095 – Dragon Knight

Taking the storage ring, Xiao Yan was shocked to find the painting named "Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains" inside.

{So it was him who secretly sold it to Nie Li because he couldn't unseal it}

He injected his soul force inside, which dissipated all of the seals.

The painting instantly recognized Xiao Yan as its new master when it felt his pure soul force.

Checking the world inside, he noticed that it was just like described in the story, only the size different, now much bigger than the Tiny World.

The ring also contained 10 Million Spiritual Stones and 6 000 Spiritual Stone Essences but nothing else.

{The crazy old man must've sold all of the treasures he found for these stones}

{Anyway, with that much money, once in the Draconic Ruins Realm I would be able to directly refine dragon bloodline demon spirits, saving me a lot of time}

Telling Xiao Tian to go back to the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, Xiao Yan then stop the time flow for his new clone.

{I've been doing too much things since I came to this world, I should enjoy my new life a little more}

{Now I should spend the most time possible with my two angels, I'll go back to the Nether Realm after taking care of the Abyss Prison Realm}


Xiao Yan teleported in front of Ye Zong's office in Glory City.

It was still late in the night and his father-in-law was doing paperworks with Ye Yan, Ye Mo, Ye Xiu and Ye Shuo.

Once they invited him in the room, Ye Yan asked, "Xiao Yan, do you know where did the Sacred Family go?"

That was what he came here for, so he started, "Yes, but for that I'll have to tell you about what happened to me last week. I was going to school when five Silver Ranks were tailing…"

He continued to tell them how he suspected them to be from the Dark Guild, that the last one confessed that he was hired by Shen Yue.

The teenager only kept secret the LoHP and the book-artifact but told them everything else, from how he discovered that they were going to launch a demon beast horde on the city to when they left for Black Rock City.

"At first I wanted Shen Hong to witness the fall of his family, but if he came to understand that we are much stronger than him, he would've created a real mess by spreading information about Glory City to the people of the Nether Realm. So I didn't dare to take any risk and went there to kill everyone"

The five men were surprised of such ruthlessness from a teenager and were glad that he was an ally.

He then gave a soul mirror to Ye Shuo and explained him how to use it, "There's the soul of an Elder from the Sacred Family inside"

{It's not like I need two of it. And someone with a job like his will need it more than me}

Then he took out Shen Hong who was still unconscious, "I thought that maybe you'd like to interrogate him. I already crippled his cultivation. Everyone else from the Dark Guild of Black Rock City are dead"

After a few moments of shock, Ye Shuo took the fallen Patriarch out and Ye Mo asked, "Are you sure you killed their leader?"

"Yes, the demon lord, Gui Sha, Long Sha and everyone else are dead"

His grandfather-in-law suddenly cried from happiness, he felt a huge burden lifted from his shoulders.

Hesitating a little, he then took something from his storage ring and gave it to the youngster, "Xiao Yan, this demon spirit is one of the reasons the Demon Lord held so much hatred for Glory City. It was the treasure of his adopted family but they gave it to us before he exterminated them. Since he's dead you should be the one having it"

At first Xiao Yan thought that it couldn't possibly be better than the ones he refined with the Nightmare Demon Pot, but he understood just how wrong he was when he checked it, {It's a God Level Growth Rate Mutated Primordial Dragon Knight! Even with the pot I would have trouble refining something like this as I simply don't have Primordial Bloodline demon spirits! The ones I'm refining are all Ordinary Bloodlines, and even in the Draconic Ruins Realm I would only found Ancient Bloodlines. If by some great luck I ever find some Primordial ones, I would definitely not have enough to refine them with the pot}

Xiao Yan sincerely thanked the old man, he knew that this demon spirit was priceless, even for him.

He didn't dare to try his luck and directly integrated with it, in case something unexpected happened.

{I should also refine a Fanged Panda, both the Shadow Devil and the Dragon Knight would draw too much attention when I enter the Divine Feathers Sect}

{First I would need to become a Heavenly Axis Realm expert before using them publicly}

Turning to Ye Zong, he said, "In the treasury of the Dark Guild I found a soul mirror inside which were the souls of three sisters: Lin Lan, Lin Yu'er and Lin Ziyan"

When Ye Zong heard the name of his dead wife, he instantly stood up, "What?!"

Xiao Yan continued, "This confirmed that they were assassinated by the Dark Guild and I think that the Demon Lord planed to threaten you with it. Anyway, I'll be able to create the new bodies to put their souls in, but I'll need a few weeks for that. Please don't tell anything to Ziyun, I want it to be a surprise"

It was now the City Lord's turn to cry from happiness, he always blamed himself for her death as he knew it was someone who wanted to make him suffer who killed her.

When he calmed down, his son-in-law gave him a stack of papers, "I prepared this to help Legend Ranks in understanding the laws without revealing the secret about inscription patterns, this way the city will also be able to have some Demigod Rank experts"