112 – Saint Soul Grounds

The fight didn't go the way the girl expected, she lost in just a few moves.

She didn't think that she, who was nurtured by the Dragonseal Family, would lose to someone of her age who didn't even have any background!

It was the first time she found someone stronger than her.

She thought, {Since he was the one who asked it first, he would accept to do it again, right?}

Right now, she couldn't help but respect him, she got up and said, "I lost. I'm Long Yuyin, may I know your name?"

Long Yan smile and said, "Long Yan"

She asked him with an excited face, "Can we spar again?"

Instead of mourning in her defeat, she was instead really excited to finally find an objective!

That was just what he wanted, so he agreed but this time he started to tell her whenever she made a mistake.

She still lost in a few moves, but she carefully analyzes what he said before she began attacking again.

Long Yuyin could tell that her techniques were getting better and better after each lost thanks to his advices.

That made her more and more excited.

Lu Piao couldn't help but exclaimed, "Just what is Long Yan doing?"

Someone who was watching the scene next to him said with a voice filled with excitement, "He is courting her!"

The lazy youngster was quite doubtful, "Is that really a flirting technique?"

"You don't understand!", the excited youth then began to describe her, "Long Yuyin has a cold personality. She…", and after he finished, he concluded, "Apparently he found a way to tame her, that Long Yan is a pure genius!"

Feeling "enlightened", Lu Piao put one arm around the guy's shoulders, "Really? Hehe, brother, I'm Lu Piao, I think we should have some talks!"

"So you're like us!", "I'm Gu Bei. Brother Lu, it's a shame we didn't meet earlier!"

Since the spar didn't seem to end anytime soon, Xiao Yan decided to leave.


Xiao Yan took everyone else to the Saint Soul Grounds.

They needed to form their fate souls to be able to go on adventures outside of the institute!

This testing ground was in fact a spiritual well upon which was a huge altar with one hundred ninety-nine steps and a wide open platform on the top.

It usually represents your ability to communicate with Heaven and Earth.

The higher you went, the denser was the Heavenly Energy but also harder to cultivate.

Most of the people only had the right to stay here two hours each month.

There is a ranking, allowing people to stay longer and even giving them rewards if they ranked at the top 5.

The allowed time became six hours if you ranked in the top 200, twelve hours for the top 150, one day for the top 100, two days for the top 50 and three days for the top 20.

The group started to climb the steps.

Around the 100th step, some started to have trouble climbing any further.

By the 120th step, only Xian Yan and his clones could continue.

When they arrived at the 130th step, Ying Yan "recognized" a girl who was cultivating cross-legged, so he went up to her.

It was Ying Yueru, Nie Li's master in his previous life.

Feeling something, she opened her eyes and looked at Ying Yan, then after a few seconds her face became bright red as she stood up.

She shyly said, "I'm Ying Yueru. Nice to meet you… husband"

Xiao Yan and his clones rapidly understood what just happened.

She cultivated the Heaven's Divination Cultivation Technique, which allows her to calculate destiny.

Just now, she probably checked the future of Ying Yan, in which she saw herself as his wife doing various… stuff.

Ying Yan also presented himself and then he kissed her.

Just a peck at first, and then it became more and more passionate.

A few minutes later, having trouble breathing, they stopped and looked at each other.

She then took him by the hand and they left the Saint Soul Grounds, under the amazed eyes of everyone.

Before they left, Xiao Yan didn't forget to use the LoHP on her and gave the compiled cultivation technique to Ying Yan.

{Well, if she doesn't want to have a meaningless death by the Sage Emperor's lackeys…}


The clones climbed until the 150th step and Xiao Yan continued climbing higher and higher until he finally reached the top.

As he started to cultivate, he could tell that he would form his fate soul in a day.

He decided to stay here until Redsoul's lesson a little less than three days later.

After that he would be able to have some fun!

So he informed his fiancees and his friends that they could do whatever they wanted after they used their time.

He only asked them to not go to the other two testing grounds without him.

To Duan Jian, he also gave him a storage ring and some instructions.


When Xiao Yan stopped cultivating, he still had around six hours left to cultivate here for this month.

His cultivation was now at the peak of 2-Fate Heavenly Fate.

Yun Yang, Wang Yan, Huang Yan and Gu Yan were at 5-Fate.

The two who came later, Long Yan and Ying Yan, at 4-Fate.

The reason for such disparity between him and his clones was because of his cultivation technique that only allowed him to cultivate the purest form of energy, so he needed much more cultivating resources than them.

He was quite surprised that nobody even tried to recruit him when they left the testing grounds.


Reaching the class's courtyard, his two fiancees jumped in his arms.

Yun Ling and Wang Yi did the same with their lovers.

Everyone was now a Heavenly Fate expert.

Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun were even 2-Fate Heavenly Fate.

Duan Jian gave each of the newcomers a storage ring, finishing by Xiao Yan as he said, "Master, I sold the thousand of demon spirits you gave me at 50 Spiritual Stones each like you asked. I only sold a few dozens before a big fish named Li Xingyun came and bought the rest. I told him that you'd have other demon spirits in a few days and he said he would like to buy them all"