The Eyes of Trinity

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, The Eyes of Trinity is a thing of legends. It is said that the person who wields it is given a seat to beyond."

Travis frowned, the description said something similar, "What is 'beyond'?"

"That's something no one truly knows, the opportunity to arise to beyond shows itself. The fact that you already have a seat, it means something valuable. However for your current existential level. . . you are far from redeeming it."

Travis gained an idea of what beyond was, but he couldn't guess with the information he had despite his regression.

Flinnder sighed, "To think the Duke had such an item, why wouldn't he use it?"

Travis answered, "Because that wasn't The Eyes of Trinity. That was the Sigil of Heavenly Existence. All he needed was the Artifact Eyes of Marking."

"So it was all chance? You are incredibly lucky, but this benefits me as well."

Travis then eyed all the equipment, it all would make any player extremely happy. However it was all worse than Travis' current equips. His cloak was a life saving item, something that was worth more than one that provided more attributes. His mask was in repair but hid his stats from prying eyes. His ring was superior to them all, but he still had another ring slot. . .

Ever since the new update Accessory slots have changed slightly. This was for new accessories to help with various occupations. A play could have only two rings, one on each hand. A head/neck accessory, a torso accessory, and a miscellaneous slot for the accessories that have their own unique placement.

This meant all Travis had left was a ring and miscellaneous accessory slot. Yet he didn't choose any of the provided ones. He was spoiled, with his strength he no longer needed some average accessory. He desired only the best for himself, or perhaps ones with effects too good to pass up.

So he passed on the various accessories, even though there wasn't many. He also ignored the weapons, he doubted he'd find anything better than his current here.

The only thing left was armor, but the various pieces were mostly chestplates. The other gear was strange items with weird skills. There was a set of gloves crafted from a specific lizard monster, yet its only ability was to increase the temperature of the gloves.

He took these, never know when you might need heat. . .

Yet he still hadn't found anything. So he gave up, he already obtained something good here. If he didn't obtain armor then it didn't matter much.

Travis tossed a random piece of equipment that disappointed him. The smacked into the wall and tipped something over. Travis cringed at the noise, he didn't intent for that.

Yet as it drew his attention he noticed a line of text that caught his eye.

His eyes revealed something... something interesting. He moved over to the wall and inspected it, there wasn't anything obvious about it. He then asked, "Lord. . . ?"

Flinnder looked up from what he was doing, "What?"

"May I borrow the Duke's ring?"

Flinnder replied immediately, "No."

Travis was a little disappointed but then asked, "Then could you try something? It might open this secret door."

Flinnder's interest was caught, a secret door? He walked over and tapped the ring on the wall. It began to quiver and slowly fade away. As it did Flinnder raised an eyebrow, "This. . . isn't an illusion? Yet it merely disappeared? How intriguing. . ."

Travis was more interested on what was inside. The room was filled with various shining gems, large ones at that. Pieces of jewelry decorated the room. Yet in the middle was an armor stand. A jet black and silver armor set stood valiantly. Travis immediately was drawn to it. He inspected it and nearly shouted in joy. He decided that he must make a shrine of Flinnder, this Royal's luck was something else!

The armor was a light variant, which Travis preferred now. It was made of a dark yet tough leather. A strange silver metal provided basic plate protection for his vitals. There was no helmet, but Travis didn't wear one anyway.

Even though the set met his color scheme, the benefits provided him a lot more joy.

[Erthwoth's Lies (Chestplate)]

The manifestation of Erthwoth's lies. The evil of beings is stronger than one may realize...

When Equipped:

+200 Armor stat

Set Bonuses (Erthwoth's Sins):

•Two piece - +10% to all stats, additional 100 armor stat

•Three piece - +20% to all stats, additional 250 armor stat

•All piece - +30% to all stats, additional 500 armor stat

[Erthwoth's Greed (Gauntlets)]

The manifestation of Erthwoth's greed. Which formed his demise.

When Equipped:

+200 Armor stat

Set Bonuses (Erthwoth's Sins):

•Two piece - +10% to all stats, additional 100 armor stat

•Three piece - +20% to all stats, additional 250 armor stat

•All piece - +30% to all stats, additional 500 armor stat

[Erthworth's Envy (Leggings)]

The manifestation of Erthwoth's envy. Which started his journey...

