Path Forward

"Thank you for saving me."

"I was merely passing by. I learned something neat as well, thanks to you of course."

Pennily shook Yielya's hand, "My father runs a resource supply chain, if you ever need assistance find him. He usually stays at our headquarters, has the words Wiseren Trading Company on a huge sign above the door. You can't miss it if you're looking for it."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Thank you again! I must write my findings down, perhaps we shall cross paths again sometime!"

Yielya waved goodbye as Pennily rushed home, most likely to write down the various findings in better writing. For the journal she decided to use seemed quite worn.

Then, Yielya sighed exasperatedly. Since she was the one who first came across info on the Calamity, it was up to her to find more. Kan'na was better suited for research, she seemed obsessed with it most of the time.

Yet since Kan'na is focusing on something else right now, it was up to Yielya to take the task.

They most likely already had enough information, enough to satisfy as an answer. The Calamity of Goju was an Origin Monster.

Yielya decided to pinpoint exactly what monster that was however. Perhaps it would lead to a clue on more history around Goju.

The best place to start would be a library. Yielya hoped the books weren't in a different language, the last thing she needed was to study that as well.

~ ~ ~

"I have come up with a training regime, as we leave this forest you both with be constantly training. Mira, your goal is to handle your overwhelming strength. A battle is more than just power. You will constant repetitive exercises, everyday I will give you a goal. You must accomplish this goal before I can continue teaching."

Mira nodded energetically, clearly keen on following Akiol's instructions.

Akiol turned to Givale, "For you, continuing your training with mana and your element. Your control over mana is sufficient enough for battle, now you just need to get used to using it while focusing on multiple opponents. To do this you'll be facing the monsters that attack during the night. As for how you'll be facing them. . ."

Akiol extended a hand and mana swirled in response. Slowly a flickering shape of a bow formed, "You'll be using the bow."

Givale was immediately against the idea, "A bow?! I don't want to shoot from afar!"

"An archer is not to be underestimated, additionally this is perfect practice for you. A bow is a complex shape to keep in battle. As for the arrows, use your element. This way we can check all three for training. Mana, element, and battle."

"But I'm a Dragon! To shoot from a distance-"


Givale bit her lip and quieted down, but still rejected the plan.

Akiol explained patiently, "The archer class is a vastly underestimated class. Those who can keep others at a distance while attacking them. The only other class capable of doing that is the sorcerer, and those require various chants."

In his previous world there was very few who continued down the path of an archer. Those who used a bow regularly were the average foot soldier. Along with the special archer squadron meant to keep invaders at bay.

However the bow would be dropped the stronger one became. Creating a bow out of materials strong enough to resist the wielder's strength, while still being enough to act as a bow, would become more rare and expensive. Arrows capable of piercing were the thick protective armor were of beasts were even more expensive, essentially becoming money burners.

Those who prevailed in the archer class either was not lacking in funds, or used the method demonstrated by Akiol. Mana was incredibly flexible, capable of taking on forms the user wished, as long as they were able to control mana of course. Creating bows and arrows was difficult, but paid off well if mastered.

It also was excellent training, Akiol himself used this method for a while before mastering Mana Control.

Akiol kneeled in front of Givale, "This is excellent training, you can trust me on this."

Stars added, 'Honestly I think such a fighting style is more suited to a Dragon.'

Givale frowned, "How?!"

'Think about it, what Dragon would willingly approach the enemy first? Who would be worthy of that? Killing them from a distance to prove they are under you fits a Dragon splendidly.'

Givale's eyes brightened at that thought, "Okay! I'll follow your training!"

Akiol chuckled faintly, "Alright, for now try to form a bow."

He turned to see a dumbfounded Mira, the most confused face available on their face.

Akiol asked, "Everything alright?"

Mira titled his head, "Who is she talking to? And she's a Dragon?"

"I suppose proper introductions are in order. This is Givale, a Dragon with unfair circumstances. She'll be learning alongside you. I, as you know, am Akiol. What you might not know is that I'm a slime."

