061 – Life Spiritual God

Xiao Yang just nodded to his son. He planned to do as he said, because the more he pleased his son, the most chances he had to have another "reward" from his wife.

Trying to convince himself, he thought, {And I also love Yan'er, my "reward" is definitely not as important as the happiness of my son!}

During dinner, he talked about the attack of the Dark Guild on the Star Restaurant and their loss of a hundred Gold Rank experts.

Xiao Yan didn't talk about his trip to the Nether Realm and the Abyss Prison Realm as he already told all of the details to his mother when they were together inside of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book.

His mother already told him about the attack, but his father was in such a good mood that Xiao Yan didn't want him to feel awkward, so he just listened to him.

{It must be because he reached the peak of the Legend Rank that he is in such a good mood}


Back to his room, he didn't take his bath but instead he teleported to school.

Looking for Nie Li, he found him sleeping in the dormitory and he put him in a deep sleep by hitting some of his acupuncture points.

He then brought him inside of his book-artifact and laid down some inscription patterns before activating them.

Right now, Nie Li was like the twelve bodies of the people from the Red Jade Family, a body with a soul but without any memories.

At the beginning, Xiao Yan didn't kill Nie Li because he thought that he would need his knowledge to fight against the Sage Emperor.

When he took the Artifact from him, he no longer needed his knowledge but he refrained from killing him because he wasn't evil, just really arrogant, and it would sadden his family.

Now that he learned the techniques about souls and memories from the Abyss Prison Realm and even used the LoHP to upgrade them, he could erase Nie Li's memories and then copy his own inside of him.

It was because Nie Li was like a ticking time bomb, endangering everyone who came in contact with him.

{In the story, he nearly wiped out his own family by provoking the Sacred Family without having the strength to withstand their anger, then he endangered Glory City by revealing the place of the Teleportation Array to the Patriarch of the Silver Winged Family}

{After that, he provoked Ye Han but didn't do anything to prevent him from taking revenge, leading Ye Zong to nearly die and the City to have a powerful family from the Nether Realm as enemy}

{Now that I think about it, he's really dangerous for everyone around him. The whole city was in danger with him around}

{Well, it's over now, even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to give him back his memories}

{I don't have any regret. I'm not a hero, I'm just a man who would do anything, even evil things, to protect the ones he loves}

He first made a soul seal on Nie Li, so that he wouldn't be able to betray him even if he wanted to.

Then he put one hand on his head and injected a copy of all his memories inside of him.

Xiao Yan used the LoHP on him and sent his cultivation technique into his mind, it was the complete version which would allow him to reach the peak of the Deity Rank. He checked his spiritual root and it was 7-Grade Earth.

{It's the same as in his first life, so it was the book-artifact that made it 9-Grade Heaven afterward}

{I should do the test for Ning'er and Ziyun, it may also be the pages that made it 9-Grade Heaven}

Then he brought him to the Heavenly Sacred Border, where Ye Yan was still comprehending his Law of Sacred Fire.

Looking at Nie Li, he said, "First reach the peak of the Legend Rank, then cultivate the Law of Life to see if your Divine Spark is going to be like mine"

Nie Li nodded and sat cross-legged to start cultivating.

Since he had the same understanding of the Law Energies as Xiao Yan, it only took a few minutes for him to become the Life Spiritual God.

He knew what Xiao Yan wanted to know, so he said, "My soul realm became the Divine Spark and is now only filled with the Law of Life. I absorbed all of the Law of Life around here and managed to form nine fate souls around my Divine Spark. They formed automatically, I didn't have to use any cultivation technique"

Xiao Yan suddenly understood something, {That's why the Nether Master and the other Spiritual Gods are still in the Heavenly Fate Realm after cultivating for hundreds or even thousands of years! If they cultivated the Heavenly Energy of the Draconic Ruins Realm, they would no longer be Spiritual Gods and would lose their immortality}

{From what I read from the books on the stages of cultivation after the Legend Rank, reaching the Deity Rank would also give immortality. They wouldn't die as long as their soul wasn't destroyed}

{But reaching that level needs a lot of resources and a powerful cultivation technique, not something they could have, so they chose to reduce their cultivation speed to keep their immortality}

{They might have never heard of the Deity Rank either}

Nie Li said, "Let's go to the little lake of the training grounds, I'm too dirty right now"

Xiao Yan looked at him, indeed, he was covered with sweat and some kind of black filth. He just broke through all the ranks, from not even Bronze Rank to the peak of the Legend Rank, so his body rejected nearly all of the impurities contained within. There was even a weird smell around him right now.

He said, "I'll go and write down the cultivation techniques for everyone of your family, I'll meet you at the lake when I finish"