051 – Nether Realm

Xiao Yan took a paper, wrote "The entrance to the Nether Realm is in this direction" on it, then used the LoHP to check if it was true or not.

Since it wasn't, he turned a little, checked again and again until it became true.

Now aware of the direction he must take, he teleported a few times to the horizon until he found a cave entrance.

After going through a long tunnel of several thousands of meters underground, he finally arrived at the Nether Realm.

It was a vast cavern much bigger than Glory City, right under the St. Ancestral Mountain Range.

The light came from the rivers of magma between some cracks on the ground.

It wasn't that hot because of the high concentration of Nether Law.

There was fifteen cities here, in which were some human groups.

Most of them thought that it was impossible to live on the surface, so they choose to stay in this unwelcoming place for them.

Excluding the Nether Master, the only ones who knew of Glory City were the Dark Guild.

They kept the existence of the City hidden because there were a lot of groups, even humans, who were stronger than them. It was by fear that they would steal something that they already considered as theirs.

Xiao Yan didn't go to any of the cities, instead he went straight for a place called "Nine-Layered Death-lands"

It was an ancient battlefield of the long fight between humans and demon beasts during the Age of Darkness.

His target was the Spiritual Origin Fruits, a fruit which contained a huge amount of refined soul force but can only grow in places where there are mountains of corpses.

He started to spread his senses of 5-Star Legend Rank around to find the fruits and he quickly find the first one, it had the size of an apple with a snow white color.

With the analysis of the LoHP, he learned that the fruit had enough energy for a 1-Star Black Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist to become a 4-Star, meaning if that person ate three of the fruits he would break through to become a Legend Rank.

{So I need at least nine of it to officially become Ziyun's fiance. It would also be great to have some more for later}

Putting it in his storage ring, he continued to look for more.

The area was considered the most dangerous of the Nether Realm, so he didn't find anyone else while plucking the fruits.

After a few hours, he finished to check the whole area and he plucked a little more than one thousand fruits, exactly 1109.

{In the story, Nie Li came here in eight or nine months. Since he only managed to get a dozen fruits, there must have been a lot of people who came here before him}

He also found a Soul Mirror near one of the fruits, so he kept it.

It was an artifact capable of preserving the souls of the people inside of it indefinitely.

At some point, he came across a lake and remembered that it had a scarlet pearl that would be useful to the cultivation of Xiao Ning'er.

But for now he didn't know what that pearl was nor how to use it.

He knew that this lake was in fact a nest of Zombie Jiao-dragons, a kind of snake demon beast reaching Legend Rank once adult.

Like the Spiritual Origin Fruits, those demon beasts needed an environment full of corpses to mature.

Not hesitating, he merged with the Shadow Devil and dived into the water.

Rapidly reaching the deep, he then killed all the Zombie Jiao-dragons of the nest and put them all in his storage ring, he wanted to at least keep their blood and their demon spirits.

There were sixty-seven Black Gold Ranks and twelve Legend Ranks.

When he took the scarlet pearl from the forehead of the strongest one, he used the LoHP on it to know what it was.

"Wind Crystal" was the name of the object, it contained a lot of soul force of the wind element.

The crystal was in fact the result of a sinister technique used on someone to steal his cultivation by killing him in some kind of ritual, the red color coming from the blood of that person.

If someone with the same attribute were to use it to cultivate, he would need at most a few months to reach the same cultivation level as the person it was made from.

{Since Ning'er is Wind-Lightning attributed, she wouldn't be able to fully enjoy this thing. I'll give it to mom since she is Wind attributed, it will be much more useful for her}

{I don't care if someone had to die to make this crystal, it's not like I can bring him back to life}

{Moreover, with this, mom will quickly reach the peak of the Legend Rank even without the fruits}

Xiao Yan floated high in the air and observed the ground bellow. {Well, for now my business is done in the Nether Realm, I need to buy some things to add to the betrothal gift to Ziyun's family}

After making his decision, he teleported near the market of the Abyss Prison Realm.

He went to some specialized shops to buy all their stock of unrefined blood crystals.

There was one hundred thousand. Once refined, he planned to give it all to the Snow Wind Family.

As for his own family, he was going to wipe out the Silver Winged Family.

{Since they have a mine of blood crystal, they should have much more of it in their treasury}

He easily bought some maps of the surroundings to know where they were.

While flying in the direction of their territory, he thought, {It looks like I totally adapted myself to this world. I don't even feel strange at the idea of killing thousands of people by myself}

Halfway to his destination, he noticed three people running in the opposite direction, there were nine people chasing after them.

Using the LoHP on them to know of their identities, he was quite surprised of the result.