Building mark 1-2 -Iron Man - Cave Battle Scene - MARK 1 - Iron Man


Tony plugs a cable into the generator.


What are you shaving for? We're almost done yin.


(taking his time shaving)

Looking like an animal, and soon you'll start behaving like its better to shave and to look clean.

Tony throws a generator switch. The lights go up and down.

The finished RT device, wired to the generator cable, beginning to glow on the workbench.

Yinsen wipes his face and trails Tony to the workbench. He undoes the wires, holding up the glowing RT device.


That doesn't look like a Jericho missile.


That's because it's a miniature ARK reactor. The arc reactor is some kind of fusion reactor that has the ability to generate an electromagnetic field, provide clean energy, and blow things up. In the future, I use it for various purposes, primarily to recharge my armor and other electronic devices. I also notably uses it.It to suspend the shrapnel in my chest and keep it from entering my heart.


But I thought you got some kind of power that can heal your body, I did say that


well I am not sure how my power works yet and it is not good to rely on it, so far all my injuries have been healed and I also feel stronger than normal human than before now. last time I faced internal struggles- both mentally and physically. As I grappled with the legacy I wanted to leave, I was slowly killed by the very thing that was keeping me alive and powers the Iron Man suit- the arc reactor preventing shrapnel from entering his heart. my arc reactor was powered using a palladium core. Over time, the palladium was broken down by neutron damage, releasing deadly toxins into Tony's bloodstream. but this time I have something called this system which is helping me enhance my abilities and capabilities so I have to try out my theory now, whether can it cure poison.


It's pretty small, what can it generate?


Three gigajoules -- per second.Yinsen marvels.


That could run your heart for fifty lifetimes.


Or something very big for fifteen minutes.

Their eyes meet a moment, then --


Let's put it in. and yinsen helped tony to put the reactor inside.then he heard a sound in his head.

"Ding! The heart-strengthening +1 while recovering. Current progress: 10, entry-level at the current level."

"Ding! heart-strengthening +1 while recovering. Current progress: 11, entry-level at the current level."

"Ding! heart-strengthening +1 while recovering. Current progress: 12, entry-level at the current level."...........

"Ding! heart-strengthening while recovering. Current progress: 51, proficient-level at the current level."

until the notification stops, tony has never felt more alive than before he felt like he has immense energy to do anything and all happened just I used this version of arc reactor what will happen if I uses the later version with the. a brand-new element and seem like i will not sure from the side effect of using the palladium.

again there was a sound on heard which gave a huge smile on his face..

"Ding! poison resistance +1 while recovering. Current progress: 1, entry-level at the current level."

"Ding! poison resistance +1 while recovering. Current progress: 2, entry-level at the current level."

"Ding! poison resistance +1 while recovering. Current progress: 3, entry-level at the current level."

"Ding! poison resistance +1 while recovering. Current progress: 4, entry-level at the current level."


"Ding! poison resistance +1 while recovering. Current progress: 25, entry-level at the current level."

I have never seen a creation like this before what kind of system can do things like this as a mechanic and a techy he has gone more interested in finding the truth and full capabilities of this system my god this system is out of the world I always thought Jarvis and Ultron were my best ai creation.

Thinking of Ultron makes him feel bitter, Ultron is a mix of the most cutting edge Stark tech. I included all the features of the Iron Legion and even integrates J.A.R.V.I.S. into his makeup along with power derived from the Mind Stone. It's fair to say that he's a compilation of all my most powerful and dangerous inventions, including his arrogant attitude. Ironically, Ultron was intended as a peacekeeping program in the same spirit as the Iron Legion, but immediately upon gaining consciousness, he had other plans. He thought he had disposed of J.A.R.V.I.S. when he broke out of my software protection, but in a juicy slice of poetic justice, Ultron is eventually destroyed by Vision, who is made up (at least in part) by J.A.R.V.I.S.

this was one of the regret in my life creating a dangerous Ai which would have killed humanity.

I need to correct things that will happen in the future for his friends and family as he continued to work on the armor.


Pepper enters and is surprised to see Obadiah sitting behind Tony's desk, head in his hands.


Sorry, did I startle you?


A little...

He watches as Pepper swaps yesterday's unread L.A. Times and Wall Street Journal with todays. Her little vigil.

Stane rises, gazes out the windows at the vast Stark compound. Pepper comes up behind him.


This was a bad idea, I should never have let him go over there...

He starts to break down. She touches his shoulder.


Hey, hey...we've got to be strong, he's going to be okay.

He composes himself, nods.