101 – A clone's life - 21 - Xiao Tian - 01

Looking at Xiao Yu, Xiao Tian thought, {Why the hell did the people in the story believed that she was a boy? While it's true that she has small breasts, it's cute in its own way}

He didn't have to remember the story as he now had even more knowledge than the previous Nie Li.

Writing down her new cultivation technique, he said, "The reason why you didn't breakthrough after all these years is because you are using an incomplete version of "Myriad Dragonroars", which is not suitable for women. If you continue like this, you'll have to cultivate a few more years before stepping into the Heavenly Fate Realm"

Shock filled her face, "You can tell my cultivation technique?"

"Yes. But don't worry, part of the energy you cultivated during these years is still in your body", giving her the scroll, he continued, "From now on you should use this technique and it should trigger that energy"

Trusting him, she sat down and started cultivating the new technique.

Just like he said, after a few minutes she became a 3-Fate Heavenly Fate.

She excitedly thanked him but he said, "It's not over, your body may look fine but I'll need to massage your meridians twice a day for one or two weeks to completely heal your internal injuries"

This time he was obviously lying but due to what just happened she believed him.

A few minutes later she was letting out moans of pleasure as he was using the Daoyin Technique on her.

Soon she was naked in his arms and she started to kiss him.

He returned the kisses but didn't dare to go any further, so he pleased her with his hands until she lost consciousness.

Xiao Tian knew that the tattoo she had on her chest was in fact a Void Spiritual Array.

{Her biological father put it on her several million years ago and sent her through time and space to protect her from the Sage Emperor}

{Both of her parents sealed their cultivation within her bloodline to help her in the future}

{She would receive their inheritance when she becomes a Martial Ancestor or when she loses her virginity}

{I don't know what will happen once I take her virginity}

{Would she directly become a Deity Rank or would her biological father talk to her, ruining the intimate mood we would be in?}

{I better first wait for her to fully fall in love with me before taking it to the next level, or else I might forever lose the chance to be close to her}

Thinking about that, he held her in his arms and quickly fell asleep.


After the massage of the morning, he noticed that Xiao Yu seemed to be disappointed.

Understanding what it was about, he kissed her and said, "Yu'er, don't misunderstand me. I also really want to do it with you, its just that if you lose your virginity right now, it may worsen your injuries and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, so wait until you have fully recovered, okay?"

She accepted to wait with a bright smile on her face, confirming him that he was right.

They spent the rest of the day shopping and she started to wear women's clothes.


A week later, they finally took their relationship to the next level.

Once they were taking a little break after a few hours of fun, the space-time inscription pattern on her chest activated and her mind was sucked inside.

He knew that her father was talking to her and that one hour here might be one minute in the array, so he didn't dare to interrupt them.

Sitting a little away from her, he calmly looked at her in case something unexpected happened.

A short while later, her cultivation started to increase, making breakthroughs after breakthroughs.

After three hours, it stabilized at Stage-3 Deity Rank.

{Well, that may have been enough million years ago, but right now it's definitely not enough to start the war against the Sage Emperor}

Xiao Yu opened her eyes and started to cry.

He took her in his arms and once she calmed down, she told him that she met her biological father.

She told Xiao Tian everything: the technique her parents cultivated, why they sealed their cultivation inside of her and the fight against the Sage Emperor.

What surprised him was that she refused to use the "Heaven's Divination" Cultivation Technique, she simply said, "I don't want to know the future, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you"

Since she was already his other half, he told her that Xiao Yan had a way to hide from the Sage Emperor and that he would be able to take care of everything.

They were both Deity Ranks, they couldn't go back to the Draconic Ruins Realm or else they would be hunted by the Deity Rank demon beasts.

She didn't seem unhappy but was instead really pleased that they would stay together.

Xiao Yu didn't want to let someone else do her 'work' of leading the new students to the Divine Feather Sect, but now she had an excuse to stay in the Tiny World without sounding selfish.


Since Xiao Yan gave the two of them one month, they decided to continue enjoying themselves in Glory City until the very end of that one month.

One day they found out that she was pregnant.

Looking at the happy Xiao Yu, Xiao Tian thought, {I spent so much time cultivating in the TDSB that I forgot to use the contraceptive technique when we did it!}

{Thankfully she already wanted to bear my children...}


Ming Fei was happy that his foster daughter finally knew of her biological parents.

He didn't mind her relationship with Xiao Tian but was instead eager to have grandchildren.

Xiao Yu also told him about the Sage Emperor and that left him lost in his thoughts.

He then decided to go back to the Divine Feathers Sect himself instead of sending someone else.


Since her father would leave for five years, Xiao Yu wanted to get married before his departure.

Xiao Tian didn't mind and they had their wedding in Nether City a few days later.