Chapter baby girl

Y/N| I got into the gym like I said all the girls were on the floor and all the boys were on the bleachers I was dancing around in the corner with my friends when I felt that burning sensation again I look over and I could see them still staring at me I wanted to wander over there I want to get close to them but__

Y/N shut up we don't care we don't care at all

Snow Y/N inner wolf/girl there are mates we need them as much as they need us we need to mate already it time.

Y/N| no I'm not I decline I'm not interested in your altercations.

Jungkook POV

Jungkook/ we walk to the bleachers and sit down then I smelled this smell it a interesting mixture of chocolate and vanilla cheesecake swirl I felt a little aroused I looked at the others and I sense the others were also getting wound up Y/N looked at us but got interrupted by this other MALE WOLF I growled and got the others attention.


Y/N| I was about to walk over to them and give in but my cousin I haven't seen in a long time gone front of me to say hi I literally jumped on him because I was so excited to see him but then I saw the boys over there they looked pissed off didn't realize that it was my cousin that didn't stop me though from hugging him look back and whispered something in my ear.

Sean/ your in heat what are you going to do

Y/N| I have seven mates I guess he looked at you with disbelief he said

Sean/ where

Y/N| I point to them we walk over then I felt a tug on my arm then something gave you a back hug so you turn and see yoongi he growled at Sean so did the others then I got out of yoongis grip to then fall hug Sean making them madder. I walked forward a little bit to regain my balance Jimin hopped off the bleachers and grabbed Sean by his collar Sean then took Jimins hand and try to twist it but he was stronger I screamed at him to stop he let go of Sean but Sean fell on the floor and hit his head on the bleachers.