Mew becomes a creator

Mew was strictly scolded between closed door for more than a few days by Ains. The reason being the sudden creation of the Nekomimi ears and tails on the humans he had made an alliance with.

As well as ruining his image.

The latter being more important that the former.

Having to listen to Ains scolding, not only because Ains would be a bit pitiful if he didn't, but also because Aldos had helped Ains for once with the scolding.

Aldos was a big traitor.

Still, Mew enjoyed the time spent in the Tomb again, as well as visiting the village Ains had saved and helped.

Too bad his time was interrupted by a marching army who wanted to kill Ains and his friends.

Too bad, really.

Mew truly enjoyed watching the show.

From seeing Ains sacrificing a large part of the enemies army, as well as the allying soldiers who nearly shat their pants when one of the creations from the sacrifice was called closer.

Ains called it a precious baby goat.

Meh, everyone has their own tastes I suppose.

The view was amazing from the top of a baby goat.

Mew would look around with starry eyes as he emulated the movement the baby goat made every time they stepped on a human.

He really had lost all kind feelings for most of the humans in this world. He blamed Ains and his friends for this.

He was too easily influenced after all.

Then Mew's time to shine came.

A warrior Mew had met before, Gazef, challenged Ains to a duel. A PvP Ains called it.

A duel that was about to end as fast as a snap of the finger.

The duel started and the first thing Ains did was freeze time, with the only moveable people being Ains himself and Mew.

With a simple tap, Ains snuffed out the life of a powerful warrior.

[That is too bad. I really liked that guy.]

Mew said, as he saw the soul depart from the body.

Grabbing the leaving soul, Mew had a brilliant idea. If he said so himself.

Grabbing a Shikigami egg, as well as a random Pokemon egg from his Garden, Mew merged to two, allowing the soul of the fallen warrior to easily inhabit the egg.

The reason for the merge was simple.

Mew couldn't just put a soul in the egg, so he had to use a shikigami egg, something of divine nature to make it possible.

The result was a hatching pokemon egg.

Wait. Hatching?

Seeing his surrounding move again, the falling body of Gazef, a surprised looking Ains, a stunned crowd. Yep, time was moving again as it should be.

Looking at the hatching egg, Mew watched as a Riolu looked up at him and Ains in surprise.

The Riolu looked at his previous body, a hint of defeat in his eyes.

[Ahem. Riolu, no. Gazef, I am you father.]

Looking seriously at the confused Gazef, Mew burst out in laughter.

[No, seriously though. I am Mew, your creator, well ancestor would be a better word I suppose.]

Mew thought out loud, tapping his snout in deep thought.

[Anyway, you are a pokemon now, so enjoy your life. Bye!]

Chucking the new born Riolu, Gazef, in the Garden.

Acting as if nothing had happened at all, Mew landed on top of Ains shoulder, ignoring the burning gaze upon him.

The battle ended fast and Mew was once again forced to answer as to what he had done now.