When Equipped:

+200 Armor stat

Set Bonuses (Erthwoth's Sins):

•Two piece - +10% to all stats, additional 100 armor stat

•Three piece - +20% to all stats, additional 250 armor stat

•All piece - +30% to all stats, additional 500 armor stat

[Erthwoth's Wrath (Boots)]

The manifestation of Erthwoth's wrath. So he may stomp upon his enemies...

When Equipped:

+200 Armor Stat

Set Bonuses (Erthwoth's Sins):

•Two piece - +10% to all stats, additional 100 armor stat

•Three piece - +20% to all stats, additional 250 armor stat

•All piece - +30% to all stats, additional 500 armor stat

Such a set! Even though armor stats usually varied between different armors. These were all the same. Additionally the set bonuses would provide even more armor stat! Which would bring his total armor stat to 1300!

He didn't hesitate to put it on, the armor fit him perfectly. He felt comforted by the armor, strange since it was made of sins...

Flinnder finished his inspection of the door and noticed Travis with a new set of armor, "Oh? Fantastic, this trip has not been a waste. We both obtained quite a bit wouldn't you say?"

"It's all thanks to you."

Flinnder didn't comment on the response, "Gathered what you wanted correct?"

Travis nodded. Flinnder then waved his hand, the black portal opened and closed amongst the items. They all fell in one at a time. As Travis saw this he gained an idea of Flinnder's ability, it looks like he could only summon one portal at a time. . .

Flinnder collected the rest of the items and asked, "Shall we head home?"

~ ~ ~

A set of screams was heard.

Akiol munched on some cotton candy, this time they visited an amusement park. The various rides and activities was pleasant. It took some getting used to the screams of the people on roller coasters. Usually when they heard screams they would immediately run to help.

He turned to Yielya who was behind him. It was his turn this time, "Where to next?"

Yielya unfolded a map and looked through it. After some careful consideration she answered, "Let's try the boat ride."

Akiol had a sudden flash back, "Ah, boats. . ."

Yielya looked up, "Reminds you of something doesn't it?"

"You did this on purpose!"

Yielya mischievously laughed, "Did I? It matters not, let us go!"

Akiol sighed and finished his cotton candy. Luckily the boat ride was only in name. Instead it was more like a roller coaster slightly submerged in water.

It was a calming experience, unlike his previous ones. As they exited the ride Yielya sighed in disappointment, "It didn't happen this time."

"I would be shocked if it did!"

Yielya changed the subject, "It's about time to meet up again. Let's get moving."

Akiol murmured something under his breath but continued to walk.

With only a few minutes the party met up again. Tilia was wearing a paper crown. When questioned about this she answered, "It was a gift by some kid, why wouldn't I wear it?"

Wrock checked the time on his watch and said, "It's gonna close in an hour, I say we do one thing together and call it a day. Any suggestions?"

There was a debate upon what they should do. Wrock wanted to do a roller coaster, but Tilia argued against it. Akiol was up for anything and Kan'na seemed to busy herself with the map.

Jarvis asked, "Why not the Ferris wheel? Something calm before we leave."

The group agreed almost immediately, it sounded nice. Walking to the Ferris wheel they began to chat about their experiences. Wrock had a laughing fit upon hearing Yielya's small prank.

Akiol always had terrible luck with boats. Every time he traveled on one it was always attacked by some strange sea monster. At first he assumed that it was because of the party together. However upon several trips as they were separated and alone. He noticed it was just him.

So he began to dislike boats. Being attacked every time wasn't his idea of pleasant.

The group reached the Ferris wheel. It only allowed groups of two, so the party split up accordingly. As they watched the view a peaceful mood enveloped them. This was quite fun, even though there was some small issues along the way. The vacation was enjoyable.

Yielya's eyes reflected the light of the amusement park. Her chin rested on her palm. After some time she spoke, "This was fun."

Akiol smiled, "It has been."

"Thank you, again. For what you did."

"I thought we already spoke about this?"

"Tilia mentioned it. How you were the first to notice I was handling something."

"Ah, of course I have. How long have we been traveling together?"

Chuckling at this Yielya replied, "Quite a while."

Her gaze shifted from the view towards Akiol, his new appearance was different from what she was used to but. . .

She gently kicked his shin. Akiol winced and looked towards her with a confused expression. To this she simply smiled playfully and returned to looking at the view. Making a small sigh Akiol shook his head and joined her to look at the view. 

It was quite pretty after all.