Meeting old friends Pt. 3 A wedding

Ariving in Nanami's hometown, Mew was caught up in a truly auspicious event. It seems like Nanami and Tomoe were about to get married.

[It's been some time. I was wondering when they would get married. Now I get to go to my first wedding!]

Mew was as excited as could be, as he took out Akura-oh and his shikigami. Only those three were going with him this time, as they were as much part of this world as the other residents here.

"It has been some time since I have been here."

Akura-oh muttered, looking around at the joyous festival mood that was going on in the Shrine of Mikage, the god of matchmaking.

Akura-oh seemed to be a lot more at ease than before.

He had gone from the usual angry and ferocious mood to that of something calm and serene. It was strange to see really. It seems spending time with the Lugia offspring was a lot more relaxing than once thought.

While Akura-oh was enjoying the festivities and the stands of games and food on the side, Mew led Kaala and Voro, the Togruta shikigami through the Shrine, showing them what this place was like.

Not long after, they spotted Tomoe, Nanami and the other gods.

At that time, Akura-oh had joined him again, a small bouquet of flowers in his hands, which he quickly handed to Mew to give to the bride.

[Hehe, shy much?]

Mew smirked, wiping it of immediately as he joined the bride and groom, who seemed pleasantly surprised by the sudden presence of Mew.

Not tarrying any longer, Mew handed the bouquet to Nanami, who was already glad to see Mew, not even bothering to hid her smile at the sudden gift.

"I'm so happy you came! We didn't know where you went, neither did the other gods so the invite was just collecting dust on the table."

Nanami said, tucking Tomoe's arm in hers.

Tomoe looked slightly annoyed, even more so when he saw Akura-oh, but he didn't reply. Maybe that was for the better.

Akura-oh noticed the look, giving a slightly wry smile and stayed with Mew's shikigami pair on the side.

The looks he was getting from the attending gods did hurt him a little. Better to stay a bit out of sight.

Talking a little bit more with Nanami and Tomoe, Mew continued to watch the wedding from beginning to end.

At the end, Tomoe became human and Nanami returned her powers as a land god to its previous owner.

The once boisterous wedding calmed down, as almost all the attending guests vanished from their sight.

All the supernatural hidden from their eyes, as it should be.

[Happy human lives. Do enjoy it to the fullest.]

Seeing Mew on his lonesome self, Nanami wiped away her happy tears, giving Mew one final hug before he departed to the next place.