Interesting Findings

The dwarf handed Stars back to Akiol, "Sorry about that." They embarrassedly apologized.

"You didn't take it from me. So I don't mind."

The dwarf cleared their throat, "I am Grevil, the current guild leader of this branch. I was notified that you were arriving, so I just wanted to confirm. I didn't expect to see one of the upper four swords. So I thank you, truly."

The two chatted for a little while longer before Akiol excused himself. After all there was other things he wanted to do.

Akiol made his way to the blacksmith, it was time for an upgrade. He still had the weapon that was reforged from Red Bush! While it was decent, he couldn't use it forever.

Akiol greeted the blacksmith and searcher through the swords. There was plenty of weapons that surpassed his current one. These were decently expensive however. While Akiol had a lot of gold, it would still empty his wallet quite a bit.

'Sigh, truly I have been forgotten.'

"Why do you complain when I get a better weapon? How many times must I state a weapon I can use is more useful than one I cannot." Akiol chided.

'You're getting close to the basic strength needed to wield me though. If you do a bit more than double your strength then perhaps we could negotiate something.'

Akiol looked at his stats, a little more than double would mean the 250-300 range. Akiol found this odd, with his aura boost his strength reached way past that yet Stars mentioned a backlash.

"Wouldn't I just face the backlash you mentioned?"

'Oh! You would be able to use me like a normal sword, however unless you boost your strength temporarily then you can't use my other strength.'

"Other strength..?"

'Like what I used at the golems. I can use some space abilities.'

Akiol pondered for a moment. It wasn't like he had any offense skills in the first place so he didn't mind. However one thing has been bothering him.

"You have space time abilities right? Then why are you blue?"


Akiol must've hit a sore spot, for Stars wasn't responding. Carefully speaking he comforted, "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

'I am blue? Blue?! Why blue? Quick tell me what shade of blue I am.'

Akiol pulled out the sword and observed, "Well your a deep blue color, and your handle is white. Oh!"

'What! White and blue?! I've never seen myself once yet your telling me I am white and blue?? Wait. . . what did you mean oh?'

Akiol absorbed Stars and explained, "What if your blue and white because of your name? White could be a color of a star, and blue is usually one of the colors having to do with space."

'. . .That makes me feel a little better.'

Akiol chuckled at the notification. Turning his attention back to the shop he continued his search.

After comparing prices and stats Akiol eventually picked one. Purchasing and equipping the sword he looked at the attributes.

[Lethalog Tail]

A sword formed from the tail of a Lethalog. Using it's extraordinarily sharp edge and unusual hardness this sword is nearly guaranteed to never let you down.

Attack: 95

Strength Requirement: 80

While attacking, rare chance to inflict 'bleed' on target.

The weapon was chosen for the 'bleed' effect. With the higher damage and constant bleed Akiol was pleased with his choice.

To get used to the new sword he did a few quests. One thing he noticed was the reduced experience reward. The more difficult quests give out up to 4%! It would take players forever to level up if killing mobs didn't give experience.

Now that players had reached a city, the area of exploration was significantly larger. Players could go as far as they wanted, however more powerful beasts would attack them the more they went out. The stronger players are the farther they can explore.

Level 100 was also the beginning of guild fights. Guilds were able to rack up contribution points to achieve a high status in the city. With that they could influence changes. However only one guild could be in that position. The wars would only get more vicious in the kingdoms, considering there was only a handful.

~ ~ ~

"It's time huh?" Scott asked while leaning back in his chair.

The desk guy nodded, "The first competition is going to start, you excited?"

Scott shook his head, "Not if the slime guy is there. It would be an easy battle for him."

"I feel like you look down on the other players too much."

Scott laughed, "It's not that, just being a slime is too much of an early advantage."

"But. . . ?"

"But there's not much I could do. It was our game's fault. However it still doesn't sit with me right. How come it only glitched for him?"

The desk guy tapped the desk, "It wasn't only him you know."

"Other people have become slimes?"

The desk guy shook his head, "Not quite, about ten people witnessed a difference in their start. Funny thing is that six of them are part of the slimes group."

Scott leaned forward, "Does that mean they could've cheated?"

"Not likely, the VR headset wouldn't work if there was signs of tampering. The game is in the hard drive in the headset as well. I think it's a funny coincidence."

"Then what are the changes?"

The desk guy brought up six profile descriptions, "This healer had started as a 'blessed human'. The Martial Founder pugilist from before had a title in the beginning, a decent one as well. None other than 'Fully Tempered Body'. The sorcerer had spawned in the home of the hidden class teacher of 'Magic Author'. To my surprise they managed to obtain the class. The Tamer's Legacy guy had spawned in the forest. The defender has a locked title of 'Enchanter'. This guy is an undead."

Scott panicked and said, "Aren't those top tier changes?"

The desk guy shrugged, "Really depends on them. However do not worry, I am keeping an eye on them. In case they do something suspicious."

Scott nodded, "Alright then, please do. The announcement for the competition is going to be released soon. So I want you to watch them extra during that time."

The desk guy saluted, "I'll do my best boss!"

"Call me Scott. . ."