The Partial Repair of Harbinger Of The Abyss

Flinnder snapped his fingers and the crooked black square appeared behind him. Gesturing towards it he commanded, "In you go, preparations will have to be made."

Travis stepped through the black square and found himself inside a large mansion. Before Travis could absorb his surroundings Flinnder walked through the black square and snapped his fingers to close it, "Follow me."

Travis followed obediently, after a short while of walking he entered a large training courtyard. Flinnder stopped and turned to face Travis, "Since I have chosen you as my fighter I of course have to test your skills."

Flinnder clapped twice and called, "Dimitrin!"

An average human like entity appeared in front of, they carried the same physical qualities of Flinnder. Ashen grey skin, eyes pitch black, the only difference was that their hair was a darker shade of grey than their skin.

The individual kneeled in front of Flinnder, "You called my lord?"

Gesturing towards Travis Flinnder explained, "I found a candidate for my champion. I require you to test him. . . thoroughly."

"At once my lord!"

Dimitrin got up and looked at Travis, "We will be fighting in that space, you are welcome to use any abilities to your advantage. Even the skills that aren't fully yours."

Travis entered the dueling space and readied his sword. Nervous sweat formed at his neck, he needed to pass this.


Travis bolted forward, placing a [Mark of Return] behind Dimitrin he swung towards their head. Dimitrin calmly lifted their own blade blocking the blow. Travis noticed how Dimitrin's sword failed to budge when it blocked his blow.

Dimitrin swung their sword downwards, pushing Travis' blade away and towards the ground. Travis' sword implanted itself into the ground and Dimitrin aimed to cleave off the head of Travis.

Travis ducked under the swing. Springing back up he aimed to slice the arm that swung, only to see the sword coming down to split open his head. Travis used the [Mark of Return] and appeared behind Dimitrin, and stabbed towards their back.

What happened next baffled Travis, Dimitrin seemed to flawlessly dodge the attack by twisting towards the side. As if they had eyes on the back of their head. Using the momentum they smashed their elbow on the side of Travis' face. His mask cracked and Travis nearly collapsed.

Gritting his teeth Travis used [Abyss Release]. He needed to use everything. Flinnder noticed this and raised an eyebrow, "That's quite something."

Travis recovered and began a flurry of attacks. Dimitrin calmly blocked the attacks, each blow leaving a shower of sparks. Noticing his efforts were being in vain Travis used [Abyssal Domain] in hopes of weakening Dimitrin even by the slightest bit.

If it did weaken them Travis felt no change. Dimitrin casually deflected each blow. Travis began to feel hopeless. So he decided to throw a last ditch effort. He threw a knife towards the side of Dimitrin's head. Dimitrin tilted their head and let the dagger sail past.

This is what Travis wanted however. For he had put a [Mark of Return] on that dagger. He triggered the mark and appeared behind and slightly above Dimitrin. Using the same tactic as before he thrust his sword towards their back. However this time was different. Travis simultaneously placed a [Mark of Targeting] and [Mark of Pause]. He activated the two marks right away and his sword sailed towards Dimitrin's back.

Sadly, the [Mark of Pause] failed to hold Dimitrin for more than one tenth of a second. Dimitrin spun, batted away Travis' sword and placed their own at Travis' neck.

"You lost." Dimitrin stated coldly.

A slow clap was heard from the edge of the duel area, "Well done! Now tell me Dimitrin, how well do you think he did?"

Dimitrin kneeled, "He relies far too much on his strength and skills, his ability could be considered average."

Flinnder nodded, "Mhmm, and do you think it's possible to improve on that flaw?"

Dimitrin hesitated, "I am afraid it could only tell with time."

Flinnder raised two fingers, "I'll give you two weeks, if there seems to be no improvement in this candidate we will move on. If there is then carry on with his training. In the meantime, follow me candidate."

Travis deactivated his Berserk Skill and followed Flinnder solemnly. He has faced his first thorough loss ever since he began playing again. Needless to say Travis was quite upset.

Flinnder led him to an office. Gesturing to a chair he ordered, "Sit."

Travis did as he was told.

