The night is getting late, but two people who are still in love are still sitting staring at each other in front of a table decorated with beautiful flowers, under the bright light of overtime.

 but suddenly the rain fell heavily, drenching them both.

 "Rain..?" Said Yohan who was surprised, because a moment ago, the sky was still bright.

 "We'd better hurry inside." Invite Yohan to Ayunda.

 they ran into the restaurant, because tonight's theme was made as if they were in the middle of a forest surrounded by trees and beautiful flowers.

 Yohan took his jacket and gave Ayunda an umbrella so she wouldn't get wet.

 Inside the restaurant they hugged each other, and didn't want to let go of each other. Ayunda was embarrassed because all the employees were looking at them.

 "Wait a minute, I need to go to the toilet..?"

 Ayunda stepped into the toilet.

 "I'll be waiting for you," said Yohan.

 There Ayunda met Yohan's friend.