?

Once they came closer, they could hear a certain word Natsu had been wanting to hear. Salamander.

Getting closer and moving further into the crowd, Mew could see Natsu's twitch in disappointment as the one the crowd of girls called Salamander was a black haired guy.

"Who the hell is that?"

The man chuckled at Natsu's words and introduced himself.

"If I said I was Salamader, would that ring any bells?"

The man smirked, flashing his shiny white teeth at him. Unfortunately for Salamander, Natsu, Happy and Mew were already walking away.

[Too bad it isn't Igneel, right Natsu.]

"Yeah, a bummer."

Natsu muttered, all depressed.

"You are so rude!"

Turning around, Mew saw multiple girls running towards then in fury. Moving out of the way just in time, Mew avoided being drop kicked by the crazy girls, though the same couldn't be said for Natsu.

"Apologise to Salamander-sama!"

"He is a great man!"


Happy, who had also dodged in time looked on as Natsu was being manhandled by the crazy girls.

"Are you alright Natsu?"

Happy asked, worried about Natsu's limbs that were bending in the wrong way.

"What is wrong with these people?"

Natsu groaned as he extricated himself from the crazy fan girls.

"They're in Loooveee~"

Happy said, making the girls leave Natsu alone and run back towards Salamander, all smitten.

"Just leave him alone, that is enough. He didn't mean anything wrong with it after all. It isn't weird for some people to not know me."

Salamander said, combing his hair backwards.

"""Ah, Salamander-sama~"""

[Wow, those girls have a screw loose.]

Mew muttered, hiding behind Natsu in case the crazy girls came back again. He could always use Natsu as a shield, as he had a really strong body.

"Here you go, my autograph."

Salamander handed Natsu an autograph.

Natsu looked at it once and had a blank look on his face.

"I don't need it."

Feeling the piercing gazes of the crazy fan girls again, Mew and Happy moved away from Natsu as he was once again being pummeled by them.

Helping Natsu up, Mew and Happy made sure there were no other crazies near them. Luckily it helped that that Salamander guy left.

"That man is such a scumbag. Thanks a lot."

A blonde suddenly walked up to them. This girl had her hair in a partial sideways pigtail, while the rest hung down. she wore formfitting clothes, a white sleeveless shirt and a blue miniskirt. On her waist hung a whip as well as multiple gold and silver keys.

"I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you. As thanks for helping me, let me treat you to a meal."

Having said that, before Natsu and Happy could reply, their stomachs already answered by grumbling loudly.

"I'll take you up on that offer. I'm Natsu and this is my good pal Happy. The pink one over there is Mew, another good friend."

Having introduced himself and the others, Natsu, Happy and Mew followed Lucy to the restaurant she was treating them at.