Return of Supreme
Chapter 61: Time to die
Mo Yuanjun waved his hand and took out a various talisman, fire/flame balls, and lighting balls, to throw it at the beast who is trying to attack
It's not just the beast who have legs are the problem as there are many beasts who have wings who could fly and use their long tail as a canon ball to attack and blew the head/objects in the way
The beast howled as Mo Yuanjun sword its skin and then slashed his neck away from his body
Right now, Mo Yuanjun is going all out with his skills
He has a sword on both of his hand to kill beast who try to come from any side and web strings to cover up his blind spots
With poison on his web strings, every time a beast tries to attack or get touched by the string they lose their life slowly-slowly
A big heavy object crashed at Mo Yuanjun from his left side and got send way far into the forest
He crashed into trees and giant boulders on his way and finally, he stops
"damn, that was one hell of a power" Mo Yuanjun said as he stood up but still the power of that attack made him wobble a bit
In front, a giant beast came.
It was a mammoth, from pre-historic time, but the only difference in the earth one and the one in front of him is the size
It's big, 3 times the normal one
And its tusk (front teeth) was just way sharper and longer than he or we all could ever imagine
"So, the big guys have come huh?" Mo Yuanjun said as he also saw few more mammoths and saber-tooth with some other giant birds, prehistoric ones such as Eudimorphodon, Pteranodon, etc
a massive number of saber tooth jumped at him
Mo Yuanjun let a deep breath out and then he held his sword firmly
'Seems like its time to die' Mo Yuanjun said as he waved his sword at the beast
Mo Yuanjun waved his sword and killed a saber-tooth but the other were able to get near
He did use his sword and web string to kill other beast or keep them busy but still one of them was able to get close to him
He came near his left leg and bit it as hard as possible
But Mo Yuanjun is not that idiot to not put any last defense measure
He used those web strings to cover his whole body under the clothes, his body may look like its defenseless but if you could zoom enough you could see thousands of strings around his skin
Protecting it from any harm as they all are embedded in Qi
But still, the jaws of saber tooth had more strength than his embed Qi
Mo Yuanjun screamed in pain as the saber tooth tried to rip his left leg apart
This gave other beasts to also attack as Mo Yuanjun lost his calm and he was all unguarded
The whole group of beast roared as they all jumped at him
But Mo Yuanjun is still not dead
He pierced his sword on the head of saber tooth who attacked his leg and then pierced his another sword from the front of his chest (near the shoulder) to the mouth of other sabertooth who was trying to tear his hand apart
Mo Yuanjun waved his web strings as wildly as possible and slashing/cutting each and every beast that was near him
Sweat dripped from his face as tried to calm his heart and threw away the body of that beast around him
But the battle hasn't ended yet
There are still many beasts around him
"Let's use it" Mo Yuanjun said as he looked the beast all around him
He took a deep breath and then said
"15 strikes to destroy heaven, 11th strike- Ripple"
At that moment, the amount of Qi around Mo Yuanjun increased so heavily that all beasts could sense a strong danger from him
And then, an Omni-directional (full 360) blast took place
Trees, rocks, ground, beasts, birds, etc-etc, everything got caught in this attack, and everything was destroyed
What was left behind is a man and around him, the ground has ripple-like effects
All saber tooth and other winged beasts, which were on their way to kill Mo Yuanjun, are dead and buried under the debris
"huff-huff, has it ended?" Mo Yuanjun asked him as he looked around
. . .
To be continued-