114 – Business

Xiao Yan recalled what he knew of Li Xingyun.

{He is a member of the Ashen Flames Family, one of the top three families of the Sect}

{A few years ago, Li Yufeng, the son of the previous Patriarch, integrated with the only Dragon Bloodline God Level Growth Rate that the family had}

{That demon spirit was meant for Li Xingyun!}

{Since then, he is the person he hates the most}

{Rigth now his Heavenly Path League is one of the strongest forces of the young generation}

{Even if Li Yufeng is currently stronger than him, that's not the case for the forces they have}

When they sat down and Li Hu closed the door, Xiao Yan said, "Brother Li Xingyun, I won't beat around the bush. In a few days I'll have a few hundreds of Excellent Growth Rate Dragon Bloodline Demon Spirits, how much will you be able to buy at the market price?"

Li Xingyun thought a little and said, "I would like to buy two-hundred of them, that would make 200 000 Spiritual Stones"

Xiao Yan gave him a storage ring, "Here are one-thousand Ordinary God Level Growth Rate Demon Spirits, a gift from me. From now on I'll sell you demon spirits at half the market price. Of course, you can sell them again to make some benefits. I'll have much more demon spirits in the future so don't worry about the supply. If I may give you an advice, don't give the Ordinary Bloodlines to your followers and wait to have the Dragon Bloodline ones for them"

He was stunned by what Xiao Yan just said, were good things that easy to have?

Why didn't he ask this to anyone else who was in the sect for a few years?

He had to know, so he asked, "Why me?"

"Because you are one of the few who doesn't use his force to bully the weak"

As if he understood something, Li Xingyun nodded and then Xiao Yan left.

He could've made the price even cheaper, as it would cost him only 100 Spiritual Stones to duplicate a demon spirit with the Philosopher's Ring.

But they just met, so he couldn't be too generous or else Li Xingyun would suspect him from having hidden motives.


The next stop was the Saint Soul Grounds.

He went on the top of the altar and started cultivating.


After using up all of his remaining time in the Saint Soul Grounds, his cultivation rose to 3-Fate Heavenly Fate.

He was surprised to see Li Xingyun and Li Hu waiting for him outside of the training grounds.

"Brother Xiao Yan! I learned that Gu Heng sent all of his Heavenly Fate underlings to the Ghastly Ruins to hunt your friends!"

Hearing that, Xiao Yan couldn't help but grin, {Finally!}

But then he thought, {Damn, they must be enjoying themselves without me! I hope they haven't killed all of his underlings yet!}

Seeing his anxious face, Li Xingyun thought that he was afraid for his friends, so he reassured him, "Don't worry, I can mobilize the Heavenly Fates of my Heavenly Path League, they are much stronger than Gu Heng's and they can arrive in a few hours to help you"

That was just how he was.

Since Xiao Yan gave him such a good business opportunity, he would of course help him when he was in trouble!

Xiao Yan said, "Thank you brother Li, but that won't be necessary. I can fight against Heavenly Axis cultivators if I go all-out, even thousands of Heavenly Fates can't handle me. But I really appreciate your help, you are a good person. Here is a gift"

He pointed his finger to his head and sent him the cultivation technique most suitable for him, then did the same for Li Hu.

At first, Li Xingyun thought that Xiao Yan was just too proud to accept his help.

But when he looked at the technique he just received, he understood that he really didn't need any help.

If he could have even better techniques than what the top three families couldn't even dream of, surely he also had some ways to protect himself against stronger experts, right?

Noticing that he understood, Xiao Yan just said, "I'll see you in three days", and left.


Inside of the Ghastly Ruins, he first started to search for his fiancees.

The little realm seemed void of other cultivators and he only saw Ghouls.

A few minutes later, he found a group of nearly twenty unconscious naked students.

They were all beaten black and blue.

He checked their identity using the LoHP and understood what happened.

One of them was Hu Yong, the previous fiance of Long Yuyin.

{He must have been looking for Long Yan, because he is "courting" her…}

Another six were Xiao Yan's classmates.

One of them, Wang Yang, was also part of the twenty new disciples who were behind Hua Ling a few days ago.

{Hua Ling can be considered as the leader of the young generation of the whole Little Heaven Realm, he probably asked him to spy on us and to look for trouble if possible}

{He must have formed a sort of alliance with the other five}

{They followed our group to the Ghastly Ruins and found Hu Yong with his lackeys who were looking for Long Yan, so they helped him}

{Well, the plan was perfect if only Long Yan was as weak as they thought}

Looking at their sorry state, Xiao Yan nodded.

Back then, he told his friends that if someone dared to try to steal them, they had to beat him ruthlessly and then steal everything they had, be it clothes, artifacts, storage rings or soul scales.


It only took him a few more minutes to find what he was looking for.

There was a huge battle involving hundreds of people and the spectating crowd was also numbered in hundreds.

All of the students currently in the ruins were here!

Xiao Yan let out a sigh of relief.

The battle wasn't over!