Searching For Bandits

Before Akiol left Red Bush he decided to get himself a better sword from the blacksmith.

Players could buy the pre-made swords for a decent price. Or buy a custom-made sword for a much greater price.

However buying a custom made sword also required the materials for it as well. You could buy some basic materials but then the sword would only be as good as the pre-made ones. Just a bit more comfortable to wield.

Akiol soon reached the blacksmith, there were no players surprisingly. He found the blacksmith, lounging about.

He walked up to the blacksmith.

"Ah finally, a customer." The blacksmith said happily.

"Just here to buy a stronger weapon, nothing much." Akiol replied.

"A customer is a customer, regardless of what and how much they buy."

"Let's see what you got."

A menu popped up, he glanced through a lot of weapons. From the looks of it the weakest weapon was one with 5 attack. The strongest had 80.

As to be expected of a beginner blacksmith, the highest attack damage sword would be the most expensive. Akiol beloved that the next leveling area you could probably be able to find stronger weapons for cheaper.

Akiol filtered through list to one-handed swords. While a lot of them were better than his Steel Sword. None of them seemed worth the price.

An option caught his eye however. This option was called reforge. He asked the blacksmith about this.

"If you want me to reforge an item it's different than some think. It cannot grow stronger during the reforge, only the weapon type changes. Also, unless you have multiple of the weapon, it cannot grow in size."

Akiol brought out both of Scorpion's Daggers. "Could these both be reforged into a sword?"

The blacksmith took the daggers, inspecting them.

"Fine work these are, I suppose I could make them into a sword. Might be a waste of the poison that's inside though."

Akiol was never going to use them anyway, "Please do reforge them for me."

"Alright, you can pay once their done. Should be done in a day. If you don't pay within a week once it's done I get to keep it!"

The blacksmith then shooed Akiol out of their shop.

Akiol could only hope they weren't too expensive.

Whilst Akiol waited for his new weapon to be forged, he spent his time searching around for the bandits location.

So far he found one, their name was Titan. A typical name but he could see why.

The bandit was huge, Akiol guesses he was around seven to eight feet tall!

He carried a large shield with him, Akiol never noticed any other sort of weapon on him during his scouting trips.

After making a mental note of the coordinates of the bandit camp. He continued his scouting trip. Searching for the final bandit.

Try as he might he couldn't find them. There was no leads, the information he got was worthless.

Bummed by the failure he returned to Red Bush using a teleport scroll. He had been searching for eighteen hours in game. It was about time for a break anyways.

When Akiol's eyes opened and he saw his reflection in the visor. Putting it all away he got up and stretched, testing his body. He had finally recovered from the soreness. Slowly his strength was rising and he could start performing various body tempering techniques.

Now he was in the real world it was time for a few things.

He needed to buy some groceries.

It was a relatively easy task. Considering he had memories on how this worlds money system worked. He used some of his knowledge from his past life to buy the better quality stuff as well.

As soon as he made it back home he made himself some instant ramen.

It was delicious, seasoning was on par with gold in his world. Yet this dollar cup had so much of it. He liked it so much he made himself three.

Akiol knew it was most definitely not a healthy choice. He got it since it intrigued him, and was on sale. Now, he feared that he may never want to eat anything else ever again.

After eating his fill. He did a very light form of the body tempering technique. It did cause his body to shake, but it proved that he was soon going to be able to fully dedicate himself to the training.

After that, he went to sleep.

. . .

Akiol awoke suddenly, he had felt a vibration but after some deducing he figured it was his neighbors.

Akiol had PTSD from his world. Being the hero wasn't all just killing through monsters with ease. Any mistake could cause death, more likely than not. If he slept through his own death, how sad would that be?

Thus Akiol always wakes at any vibrations he feels. He had learnt to ignore the sounds due to a particular monster that could put anyone in a coma with its voice.

Vibrations could not be hidden, unless they were flying, extremely slow or small.

However Kan'na usually put protective measures, so Akiol only awoke to a certain intensity of vibrations. Ones that could harm them of course.

Fully awake Akiol sighed, he did not sleep for very long. He figured he would rest some in-game.

Getting rest in-game was akin to not sleeping well, but it was some rest compared to none.

Akiol soon logged in, finding himself in Red Bush.

The first thing he did was head towards the blacksmith, hoping his new weapon was done.

As he got excited he heard a voice.

'Alas, I have been thoroughly forgotten.'

It was the Breaker Of Stars sword.

Akiol responded, "You going to let me wield you then?"

'Even if I wanted to. Your body cannot withstand wielding me.'

"Is that an excuse?"

'No. . .'

Ignoring the childish sword he was nearly at the blacksmith.

He knocked at the doorway stating, "Here for my sword!"

The blacksmith looked up from what looked like a journal. They responded, "Ah! It's you, just as when I thought I would be able to keep it."

"Not today I am afraid."

The blacksmith pulled out an ordinary looking sword. The only difference between it and Akiol's Steel Sword was that the new sword had more curve to its blade, compared to that of the Steel Sword's squared blade.

Akiol reached for it, only for the blacksmith to quickly snatch it back.

"Payment first." The blacksmith said, grinning.

Akiol apologized and asked, "How much?"

The blacksmith tapped their chin. "I got some inspiration, that I wrote down earlier, from reforging. Inspiration is worth a lot to a blacksmith you know. So with a discount it comes down to, one hundred gold."

Akiol thought it was a fair price. He had a small idea on how hard it was to forge things. Since he saw the legendary blacksmith of his world spending three weeks straight forging his sword.

One hundred gold was acceptable. Akiol payed through the interface, the money he got from Scorpion's bounty went to reforging his trademark daggers. Was that irony?

The blacksmith grinned handing the sword to Akiol. "Pleasure doing business, aye."

Akiol thanked the blacksmith and exited the shop.

Excited at the possibility's the new sword could bring he looked at the stats.