Just one more.... Just one

Entering the portal, Mew looked at the infinite space spreading before him, no doubt leading back to his original world.

Yet he didn't want to go back.

It was boring there, nothing to do and only being wary of humans trying to throw balls at him.

He didn't want to go back at all.

Yet he had to.

Or maybe he didn't.

He was bound to get scolded back home as soon as he could go back.

So what if he made a short visit at just one more world?

He had already put up fake trails, so even if Dialga, Palkia and Giratina came, they wouldn't be there to get him right from the start.

Smirking, Mew looked a bit deviantly towards the end of the stretching space.

[Just one more... Just one.]

Diverting from his course, Mew entered a bit above the planet he was going to, one stretched around with an infinite blue sea, with small dots covering the place. The only real distinction on this place being the red line stretching from one point of the globe to the other.

Feeling a tremor go through the world he was currently in, Mew giggled.

[Let's see how fast you are to get here, Arceus.]

Mew giggle continue as he decended down to the world below, wanting to first see what that red line was like. It was so present, he couldn't help but going towards it.

descending down to the red line, it became larger and larger, revealing its true for to be that of a mountain-ish wall. On one place there were buildings and even a palace.

It looked very pretty, but Mew couldn't help but frown at the horrible feeling he got from this place. The despair was almost tangible.

[This world is really messed up. Let's leave.]

Not wanting to stay here longer than necessary, Mew left to one of the places below in the sea.

Letting his senses spread, he could feel one place with more than a few thousand lifeforms on it.

[Let's go to that place. It looks interesting! Oh, but before I forget-]

Making a swiping motion, Gengar and his now full grown kids appeared.

Rem {Dad, what's going on?}

Ram {Something fun?}

Rex {Tone it down a bit, don't cause so much trouble.}

The three Mewtwo kids began to bicker, as Gengar only looked a bit exhausted, already knowing why they were back out again.

"A new world, is it?"

[It is, so let's go to this really crowded looking place. You all stay in my shadow, while I teleport us there.]

Sighing, Gengar did just that, as he pulled the three bickering kids into the shadow, following soon after.

[Let's go! It's adventure time!]

Giggling, Mew teleported to this really crowded feeling place, having no clue as to what he was triggering by going there.