The Finals

"With a turn of events I am sure everyone is happy about, Six Lights has blocked the one shot ability!" Henry spoke, glad he was able to do his job.

John added, "For the first time we might be able to see these two teams in actual battle. Six Lights had strange circumstances with their battles, and they have yet to actually fight! While on the other hand Bakery Basics has one shot their opponents early!"

"The two teams have the same team composition as well. Meaning there won't be any class advantages here, it will be purely based on Skills and ability."

"The two teams begin to meet, I wonder how this will unfold!"

The party saw the enemy team, they were separated only by grass and air. The enemy Priest spoke, "You survived the beginning test. Impressive."

Kan'na spoke, "Not really, it's an entry level test."

"That it is! Now, can you survive the rest of this?"

The enemy pugilist, named Gan, teleported in front of Wrock. Their fist already soaring towards his chest. Wrock lifted his arms to block the blow. As Gan's fist made contact Wrock's expression turned to surprise.


Wrock's arms felt and looked like they shattered. The force from the blow sent him flying across the Arena and crashing into one of the buildings, making it collapse onto him.

Wrock struggled to free himself from the rubble. His arms completely destroyed. Blood was flowing freely from wounds. His HP was at. . . exactly 1!

Wrock had never thought that he'd see the day this skill would activate.

[Roaring Will (Passive):

No matter how powerful the blow, you will not fall easily!


- When receiving an attack that will kill the user.


- Negates death and leaves user at 1 HP]

Wrock's wounds were rapidly healed by Yielya and he grinned, "Focus Sash for the win."

The enemy Priest, named Yemm, rose an eyebrow, "You survived that as well?"

Kan'na assessed the situation, "I'm familiar with this, a War Sight? I should figure at least one of you would have one."

Yemm smiled, "You're quite knowledgeable. A shame you aren't aware on how it works."

Wrock shook his arms to regain his senses, "A War Sight, allow me to return the favor then."

A blue flame with crackling electricity crawled up his arms. Using [Intense Speed] he teleported in front of Gan. As he threw a punch he used [Untouchable Power]. Gan received the blow and was sent flying. While it wasn't as dramatic as Wrock's, the damage dealt was still significant.

Wrock shook his arms and the flames flickered out, "How mean."

Yemm narrowed his eyes and tapped his staff, healing Gan's wounds. After examining his opponents he spoke, "Shall we begin then?"

Yielya smiled playfully, "If you can handle it."

A Sword Master named Uyana unsheathed her sword and stabbed it towards Yielya. A flurry of cherry blossom petals swirled in a circular pattern. A pink line rapidly approaching.

Akiol and Tilia moved in response. A bronze semi-translucent shield appeared and blocked the attack. Akiol used {Expeditious Steps} to rapidly approach Uyana. With a swift strike his sword passed through her neck. Akiol knew the strike was wrong, it lacked the proper impact. Suddenly, Uyana turned into a pile of cherry blossoms. She reappeared a distance away and held her sword steadily.

Stars suddenly spoke, 'Oh! That's Wooden Blossoms! A Lower Eight Sword!'

Akiol was surprised, 'What's the story behind this one?'

'During the death of the oldest Sakura Tree it produced a log with hardness comparable to the strongest metals. After months of carving and testing Borus made it into a bokken. Surprisingly it held more than just toughness, it also holds the unique ability to summon Cherry Blossoms. It seems this is able to be refined into an attack.'

Uyana swung the bokken, fluttering Cherry Blossom Petals followed its trail. Akiol swiftly parried this and counter attacked.

Several magic circles floated around Kan'na, as she rapidly fired spells towards Gan. Her goal was to keep them at bay, until they figured out their War Sight.

She quickly raised a magic circle and blocked an incoming spell. She glanced at the enemy sorcerer and merely spoke, "Wrock."

Wrock dashed forward, aiming a fist towards the enemy sorcerer's face.


His fist hit metal. The enemy Defender, named Iyh, held his shield up. Wrock quickly grabbed the top of their shield and vaulted over it. Iyh reacted quickly and spun, holding his shield up he charged forward.

The basic skill of a Defender, [Charge Bash]. Capable of stunning the victim for several seconds if it landed.