Sitting in his own chair Flinnder leaned back, "You showed me something interesting in that fight, I hold a bit of hope towards your improvement.

Yet that weapon in its current state saddens me. So I shall expand on the previous matter."

Travis perked up on this, this sounded like an opportunity.

Flinnder pulled out an Abyssal Fragment and let it hover in his hand, "The Abyssal Fragments are exactly what they are named. Fragments. The form of a Abyss dwellers being. It actually forming is quite the rare occurrence." Flinnder paused for a moment, "Give me your current fragments." He ordered.

Travis handed them over, he didn't have a choice.

"This is quite the amount you have here." He mused, "A genius individual realized with ten fragments you could fuse them together into a Abyssal Piece. This holds more power than the originals combined strength."

Flinnder made the Abyssal Fragments in his hand spin rapidly. Slowly they combined into one large piece, "The method of fusing has been simplified over time. In fact it was realized that you could fuse ten Pieces into a Part. A duke even managed to fuse ten Parts into an Abyssal Page.

It is speculated that with ten Pages one could fuse them into an Abyssal Existence. However the cost would be extraordinary, no one was willing to donate to prove this theory.

I am sure with a Page that sword could be returned to its prime, maybe even improve it. However that would be impossible. Yet with a Piece, it eliminates the necessity of an Aboviol Soul. With a Piece and a few high class Demon Hearts the sword will be returned to its prime. The Aboviol Soul will only improve it.

So take this, consider it my investment in your development. Become strong and maybe more rewards will come your way."

Travis received the Abyssal Piece and a notification appeared.

Travis pressed accept and the sword began to float in front of him. The Abyssal Piece began to rotate around the blade, before fusing into it.

The sword began to glow brightly, when the light began to fade the sword looked different. It's dark blade held a new sheen, it's edge sharper. It began to give off pressure, as if challenging someone to fight it.

Travis gulped and grabbed the sword, taking a deep breath he opened the stat page.

[Harbinger Of The Abyss (damaged)]

A legendary sword forged by a master smith, crafted under the endless abyss the sword formed to its surroundings. With a swing the world shall be notified of the coming unstoppable force.


x3 Strength Stat

+1000 Damage


Abyss Caller Class

500 Strength

When Equipped Receive:

+250 to all stats

Abyss Caller skills damage increase

Extra Skills:

{Abyss Edge (Passive): Attacks do Abyss magic damage, or double already existing Abyss magic damage dealer.}

{Abyssal Mist: Release a dark mist that clouds your opponents vision and reduces their stats by 10%}

{Abyssal Summon: Summon a creature of the Abyss, creature cannot be stronger than 50% of the users stats.}


Current state (damaged) repair requires:

High Class Demon Heart (0/3)

Travis heart thumped, while it didn't seem like an improvement. Travis knew that this weapon surpassed many of the previous ones of his past timeline. The skills were a little lacking, but Travis believe that this sword wasn't built to be a pure offensive weapon. Rather serving to weaken his opponent. Which was gladly appreciated with his high stat points.

Flinnder saw the sword and nodded, "That's much better, now I will have a servant lead you to your quarters. You will not see me within the next two weeks. You may excuse yourself."

Travis bowed before leaving, "I thank your greatness' for their generosity!"

"Then don't fail me."

"I will not!"

Travis left the office and followed the servant to his room. Once there he took a deep breath. He had two weeks in game to improve, if he failed to do so. . . Travis didn't want to know the consequences. His account was the effort of his previous timeline's knowledge and his current self's effort.

This is his opportunity to give himself a better life, he will not throw it away. He intended to give full effort. Getting trained by a high skilled NPC was another opportunity.

In the creation of A World's Legacy the developers weren't in charge of he actions and ability of the NPC's. Instead it was another department. They researched and interviewed masters of several martial arts. Using the latest A.I. technology they managed to create NPCs who skills can outmatch humans.

This was to train players, their own learning ability could only get them so far unless they were a genius.

This was one of the many hidden treasures of A World's Legacy. Finding such a high skilled NPC was not easy, getting them to train you was even harder.

Travis would not throw this away.