Erlangga's frustration

Ayunda left them immediately. She didn't want to look so pathetic when they saw her tears fall down her cheeks.

This is truly a horrific event, no one would want to experience it.

Ayunda stopped where it looked deserted. He was crying bitterly at that time.

(How is that possible...?! Why is he so hard on me?). Her heart ached when she found out that the man she called her husband had the heart to betray her.

"Excuse me miss, are you okay?" A man asked her at the time.

Ayunda raised her head and saw who was talking to her. They were both surprised when they looked at each other.

"You...?" Said the man.

He was the man who scolded Ayunda a few days ago when he almost fell over because he tripped over Ayunda's feet.

"Are you okay?" asked the man again.

Ayunda shook her head. Seeing this, the man couldn't say anything else.

While Ayunda was still crying. Her heart is still very sore.