Wrock suddenly jumped and flipped backwards. Having missed [Charge Bash] Iyh rapidly canceled the Skill. Wrock aimed a blow towards the Defender, yet Iyh spun quickly and blocked it.

Yielya's arm suddenly received a wound, she inspected it before completely ignoring it. Instead she watched the battle carefully, something had harmed her. She needed to find out what.

Jarvis was holding off the enemy Summoner's summons. Extreok dashed through the battlefield, lightning crashing onto some of the enemies.

While Guarton may have been the better choice due to his control over the Earth element, he instead chose Extreok to bait the Summoner into wasting more MP.

A frog with only two legs and a singular eye jumped forward with a croak. Extreok only glanced at it before slicing it in half with a blade of wind. She then tore apart a small unidentifiable creature with her jaws and stomped a paw. A ripple of lightning extended and paralyzed many of the small summons.


A massive bear with tusks charged forward with a growl. Extreok sent several spinning blades of wind towards it. Only for them to barely scratch the bear.

The bear opened its jaw wide, wider than a normal bear could ever, and aimed to clamp down on Extreok's neck. She swiftly retreated, escaping death. She then warned Jarvis, 'This one is resistant against various magic.'

Jarvis nodded and the pages of the Book of Life began to rapidly flutter.

Tilia charged towards Yemm, extending her hand the semi-translucent bronze shield appeared behind the enemy Priest. She tugged the air and the shield moved forward, knocking Yemm towards her.

Her War Sight encompassed her arm as she prepared to smash his face.

Iyh flickered and appeared in front of Tilia. Her fist slammed into his shield, a metallic ring sounding.

Blood spurted from Jarvis' leg, interrupting his action. He grit his teeth but ignored the sudden pain. Instead he swiftly examined his surroundings, unsure on what had hit him.

~ ~ ~

"It seems like the battle is quite even from the start!"

"With both sides keeping the others at bay, what will cause the turnaround in this battle?!"

-Anon771: These guys don't know anything.

-Anon626: These guys don't know anything.

-Anon597: ?! You both said the same thing?

-Anon110: LOL

-Anon626: Bakery Basics has yet to even try. I'm sure they are just testing the waters.

-Anon597: But why? If they were capable of killing them now. Why wouldn't they? That's what they did before.

-Anon771: Because they can't. Six Lights is pressuring them. Forcing them to show more and more of their cards.

-Anon095: Ha, Cards

-Anon626: Six Lights can't do anything. They are merely stalling.

-Anon771: Cmon now, we've been rivaling during this competition this whole time. I am aware you aren't dumb enough to not see what's happening. I believe in you 626. . .

-Anon626: Gross.

-Anon626: Regardless my faith stems from seeing Bakery Basics in their peak state. I've seen what they are capable of. I haven't seen Six Lights, but considering no one has ever come close to what I saw, I doubt it could be surpassed.

-Anon771: Things are meant to be surpassed. Do not state words like you're a frog in a well.

-Anon626: Tch.

-Anon888: Who types 'tch' unironically?

-Anon626: . . .

~ ~ ~

Since Iyh went to block Tilia, Wrock was now free to attack the enemy Sorcerer. He charged forward and aimed a blow.

The Sorcerer smirked, "Not yet."

Suddenly the Sorcerer vanished. Wrock suddenly moved oddly and slammed his elbow into a player behind him.

[Spinning Reversal]!

Gan winced but held his ground. Clenching his fist he punched Wrock in the gut.

Wrock's body was lifted from the blow. However he had intentionally taken the attack. With it he came to a rough conclusion.

Pretending to stumble back Wrock grinned, "So your War Sight requires a charge up?"

Gan was surprised, had they taken the hit just to prove a theory?

Wrock suddenly leapt forward, his knee slamming into Gan's stomach. The illusion of a bull appearing.

Gan felt air leave his lungs. The powerful strike left him blinded by surprise.

A Pugilist was this strong without any buffs?!

Wrock moved fluidly, executing a spinning back kick aimed directly where he had kneed them previously.

[Second Tempo Strike]!

[Thunderclap Cannon]!

The sound of a thunderclap was heard as Gan was sent tumbling across the ground!

Wrock turned his gaze towards the enemy Sorcerer and prepared to attack, when suddenly blood spurted from his back!