142 – Three Demon Sects

After dealing with Gu Heng, Xiao Yan spent the next few weeks peacefully, waiting to promote to the Eastern District with his friends.

As the places were normally limited to only five students from Redsoul's class, Xiao Yan talked to Ming Fei about it.

In the end, they all went to the Central District.

From another sect point of view, it was like becoming core disciples.

Nobody badmouthed about favoritism as they knew Xiao Yan's group already had the skills to go there.


Xiao Yan's current eleventh body of the Supreme Puppet Master's Stone, Xuan Yu, was now at the Peak of the Deity Rank.

He teleported to the Eight Desolate Peaks in his void-form and let Xuan Yu out of the Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting.

The six Deity Rank demon beasts that stood guard there were easily killed with his Purple Mist Sword.

They were the underlings of the Sage Emperor, ordered to survey the Draconic Ruins Realms and to kill any new Deity Rank expert of the human race.

Since thousands of years, they killed countless humans who just made a breakthrough.

It was no wonder that they couldn't defend themselves against someone at the peak of the Deity Rank and who on top of that had fighting techniques tempered by the LoHP.

After taking their bodies and their treasures with him, he went back to the painting-artifact.

There, he took out the seven fragments of the Myriad Ancestor Sword, the Sacred Demon Blade and various other materials like some of the Deity Rank Demon Beast Blood he just acquired.

He melt everything and started forging two new overpowered weapons.

A few hours later, he finally finished.

Xiao Yan named them the "Vampiric Cultivation Sword" and the "Enslaving Spiritual Sword".

The first one was even more powerful than the Thunder God Meteorite Sword and also produced a Vampiric Pill from the killed enemies.

There was another space integrated in the sword where the pills would appear.

With this sword, he could now directly kill Heavenly Fate, Heavenly Star and Heavenly Axis experts, not giving them the chance to form a new body or to reincarnate because their very soul would be annihilated.

The second one was more simple, it was just an ethereal sword.

If he stabbed an unconscious enemy with it, he wouldn't be physically hurt but he would have a soul seal on him.

Xiao Yan would no longer need to lay inscription patterns to convert his enemies.

But this one could only be used one thousand times before it needed to be recharged with energy.

Both swords could be kept in the soul realm and he fused them with his main body.


While the first battles against Gu Heng's Blood Moon League were really exhilarating, that didn't last long because their cultivation was decreasing really fast.

That's why Xiao Yan decided to take care of Li Yufeng's Wind Intent League by himself.

He hoped that the latter would be able to entertain him long enough.

Due to Li Xingyun becoming the first-in-line successor of the Ashen Flames Family, some of the elders helped Li Yufeng into strengthening his league.

They believed that he could still make a comeback and defeat his rival.

Right now, the Wind Intent League wasn't as strong as Li Xingyun's Heavenly Path League or Long Tianming's Celestial Dragon Guards, but it still had nearly forty thousand members.

Xiao Yan started by the ones who were defended by the weakest underlings.

If he started by the strongest, it would scare the others and they would flee, spoiling his fun.


After a few months, the Wind Intend League disbanded and they all became Gu Bei's underlings.

Xiao Yan sighed with satisfaction.

He didn't have that much fun since the battle of Demon City back in the Tiny World.

When his enemies started to beg him to stop, he used his Enslaving Spiritual Sword to put soul seals on them.

They all received their compiled cultivation techniques and enough Spiritual Stone Essences to become stronger than they ever were.

A lot of them became Dao of Dragon experts, making the Blue Wing League as strong as the forces of Li Xingyun and Long Tianming.


The next targets were the three Demon Sects.

While one of his bodies continued to spend time with his fiancees, Xiao Yan used the other ones to attack the Deity Lakes owned by the Demon God Sect, the Pentastrike Demon Sect and the Scarlet Moon Sect.

This time, he used his Vampiric Cultivation Sword to kill the demons.

They couldn't form new bodies in the Soul Halls of their sects as they were directly annihilated.

He didn't take the Deity Roots from the Deity Lakes but instead told Xuan Yu's underlings to defend them.

Each new Deity Lake would be defended by two Martial Ancestor Realm experts.

When Xiao Yan finished taking down all of the three sect's Deity Lakes, they still weren't alarmed.

After all, the ones defending the lakes were at most Heavenly Axis experts.

The Dao of Dragons and Martial Ancestors stayed in their sects to either cultivate or to do their job as elders.

Xiao Yan brought Murong Yu to his painting-artifact and activated the TDSB before starting to cultivate.

Murong Yu went to the peak of Stage-9 Dao of Dragon while Xiao Yan stopped at the third stage.

They fought each other day and night until he felt satisfied and started again for the Martial Ancestor Realm.

During his fights with the remaining forces of the three sects, he first killed the weakest experts.

The stronger ones were so angered that they didn't think of fleeing and in the end all of them died.

All of the territories he just conquered would belong to Xuan Yu and his Sky Origin Divine Clan.

He didn't loot their treasuries as he already took what interested him when he came here for the first time.

For now, he let Hua Ling in charge with the remaining of the four thousand former slave-traders and their guards.

The two thousand former slaves were still in the painting-artifact.