029 - First time

In the dining room, when his mother saw him she said, "Here is the troublemaker"

This time he knew what she was talking about, he smiled and said, "The three Legend Ranks?"

She nodded and said, "So, the next storm will be related to those two guests you brought to the family?"

"No, the next storm will come from the Sacred Family"

His father asked him with a concerned face, "Yan'er, you didn't help those arrogant people, right?"

"Relax, I'm not stupid, you'll understand soon enough"

He didn't give the papers he wrote on the Sacred Family earlier because it would have less effect if people talked about the new elixirs and the new Legend Ranks at the same time. He was going to do it tonight, and tomorrow the whole city would talk about it.

He took out three Legend Rank rings and gave them to his parents. The first one was green, for the father of Ning'er. The other two were identical dark red jade rings, his mother seemed more pleased about the fact that they were matching ones rather than the fact that they had one thousand cubic meters of space inside.

His parents were very interested in the Heavenly Fate Plateau so he told them everything he knew about the tribe and also the "Black Gold Portal" that he used to bring Xiao Kuang and Xiao Yang.

The dinner went on without them realizing the passing time.

Going back to his room, he didn't forget to ask uncle Tian to bring him fifty one envelopes.

In his bath, he was able to cultivate until the peak of 5-Star Black Gold Rank.

{I hope that with the libraries of the Sacred Family and the Divine Family it will be enough for me to reach the Peak of the Legend Rank}


As he finished putting the last stack of ten papers in the fifty first envelope, Xiao Ning'er came to his room.

After she closed the door, she ran to him and directly gave him a hug. She breathed in his smell and muttered in his arms, "I missed you"

Before he could talk, she put her hands behind his neck and kissed him passionately.

He started to move towards his bed without stopping their kiss and soon they were both lying on it.

When she finally had enough, she had a bright smile on her face and she told him about her afternoon with Ye Ziyun.

Apparently the two had a lot of fun and bought many matching clothes.

She took out a ring and said, "We also bought three identical rings to remember this day, one for each of us. Here is yours"

He observed the dark blue jade ring, it was indeed the same as one of the rings she had on her fingers.

He left the bed and went to his desk to quickly make three Inscription Scrolls, then called Xiao Ning'er over.

With a smile, he said to her, "I'll teach you how to make a storage ring when the scroll is ready to use"

Giving her his ring, he then positioned himself behind her with his head on her shoulder.

He whispered to her ear, "You need to put the ring here", then he took her right hand and guided it towards the right spot on the Inscription Scroll.

Pretending that he didn't notice that she was getting more and more bashful, he continued to explain her until she activated the scroll to transform the ring into a Legend Rank Storage Ring.

He then took the second ring from her fingers and did the same thing once more.

Putting the last scroll in the first ring, he then took the second ring and turned Xiao Ning'er for her to face him.

Taking her hands in his, he slowly put the ring back to where it was, he caressed her hands a little and put a kiss on it.

By now she was wine red, which made her even cuter. She didn't know why but she felt much more embarrassed than when they were kissing each other.

He took off the ring he had on his finger and put the one on the used Inscription Scroll in her hands, he said with a smile, "Your turn"

So she used her trembling hands to take his hand in hers and managed to put his ring on his finger with a lot of efforts.

She also put a kiss on his hands after caressing it a little, which made him laugh, making her realize that since earlier he was teasing her.

Pinching the skin on the top of his hand, she only stopped when he pretended to be in pain, making both of them laugh.

They had another round of kissing on his bed as none of them wanted to leave the other one for the moment.

He told her about the Ancient Orchid City Ruins and asked her if she wanted to go there with only him or with both him and Ziyun.

She instantly said together with Ziyun, as she knew her friend wanted to go on adventures outside Glory City. Then she wanted to add something but hesitated a little.

Her face was getting redder and redder, she finally said, "I want you to make me your woman tonight"

{Ah, I said it! I want to hide, it's so embarrassing, what's wrong with me? Of course he's going to refuse, we only got closer since a few days ago, he would think it's too early, he's going to think that I'm that kind of girl, why did I have to say that kind of thing…}

He was surprised at first, then looked at her in the eyes and simply asked her, "Are you sure?"

{I was going to wait a few more weeks before doing it to respect her feelings, but if she's like me and wants to do it now, I'll stop holding back}

When she nodded, he left the bed and quickly put some inscriptions all around his room.

He came back to see her with a puzzled expression on her face, so he explained, "It was some soundproof inscriptions, we can make all the noise we want, no one will hear us"

They kissed again but this time they also started to undress each other while doing so.