A Guiding Hand


Akiol flicked Stars to deflect a blow from Era, "Your movements are hasty. Is your goal to defeat the enemy as fast as possible?"

Era spun rapidly with the assistance of wind magic and aimed a kick. Akiol lifted an arm an blocked it with ease, "Speed may be invincible, but against an opponent who is equal or stronger, it is a weakness."

Akiol gripped the leg and with some effort flipped Era, "Even if the opponent is weaker than you, speed can still be weakness."

Era landed on the ground with a thud, rolling back she held her sword. A dangerous glint in her eyes.

Akiol returned to a basic stance, "Your movements are not bad. From your style I take it this is how you learned to fight. Presumably on your own? While there isn't anything wrong with learning by yourself, a guiding hand from those who know more is more beneficial than harmful."

Two fireballs shot towards Akiol as Era charged forward. The fireballs exploded in the air, becoming harmless. Akiol had used a minuscule amount of mana to block the fireballs.

Era quickly swung, her sword impressively fast. Yet with just a small amount of movements Akiol dodged the attacks. Era aimed her sword and thrust it towards Akiol's eyes. The intended outcome did not occur, for Akiol held the sword firmly, "You use your whole body with your attacks. Something many amateurs can't get the hang of. However your use is more than necessary, it makes your moves more obvious. Try reducing your moves a little."

Akiol freed her sword and took a step back, "Alright now try again."

Era quickly executed several attacks, but none of them hit their target. Akiol deflected her sword, making her lose grip on it. The sword flew freely through the air before landing onto the ground.

Akiol shook his head, "Still too much, grab your sword and try again."

Era grit her teeth as she picked up her sword, eyes never leaving Akiol.

~ ~ ~

Kan'na shook her head, "This is why magic circles are so much more efficient. Even if you can speak incredibly quick it still requires time to cast a spell."

A small bullet smacked into Quol, interrupting his cast.

Kan'na twirled her finger, a magic circle forming, "However not everyone can do this, so I don't expect it. But you seem to be addicted to powerful spells with long casting times."

Quol's grip on his staff grew tighter, "What about it?"

"Sure, big powerful spells and such are cool and all. It doesn't do any good if you can't actually use them though."

Kan'na looked at Quol, "It would be the better option to distract your opponent with mediocre spells first. Allow them to get their defenses working, diverting their attention. With a little bit of practice you can distract them long enough to chant a powerful spell."

Quol's expression wavered, "What good will it do if I try it now? You will expect it."

"Not a bad outlook. You don't have a choice however, look at your situation. Even if you somehow beat us now, you won't be able to beat the next guys."

"You don't know that."

"The fact that you can't do anything against us is the proof I need. I'm not saying this to antagonize you. You need to face things realistically. In a world where anything is possible doesn't mean that the things you want will happen. It means you have to make it happen."

"I won't be listening to this philosophical nonsense."

Kan'na stared at him with an annoyed expression, "You're like one of those photo filters. Useful in only certain situations, otherwise you're unimportant and useless. Sometimes even a little annoying. Refusing to take some advice so you can remain as a steel mold will only leave you abandoned and rusted."

"I don't understand."

"You're a stubborn idiot."

Quol frowned.

Kan'na leaned against the tree, "Learn and grow, take advice from those with more experience. While you don't have to follow their words exactly, you should always test it. Even if a little. You're the leader of this team, if you refuse to change so will they."

"I never accepted the role as leader."

"That's irresponsible. You haven't accepted the role yet you dish out orders like it's a cheap meal. It's fine to refuse something you don't want to do, but refusing to take responsibility for the very thing you do is tasteless."

"I'm tired of hearing your words as if you know everything."

"My job as this team's mage is to analyze everything our leader doesn't. While he's usually quite aware, some details can escape his broad vision. However your team is as transparent as glass. It took only that single match to figure out how your team operates."

"Lies, you watched our previous matches."

"Believe what you will."

~ ~ ~

Jarvis yawned, "You've been watching me for a bit. Why so tense?"

Immen held his targe up, watching Jarvis' every move. Jarvis examined him, "Loosen up. You're focusing only on me. With such narrow vision how can you protect your healer? Look, Bo and To already reached them."

Immen turned to see two birds landing on Uyu's shoulders. The Priest was startled as they quickly tried to shake them off.

The two birds gave him a glare before taking off to the skies again.

Jarvis flipped through the Book of Life as he spoke, "By zeroing in on a single threat you subconsciously ignore everything else. Your sense is actually quite good, but the moment you find your target it goes to waste."

Jarvis snapped the book shut, "The Thief you battled in the previous match, you noticed them just in time. However as you were dealing with them you ignored your healer. A critical flaw that can be abused."

"I can't battle multiple opponents efficiently."

Jarvis shook his head, "There is where your problem lies. You think that you must eliminate the danger in order to protect the healer. However your thoughts should be to just protect the healer. You have teammates for a reason. Trust in them more. Here, practice with these little guys. Don't try to eliminate them, rather try to block their attacks."

Immen's gaze focused onto five adorable creatures.

They began to run around, overwhelming Immen as he began to overthink their next move.

One suddenly jumped and Immen moved to counter it. But another jumped and landed on Uyu. However after touching the Priest they quickly hopped off.

Jarvis spoke, "One hit. With these guys efficiency the Priest would have already been eaten. Try again."

Immen frowned as he lifted his targe, focusing on the adorable creatures.

~ ~ ~

An arrow bounced off a bronze semi-translucent shield. Tilia lowered her hand and the shield slowly dissipated, "Hmm, archers is it? Specifically one meant to set traps. It seems like any form of conflict is your Achilles Heel. In that case why not simultaneously place traps as you fight?"

Nime drew her bow with a frown, "You must not know how a Trapper works."

The arrow was pointless as it bounced off harmlessly. Tilia then explained, "I'm quite aware actually. I know some traps take time, but others are actually quick. Why not place those as you kite your opponent around?"

Nime clicked her tongue as he fired more arrows, "Who says I can't fight in close combat?"

"Fair point, you held off your opponents relatively well. But that was by kiting them and slowly reducing their health. You could have finished them off faster by utilizing your placed traps more efficiently."

"You're a defender, there isn't much you are aware of."

Tilia stood still, her War Sight covering her body, "All right let me prove it to you. Shoot me."

Nime frowned but aimed a shot. Before she let the arrow fly Tilia spoke, "Dead center between my eyes, not bad aim."

Nime hesitated, for that was where she was aiming exactly. With her eyes narrowed she spoke, "How do you know that?"

"With enough combat experience you get used to these things. Blocking attacks is my specialty, estimating where they land before they are even fired is something I had to learn."

Tilia lifted a finger, "Now how do you think I would react to such a shot?"

"You would block it."

"Correct, I would. But what about someone else?"


"Exactly. Which way would they dodge?"

Nime did not answer that question.

Tilia lifted finger to where the tip of it pointed directly under where Nime was aiming. She then moved it to the left, "What about in this position?"

"You would dodge to my left."

"You see? By aiming in a certain way those who see the attacks will dodge in the most efficient way- well at least skilled warriors will. So why not use that to your advantage? Why not make them dodge in the direction you want them to move to? Why not have them dodge directly into your trap?"

Nime furrowed her brow, ideas suddenly forming in her head. What her opponent was saying made sense.

Henry's lip quivered, he really couldn't say much! A question kept floating in his head:

Why. . . why are you teaching your opponents?!