025 - Lonely

Even if it was only a few hours, with the LoHP and its compiled books, he felt that he had enough fighting experience to breakthrough the Silver Rank.

So, when he was back to his room, he decided to cultivate in his bath and as expected he reached the peak of 5-Star Gold Rank.

{Tomorrow night after my date with Ning'er I'll go and record the books of the other families of Glory City}

For his fourth night without sleep, he first made the fifty copies of the ten papers concerning the Sacred Family.

Since there was still a lot of time before dawn, he made a few Inscription Scrolls for himself, then refined the blood crystals that he bought and put them back in ten jars of one thousand. He also used the Clearance Potion on all of the Inscriptions Scrolls he found in the Treasure Vault of the Ancient Orchid City Ruins.

Xiao Yan made 250 Black Gold Rank storage rings and 50 of the Legend Rank. The first ones were orders for the Inscriptionist Association, earning him 800 000 DSC each, and he planned to sell forty of the second ones at 8 Million DSC each even if he could probably earn more if he put them in Auctions.

He kept ten of the rings for his personal use and planned to buy a pair of matching ones.

Then he would transform them into storage rings for his parents because he didn't want to gift them some generic rings.

When uncle Tian called him for breakfast, he also had the rings he gave him yesterday, now containing only bottles of Silver Rank demon beast blood and demon spirits.

He didn't forget to give him a jar of refined Blood Crystals, he just needed to hold it in his hands while cultivating to absorb the soul force inside.

During breakfast he also gave three jars to his parents, two for them and one for the father of Xiao Ning'er.


In class, he noticed Ye Ziyun was now a 1-Star Bronze Rank Demon Spiritualist, she thanked him again for his cultivation technique.

He asked her, "You want to cultivate even faster?"

"Of course I do", she frowned, did he have an even stronger technique?

He took out two bottles of elixirs, "Here are ten Soul Tempering Pills and ten Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills", he then added a jar, "and here is a jar of refined Blood Crystals, please use them freely to be able to protect Glory City the soonest possible"

As he knew she would probably refuse, he mentioned the protection of the city since it was one of her goals in life.

As he expected, she first hesitated and then she clenched her teeth before taking everything in her ring.

She said, "Xiao Yan, if you ever need anything in the future, just ask me. As long as it's something that I can accomplish, I will help you"

He thought, {I need to fix her friendship with Ning'er, while I like the fact that I'm the only one Ning'er is close to, she must be really lonely when I'm not around, she should at least have another person to talk to}

"I happen to need you to do something, can you be friends with Ning'er again?"

She looked a little sad, hesitated, then remembered how close Xiao Yan seems to be with her, so she decided to tell him the truth, "Xiao Yan, the reason why I came in this class is because I heard that Xiao Ning'er was coming as well, I thought that I would be able to be close to her again. When I talked to her a few days ago, she completely rejected me. I really want to be friends with her again, but right now she is the one who doesn't want it"

He took her hands in his to caress them, "Sorry, I thought that it was just a little dispute between friends. I think that I understand why she reacted like that…", He then told her about the reason why she isolated herself and trained really hard to break off her engagement with Shen Fei, "I know that she also wants to be close to you again, it's just that she needs a little push. I'll talk to her after class, wait for us before leaving"

{So that's why she's so cold to everyone but Xiao Yan}, "Even if it doesn't work, thank you for trying and telling me her reasons", she then noticed that he was still caressing her hands so she quickly pulled them back while her face was getting wine red. She was too embarrassed to stay with him any longer so she went back to her seat.

Shen Yue was looking at the scene with burning jealousy, Ye Ziyun never allowed him to touch her and now another one caressed her hands?

{Someone from the little Winged Dragon Family dares to flirt with my Ziyun? I am the only one worthy of her! Just wait a little, I'll make you understand that there are people whom you shouldn't mess with!}

As usual, Xiao Ning'er brought a breakfast for Xiao Yan. He gave her a jar of Blood Crystals and during the class this time he studied various techniques in his LoHP.

When Shen Xiu finished her nonsense, he said, "Ning'er, I know that you are really happy when we are together, but I also know how lonely you are when I'm not with you. I can tell that Ye Ziyun really cares about you and I think she understands your loneliness. Even though most people think of her as a genius, in the eyes of her family it's far from enough. They have forsaken her and her father even went so far as to adopt another child to nurture him in becoming the next City Lord. When she heard that you were going to this class, she subscribed as well in order to have a chance to be close to you again, because you were the only friend that she ever had. So, can you give her a chance to be your friend again, so that I can also relax a little when I'm not with you?"

When she was listening to him, she was getting increasingly ashamed, {Even though it's not her choice to be alone, she's just like me. And yet I made her suffer even more…}