Pierced Moon’s Assault

Akiol and Wrock soon made it to the quest objective. Approaching the giant Ogres Akiol asked, "Are we just going to do what we normally do?"

Wrock nodded and charged forward, Akiol soon joined. The two easily despatched the ogres. Honestly it wasn't too much of a challenge. With Wrock knocking them down and Akiol finishing them off it only took an hour for them to finish the quest. It would have taken less if Wrock didn't need to rest every now and then.

When the last ogre was finished Wrock complained, "The mobs are always so easy to fight."

"Well when you fight one that is significantly higher leveled then it's definitely a challenge." Akiol pointed out.

Wrock shrugged, "I guess but coming across those types of enemies is a bit difficult."

"Then how about a spar after this? Would that work?"


The two made their way back to Goldlight. Talking about their new lives outside the game.

Wrock took over a person named Jerry. Jerry was originally a content creator but was nearly due to some drama he stepped away. Their content was decently famous and made a bit of money. However Jerry took a break, intending to distance himself from the community and come back stronger.

However a terrible accident happened, Jerry had tripped on the stairs and broken their neck. A instant death, shortly after Wrock took over the body and began his new life.

"Are you going to continue with that job?" Akiol inquired.

Wrock shook his head, "Unless it is small clips from this game I probably won't. Simply because I feel like I am extremely different from Jerry. I fight a lot, Jerry made videos. The two don't mix well."

Akiol commented, "Actually they do, people love a well made video of a fight."

"Perhaps I could make clips of our adventures then."

Akiol nodded, as long as everyone he knew was safe and well he was fine with whatever they wanted to do. As long as it was legal of course.

The two chatted a bit more before they received a notification from the chat group.

Kan'na: Need help guys, the moon fellows have us surrounded.

Akiol: Where are you guys?

Tilia: Silverflight, here are the coords.

Akiol and Wrock used their teleport scrolls to speed up the process. As soon as they arrived at the town they rushed towards the coordinates provided by Tilia.

On their way there a small group of three attempted to stop them for the bounty. Akiol and Wrock smashed through them, killing one in the process.

When they arrived they were baffled at the sight. Surrounded seemed like an understatement. It was more like they were drowning. There were hundreds of players lined up in an orderly fashion.

The rest of the party were easily found. After all there was a magic shield protecting three players. Akiol turned to Wrock and asked, "Any idea on how you're going to get in there?"

Wrock asked, "You're? What do you mean by you're??"

"I have an easy way in, I don't know about you however."

Wrock surveyed the area, he asked, "You think you could throw me like before?"

Akiol shook his head, "Not gonna happen, distance is too far."

"Then I am stumped, got no clue."

"That skill you used before, can you use it again?"

"In fifteen minutes yeah."

Akiol frowned, he didn't know if the magic barrier would be able to hold for that long.

He gave a small salute to Wrock, "Good luck, I am off."

He manipulated his body to where he looked like liquid on the floor. Except his core was like a rolling baseball. Going around and between the players legs. Reforming himself in a blind spot he pushed forward towards the barrier.

"Wait isn't he-?"

Before the players noticed Akiol had already joined the party and went in the magic barrier.

Kan'na greeted, "Glad you could join us."

Akiol asked, "How long could this barrier last?"

"We got five minutes, unless they start attacking it."

Akiol was in a dilemma, his current position wasn't the best. They were heavily outnumbered, there wasn't an obvious way he could leave this place.

He asked Stars, "How confident are you in defeating or disabling hundreds of enemies?"

Stars replied, 'Pretty confident if you were stronger. Even if you used the boost your body would face a backlash. The only reason why you didn't the first time was because you are a slime.'

"How bad is the backlash?"

'You probably won't be able to function for a few days. You'll be a puddle at best.'

Akiol clicked his tongue, he would face that backlash if he had no other choice. He asked the girls, "You guys got any last minute trump cards you could use?"

Yielya and Tilia shook their heads. Kan'na replied, "This was kind of my trump card. However I don't have any mana to cast any spells that could save us."

Akiol sighed, it looked like his first death was imminent. He studied the players carefully. He tried to spot any game-changing weak spots but the lineup was really solid. The weak points he found weren't enough to break free completely.

Suddenly a part of the players shifted. This shift moved its way towards the center, when it arrived at the party three players had shown themselves.

It was the leaders of Pierced Moon. Stabbed laughed and asked, "How are you doing? Regretting not taking our deal now?"

Akiol responded, "Don't you think this is a little overkill? Tell me how many players have us surrounded?"

Stabbed glanced around him, "Around three hundred. Probably more to be honest."

"Why did you gather three hundred players to surround three? It's four now that I joined but what even is the purpose of that?"

Stabbed laughed again, "We have to teach you guys a lesson of course! You dare steal an object from us, and you declined our generous offer! However I am a gracious man, hand over the item, sincerely apologize, and we will only kill you once. This is my only offer."

Akiol turned towards the rest. He asked, "You guys cool with that?"

Yielya shouted, "You're crazy right? I am not apologizing to that power crazed lunatic!"

Tilia rejected, "I'm feeling a bit petty, I'll pass."

Kan'na sighed, "Didn't seem like too bad of a deal, but I would be an outcast if I agreed. Die it is then."

Akiol turned to Stabbed, "Well you heard them, we decline."

"Tsk tsk tsk! You group seemed like a smart bunch. It seems like we will have to show you the reason why you don't mess with Pierced Moon. Fire away!" Stabbed ordered.

Suddenly a large amount of arrows and spells started to assault the barrier. Kan'na warned, "We will barely last thirty seconds with this."

Akiol grit his teeth. Once again his lack of strength was weighing him down! A fight like this was something he was apart of constantly as the Hero. Now with barely a fraction of his previous ability he was forced to seriously think about a scenario as tame as this!

Thirty seconds had passed, the barrier shattered. Tilia protected Yielya as much as she could with her shield. However the large barrage finished her off. Yielya was next, her healing style was not built against a large attack. Tilia's health fell too fast, and now Yielya was dead as well.

Kan'na used the small defense shields at her disposal. These only lasted a bit longer than Tilia's defense however. She soon also fell.

Akiol had dodge and parried many attacks. However the amount was too much. Many attacks had hit him. He only still stood because none hit his core. He gave up on the attempt to hide his race, he manipulated his body to dodge as many arrows and spells as possible. He didn't know if he could keep this up for long.

He heard a voice shout, "This guy is something strange! Increase the firepower!"

The arrows had increased in number, the spells had increased in power. Akiol was on death's edge when a large 'boom' sounded.

The assault stopped temporarily, as the players looked where the sound came from. Akiol was no different.

It was a rock golem, bigger than the ones Akiol had eliminated. A voice sounded, "Just a wandering mob, squadron C take care of it. The rest of you continue firing!"

Just as the order had finished another shout was made, "We are under attack!"

What that player said was true, different mobs around the players had made their way to them. Slashing and smashing through the players. A large amount of flying creatures blotted the sky.

Akiol was baffled at the sight. What was happening? He looked around and saw a large group of various monsters charge their way towards him.

On top of what looked like a mutated version of a tiger was a cloaked figure. When the monster group had made their way up to him the cloaked figure jumped off and landed next to Akiol.

Removing the hood they asked, "Need a hand Akiol?"