Tony resolution

As he was still in confusion state, suddenly tony heard a sound in his brain

There was a rigorous electronic synthesis sound, which burst into Tony's mind!

"Found the target... bounding on the host...The god-level strengthing system was successfully bounded."

Who is hell is talking? what the freak is going on here

What is this god-level strengthening system?

Yinsen on the other side frowned, looking at the dazed guy on the stone bed not listening to him, angrily.

yinsen shouted tony listen to me we cannot escape from here its too dangerous the peole here are fully armed.

as he got out from it he looked around and then looked at yinsen he always felt bad when people died for him and yinsen was the first to sacrifice himself to protect tony.

If not for him he would never been alive still,he was not that, playboy, philanthropist" wasn't all Tony is or ever was, but he let it be. His natural showmanship and sarcastic were all that was played up missing everything else.

However, his softer side was always there. Exemplified in his relationships with Happy, Rhodey and the Bots. He was always deeply protective and reliant with those close with him, even if they did not like his life choices all the time. Pepper was smart enough to have gotten another job way before she becomes CEO of SI but that she always stayed with Tony speaks that he couldn't have been totally awful before that, Rhodey as well.

Tony was able to break out of this conditioning to some extent when he becomes Iron Man When Tony is faced with all of what he did the overwhelming guilt and responsibility he chooses to be something else and becomes Iron Man. This change also ignited his ability to make and create so many new things other than the weapons he had fallen into doing. He was faced with the idea he had to make amends for all of the destruction he played a role in causing and he becomes something amazing.

e made the choice to let his negative emotions change him into a hero, not just by being Iron Man but also with his money and inventions. He becomes able to show his light and more loving side even if only in small batches. Tony moved forward with Pepper, find (and to some extent lose) a family with the Avengers, Rhodey, Happy, and Peter.

Obviously, he can't kick all the bad habits he picked up, there is still the alcohol addiction and the sucking at communication skills. We know he recognizes that those make things worse, even when he can't always control it. In IM 2 he uses the behaviors themselves as a protective mechanism (which I venture they were partly the whole time) pushing away his friends to protect them and himself from his impending death.

The effects of never-ending trauma he experiences heighten his obsessive tendencies and worsen the negative emotions that catalyzed his transformation into Iron Man in the first place. The Mandarin and Ultron are the worst side effect of this. Mandarin was egged on by his own struggle in dealing with his PTSD this lost him his home and hurt Pepper. Tony attempts to move forward removing his arc reactor and blowing up his suites, but that isn't enough to fix his mental health issues. Ultron In A: AOU we see he changed from building himself suites to building autonomous suites. Ultron was a confluence of his previous trauma and Wanda forcing everything into overdrive by her mind manipulation. Then the actual robot was worse than Banner and Stark really ever thought it could be the Mind Stone not really being something they could ever have control,

He has


Body stims

The brain always runs faster than everything else, Can't focus at all or it's all he can focus on


Hyperfixations on technology, iron man suits etc

Hyperfocusing on his projects in the labs


Interrupts people all the time

Climbs all over stuff



Trouble focusing


Consistent stress

Control issues


Obsessive thoughts

on edge

panic attacks


Struggles with sleep

Visible nervousness



Disordered eating


Feelings of hopelessness

Feelings of worthlessness



Lack of self-care


Self-deprecating mindset


Self Isolating



Addictive personality

Affectivity problems

Allows himself to almost die

Creates false personalities

Control issues


Destructive behaviours with sex

Disordered eating

Extremely strong emotions


Interpersonal problems

Reckless behaviour putting himself in intentional danger

Seeks lots of attention

Self-destructive activities

Sensitive to how others see him

Struggles with taking care of himself

Unstable relationships

Unstable sense of identity. Over attaching it to his name "Stark" and "Iron Man"






Feelings of disconnection from other people

Inconsistent relationships


A misplaced sense of having to be a hero to everyone in a deeply personal vision and not an ideological system of beliefs

Manufactured beliefs to replace lost ones


Panic attacks


Self-destructive behaviors


Strong emotions

now he got through all his emotion as he knows every single detail that is going to happen in the future.