Stinky Torture

After the whole debacle was over, the villagers were burying their dead. It was surprising really, as a lot less people had died than was presumed. Naturally Mew and Aldos had a hand in this, but most of the honor would go to Ains, as he arrived here first.

While the villagers were burying their dead, Mew and Aldos moved around the place to see if there was any other problem going on. All the knights had been captured, having been tied up like caterpies and ebing thrown in one of the many destroyed houses.

The chance that they might escape: zero.

It was Aldos who had tied them up after all. Some of them had cried out in pain a lot during the process. A few had fainted in pain, but no pain no gain.

At least they were silent now.

Obeserving the human caterpies, Mew lost out on the whole Ains and Gazef meeting. Aldos was also part of the conversation.

Even if Mew joined, he would surely leave at the beginning of the whole talking thing, as he had little concentration to listen to all that.

So while the others were busy chattering about life, Mew was arranging the caterpies in all kinds of postures. He had placed a few in what some might call the 69 position. Another was lying face against face with another, while some had their faces planted close or against someones arse.

Truly a masterpiece.

Mew hummed in delight, using whatever he could use to enjoy their reactions.

He would turn into a skuntank, letting his 'delightful' body aroma spread throughout the room.

The ones that had been unconscious woke up and began to vomit as soon as they smelled it.

Giggling in joy, Mew turned into a trubish this time, throwing a lot of reeking garbage near others.

Their reaction was as expected.

Last but not least, Mew took on the form of a Muk.

Expanding his size, Mew slid inside the room, filling it up completely as he covered all the enemy soldiers till only their heads poked out.

Up to this point, the ones that had remained concious lost it.

[What a wonderfull thing to spent the time with~]

Mew hummed, deciding to stay for a while, at least up to the time that Ains and the others decided to make their move.


A little later, Aldos had returned to collect Mew and relieve the poor enemies of the torture that Mew was giving them.

"Ains-san is about to make his move. It would be best if we returned."

[Awww, too bad.]

Mew hummed, returning to his base form and hanging about in Aldos's arms.

"I was also told that in the next sequence of events, Ains wanted to handle whatever was going to happen. He requested that Mew would remain as a bystander."

[Boo~Boo~ That's not nice!]

"You will have your fun later, Mew-sama. We still need to remove a troll from this world. After Ains-san has completed his objective, we will continue with ours as well. Once done, we can meet up with them at any time."


Agreeing up to this point, Aldos and Mew joined up with Ains, who was just about to make his move. Seeing the sullen figure of Mew, all pouting, Ains knew that Aldos had succeeded with the request.

"It's about time to switch."

Having said that, the scenery changed as they appeared on a grassy plain, standing opposite of them the enemy.