
"Let's go."

Rebecca hesitated and looked back, "What about them? We can't leave them here."

Wrock put a hand on her shoulder, "Listen, I don't want to leave them here either, but we can't bring them. Who knows what is waiting out there?"

"I. . . I don't want to-"

"I'm sure they would want you to leave, right? Stay alive for their sake, don't go and get yourself needlessly killed."

"How can you be so calm?! People died in front of us! My friends!"

"A certain someone showed me that being calm in situations like these is the best you can do. Keeping your head steady makes sure you don't make choices affected by your emotions. I'm not saying to ignore their deaths, just make sure you don't die as well."

"What's the point?"

Wrock's eyes narrowed, "Dangerous thoughts. Are you going to let them get away with this? Do you really think your friends would appreciate you lying down and quitting now?"

"I. . . suppose not."

"Then stay strong, wipe those tears away. You can mourn after. Right now our survival is top priority, can you guarantee that I won't have to worry about you?"

"I've run away before, I can do it again.", Rebecca nodded with confidence, wiping away her tears.


Wrock held a hand to his head, his senses felt off. Like it was delayed. His vision was slightly blurry, and his body felt weak. He could tell that the other's felt the same by their movements. Was it the side effect from the drug the man was speaking of?

Since he wasn't at 100% he needed to be careful if the guards outside had guns it would be a dangerous escape.

He walked over to Yielya, "How's he doing?"

"Bad, his arm is almost destroyed. He won't be able to do anything. Walking might be asking a lot."

Akiol mumbled something, but it was clear he wasn't conscious.

Wrock shook his head, "You're going to have to help him."

Wrock walked over to the entrance of the room, "Tilia, you're with me. Let's scout ahead."

Tilia followed behind as Wrock slowly opened the door. He noticed a man turn towards the door, "Boss you're finished-?"

Wrock delivered a swift strike to their throat. Cutting their sentence short. Before being able to catch their breath Wrock used his elbow to strike their temple. The blow was strong enough to knock them out immediately.

Another guard noticed the commotion, but before he could act Tilia pushed the door with a strong force. The door slammed into the nose of the guard, causing them to stumble back. Tilia used this opportunity to turn and deliver a solid kick to the guard's jaw, causing them to get knocked out.

Wrock checked their surroundings before nodding, "Good, let's get the others and get moving."

~ ~ ~

"So this is the hideout?"

"It's quite ordinary."

An armed government member walked forward, "Sir, we have orders to move back."

A man curled his lips, "The politicians trying to interfere again?"

"It's an order sir."

"There seems to be some communication errors, the last thing we received was the coordinates to their base."


"I'm not going to let them get away again. Listen, are you going to let some stuck up fools who are bribed with money stop us from doing the right thing?"

The member hesitated.

The man patted their shoulder, "Don't think too hard about it. I'll shoulder the responsibility for this. You guys follow my orders, and that is it. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Get into position, we are breaching in five."

"Yes sir!"

The man massaged his neck whilst murmuring, "Withered Oaths. . . you're gonna suffer a loss today."

~ ~ ~

Wrock peeked around the corner, after a quick look around he retreated.

Kan'na asked, "What does it look like?"

Wrock sighed, "Not good, guards down each hall. I am not confident in taking them out fast enough from this distance."

"So we are stuck?"

"Yeah, our best bet is to wait until someone walks past."

Yielya spoke up, "We can't wait for long. Akiol's arm needs to get treated as fast as possible."

Wrock grit his teeth, he needed a distraction!

A thought appeared in his head, he didn't need to go to them!

Wrock walked over to a door and opened it, immediately he slammed it shut. A loud sound echoing throughout the hall. He then repeated this a few times, gathering the attention of nearby guards.

Wrock looked over and Tilia nodded, she knew what to do. Wrock waited at one end of the hall while Tilia waited at the other. Jarvis and Kan'na prepared to provide backup if needed.

Some footsteps moved closer. The moment the time was right Wrock jumped forward. Three guards came to check out the situation. Wrock quickly assessed them as he moved.

With the surprise attack he could knock out at least one. His fist moved quickly and struck the jaw of one of the guards. As they fell unconscious the two reacted in surprise, yet subconsciously moved a hand to their waist.

Wrock moved quickly, using his elbow to break the nose of one of the guards. This caused them to stumble backwards and hold their nose in pain with a grunt. He then gripped the arm of the other, twisting it quickly he made the guard bend in an awkward position. Unable to do anything Wrock kicked their face, powerful enough to send them sprawling on the floor with a cry. It was sloppy, but he had no choice. Normally he would have taken them out easily, but the side effects had prevented him from doing so.

The guard holding his nose reached back towards his waist, "You-!"

Wrock spun and kicked the guard. The momentum and force from the kick made their jaw break with a sickening crack. The last guard attempted to stand again, but was quickly knocked out.

Tilia had a much easier time, for only two decided to investigate the noise. She had taken them out before Wrock finished with his own.

Before the group could regather and strategize a large amount of footsteps was heard.

Wrock held up his hands in defense, it was a large amount of people!

A group of armored individuals appeared around the corners. The indoor lighting reflecting off their metal assault rifles. One immediately yelled, "On the ground! Now!"

Wrock immediately complied, they were armed after all. He wasn't going to risk anything further.

The rest did the same. Despite the panic inducing situation, a sense of calm rested in their hearts.

~ ~ ~

"Who are these brats?"

"They were found in the base sir."

"Hmm. you in the middle. What's your name?"

It was Wrock they referred to to which he replied, "Jerry."

"Alright then Jerry, mind telling me what you were doing inside there?"

"I woke up inside there, cuffed to a wall. Some man threatened us, killed three."

"You seem awfully calm for someone who just witnessed some deaths."

"I'm sure one of these people will tell you."

The man looked up to the government member. The member immediately reported, "There was a room full of cuffs on the wall sir. Four dead-"

"Four? Not three?"

Wrock responded, "The fourth was the guy that killed our friends."

The SWAT member hesitated before responding, "The fourth was him sir."

"The leader?!"

"Yes sir."

The man had an annoyed look, "Oh for fu-"

Rebecca defended, "It was because of James we are alive! My friends were killed! James had no choice!"

The man looked over, "That man was the leader of the organization we have been hunting! If we got him alive then this would all be put to an end! But he's dead!"

Yielya interrupted, "As much as I'd love to see you bicker, A- James needs some medical attention. His arm is nearly destroyed!"

The man inspected Akiol's arms, "Damn."


The man curled his lip, "Fine, send him to a medic, he'll get the medical attention he needs there."

The government member lead Akiol to a medic as the man continued to interrogate the group, "So let us say that your story is true. If that's the case then how did you escape? You were cuffed to a wall right?"

Rebecca shook her head, "I have no idea. James had a sudden burst of monstrous strength of some sort and shattered a cuff. That was how the leader died. After that he struggled to release us."

"What is this? A show? You expect me to believe that?"

Kan'na rolled her eyes, "Anyone with eyes would see that one of the cuffs in that room was shattered. Go take a personal look if you must."


"Hornwick! What do you think you're doing to my daughter?!"

The man looked up, "J-Jessica?"

"I didn't think my junior was so careless! Can't you see the resemblance?!"

The man, called Hornwick by Jessica, looked back and forth between Kan'na and her, "No?!"

"Wrong one you buffoon. My daughter is on the right."


Jessica walked over to Rebecca and crouched down, "Rebecca darling. . . are you okay?"

Rebecca felt tears well up in her eyes, "Mom they killed the others!"

Jessica pulled her into an embrace, "It's okay now. . ."