109 – How to deal with perverts

They soon reached a courtyard with two little houses.

After leading the group inside of one, Ming Fei gave each of them five Spiritual Stones and said, "This is where Xiao Yu used to live, the sect provides five Spiritual Stones each month to students with Heaven Spiritual Roots. You should cultivate here for a few hours while I finalize your registrations. This house only has three bedrooms and it isn't enough for everyone to live here, so I'll also find a new place big enough to rent for you guys"

Since they didn't have anything else to do, they all sat cross-legged and started cultivating.

Xiao Yan already gave everyone a suitable cultivation technique to reach the peak of the Deity Rank.

He also took one of the stones and started to replace his soul force with Heavenly Energy.

The laws around his soul realm didn't seem affected by this, so he concluded that he would always be able to use them.

But he was faced with a problem, he emptied the stone of its energy in just a few seconds and his cultivation nearly didn't rise!

He took his remaining four stones and carefully observe his cultivation before taking their energy.

After absorbing everything, he knew that he would need around 1 000 Spiritual Stones to form each of his fate souls.

Thought, he didn't regret already using everything he had in the Tiny World.

He could also become a Dao of Dragon expert in a few minutes if he used the energy sealed inside of the Thunder God Meteorite Sword.

But then what? He wouldn't be able to enjoy himself by fighting enemies of his level and it would be really boring.

Xiao Yan thought, {This time I won't make the same mistake and I will fully enjoy my growth!}

He observed his friends for a moment to know if they would need the same amount of cultivation resources as him.

A little while later, he calculed that they would need 100 Spiritual Stones for each of their fate souls.

Even if he used more stones, he just needed a few seconds to use each stones whereas his friends needed much more time.

Their speed was slower than his but it was also way faster than other people.

They should be able to form their first fate soul in one week if they had enough stones.

He also knew that it could be faster if they used purer forms of Heavenly Energy.


While he was lost in his thoughts, someone knocked on the door and a girl's voice was heard, "Big brother Xiao Yu, are you here?"

Apart Xiao Yan and his clones, everyone else was confused and all thought, {Isn't Xiao Yu a girl? She was even pregnant and had her baby a few days ago!}

They looked at Xiao Yan for an answer as they knew she was his sworn brother Xiao Tian's wife.

The latter smiled bitterly and said, "Before meeting Xiao Tian, she made herself look like a man. Excluding her father, nobody in the sect knows that she's a girl"

The eyes of the girls lighted up as they imagined a deep romantic story.

Huang Yan walked to the door and said, "He isn't here"

The girl then opened the door, curiously looked at him and said, "Really? Who are you?"

"We are his friends from the Tiny World. His father would come back in a short while so you can stay if you want"

She instantly agreed, then said with a slight bow, "Oh right, where are my manners? I'm Huang Ying, big brother Xiao Yu's… friend"

As she finished her sentence with a red face, they understood that she was in love with "him".

Lu Piao and some of the bachelors were speechless when they saw her.

Even if it was below Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er, she was still a peerless beauty!

They couldn't help but lament in their heart, such a beautiful girl was going to be heartbroken when she would learn the truth!

What would happen when she'll be learning learn that not only is Xiao Yu a girl, but she is already married and is also a mother!

The girls started to introduce themselves.

They had decided to first become her friend as they knew that even if they told her the truth, she wouldn't believe them.

When she saw Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er, she tensed up before finally sighting of relief when they presented themselves as Xiao Yan's fiancees.

She thought that they were going to steal her Xiao Yu!

Xiao Yan used the LoHP on her and gave her suitable cultivation technique to Huang Yan, the rest was up to him.


While the girls were talking to each other, someone opened the door without even knocking.

After the newcomer saw Huang Ying, he said, "Ying'er, I knew that you'd be here after I learned that the people from the Tiny World arrived! You should stop following Xiao Yu! What's so-"

Suddenly, Xiao Ning'er appeared in front of him, grabbed his head and knocked it hard against her knee.

Disoriented with a face full of blood and missing teeth in his mouth, he couldn't understand what happened when she made her next move.

She gave him a powerful knee strike between the legs!

He felt so much pain that he crouched down on the floor like a shrimp while crying in pain.

Right now, Xiao Ning'er was really proud of herself.

From the little she heard and the annoyed expression of Huang Ying, she knew who he was: a pervert pursuing her and jealous of Xiao Yu.

She also knew where this was going: there would be some drama before Xiao Yan got fed up and beat him up.

Since she felt that she was stronger than him, she decided to be the one to strike!

It was also the right moment for her to show Xiao Yan that he could rely on her.

Not to mention that Huang Ying was also her new friend!

Chen Yin already taught her that she needed to fight for her beliefs, people would only take advantage of her if she did nothing.

It was also her mother-in-law who taught her these moves and how to deal with annoying perverts: strike between the legs!