Mira made a surprised face, "A slime? What's that?"

Akiol was amused by the reaction, he morphed his body into his ball form and plopped onto the ground.

Mira was stunned, "You shrunk!"

Akiol enjoyed how expressive Mira was, a very innocent reaction to everything. Returning to his human form Akiol smiled, "That is what I am, I prefer this form for various reasons."

"That's so cool!"

"It's unique for now."

Realizing he was getting off track Akiol dispelled a claymore. The reward he obtained from defeating the Departed Warriors Dungeon so long ago. He hadn't gotten rid of it, keeping it in his inventory the whole time. After obtaining one of the Strands it was automatically absorbed.

Now it had a use, such old and outdated weapon would no doubt shatter in Mira's hands.

Akiol handed it to Mira, "This is an old Claymore, its not that strong and would probably break easily. For now you're going to go through a series of practice swings. Be careful and do not break this."

Mira grabbed the Claymore easily, as if it was paper, "Yes sensei!"

Akiol almost twitched, "Ahem, no need to call me that. Akiol works."

"Akiol sensei then!"

". . ."

~ ~ ~

Jarvis scratched his nose, "Hmm."

"You alright Mister?"

"Appreciating the fresh air for a moment."

Loni was sitting on his shoulder, "The air isn't exactly fresh."

"Compared to Doru City. . ."

Kiro advertised, "If you want a nice place to rest, there's a decent forest West from here."

Jarvis sighed, "No, as much as I would love to. I think our next destination is the next biggest City."

"That's a few day's trip from here Mister, and teleport formations get expensive these days."

"I'm flat broke, teleporting isn't happening."

"You certainly don't expect us to walk on foot right?"

"As much as I would like to, the sooner we get there the better."

The Book of Life floated above Jarvis' hand. The pages flipped and stopped on a picture of a strange creature.

It was a large bug with a small face. Two large antennae on its head. Its body was covered with a thick shell, the top of the shells was caved in. Taking shape of a square. It appeared in front of Jarvis, tapping its two antennae together in a form of greeting. Smiling Jarvis patted its small head.

Kiro was fascinated, "What is this? I've never seen something like this before."

Jarvis explained happily, "A Cart Bug, I named it Go. It stores food and water in its shell as it moves around. It's surprisingly quick for its size and shape. We can rest in its shell as it travels for us."

"In its shell?"

"Currently it has moss all over it, so its pretty soft. Originally I hadn't intended for it to hold more than one person, but given your size it should be fine."

"You're full of mysteries Mister."

"Guess I'm Mister E."

". . . What?"

"Nothing, I'll teach you how to guide this fellow."

"I- I'm not sure."

"If you don't want to you don't have to. I just figured it would be easier for you to lead the way if you could lead this guy. It's fine either way though."

"I'll just give directions for now."

"Alright, climb in back and we'll be off."

Kiro slid into the shell and rested comfortably, "Just turn slightly left and head forward. We'll have to go in that direction for a while."

Jarvis guided the bug and it began to move. It's speed just walking was slightly faster than the average human run. It's body seemed to glide over the ground easily.

Kiro examined the sky as she asked, "So what are you?"

Loni scoffed, "A fairy obviously!"

"Not you, I'm speaking to the Mister."

Jarvis rose an eyebrow, "What exactly do you mean?"

"I mean, you've got a fairy on your shoulder. You summoned this bug out of a book. You could hear the sound of a creature in one of the most busy cities. I know you said you lived in the wild for most your life, but isn't this a little strange?"

"I'm just someone who likes creatures of all kinds, everything is unique in their own way. Seeing new creatures fascinate me constantly."

"So your goal is to collect them?"

"Nope, just to see them. Converse with the ones capable of doing so. The ones that are with me wanted to come along willingly. I certainly don't mind their companionship."

"One who bonds with creatures. . . Yep, you're a strange one Mister."

Jarvis simply laughed, he was used to such statements.