Dimitrin’s Punishment

"Take my life? Try me!"

Muryl roared and charged forward. With a flurry of fists he aimed to overwhelm Dimitrin.


The nunchucks scored a blow across Muryl's jaw, stunning him momentarily. Dimitrin calmly spun it on their side, "A simplistic weapon, allowing anyone to swing with their full might without having to worry about repercussion. It would really suit a beast like you."

Muryl touched his jaw, "You land a single hit and act all cocky, that's why I hate you Abyssal folk. Always thinking you're superior."

"Enough talking."

"Ha! Your strength is on par with mine! You think you can actually stop me?!"

Muryl threw a fist forward, Dimitrin side stepped it and struck Muryl's side with the nunchucks, "There's a difference between our levels."

Wincing, Muryl retorted, "As if!"

Stomping the ground, Muryl summoned a sea of flames. With a strange movement with his palms, he sent the sea of flames crashing onto Dimitrin. As he watched the flames crash a confident smirk appeared on the Demon's face.

The flames began to act strangely, as if being turned into a whirlpool. As if being extinguished, the flames began to die down.

Dimitrin stood calmly, nunchucks spinning like crazy at their side. The flames were stuck to the nunchucks, creating a wheel of fire.

The smirk faded as Muryl changed his expression into a scowl, "Think you can subdue my flames?"

With a leap forward Muryl shook the ground, roaring with fury. Dimitrin spun their nunchucks watching as Muryl descended. Until the moment they saw an opportunity.

Utilizing the momentum from the spin Dimitrin smacked the underside of Muryl's jaw with the nunchucks. A curve of flames following behind the nunchucks.

A hit powerful enough to temporarily knock Muryl out. The Demon's eyes rolled into the back of his head as their body turned limp.

"Awake Demon, it isn't over just yet."

Dimitrin leapt above him, embers of the previous flame still lingering on the nunchucks. With a swing downwards Dimitrin sent Muryl crashing towards the ground.

The force from hitting the ground startled Muryl conscious. Realizing what had happened he roared furiously, "You Abyssal scum! I'll kill you!"


Dimitrin landed on top of the Muryl, causing his stomach to cave in. Without giving the Demon a moment to breath, Dimitrin rapidly began to attack Muryl's face. The power behind the nunchucks was not at all laughable, causing significant damage to his head. Every time Muryl attempted to lift his arms to defend himself, they were thwacked away. Gritting his teeth, that bathed in his own blood, he roared. A pillar of flames ascending from the ground to encompass himself and Dimitrin.

"Haven't you already learned?", Dimitrin asked.

The flames swirled and flickered, slowly only leaving a bit of flame around the nunchucks. Now with increased flame damage, Muryl's beating only grew worse.

"I. . . don't understand!"

"How you're being beaten? It's simple, I am more skilled.", Dimitrin said, answering an unspoken question.

"We are of equal strength!"

"That is why you are losing. You Demons only concern yourselves with raw power and contracts, limiting your abilities. You never stood a chance of conquering the Abyss, not in your wildest dreams."

A few seconds past and Muryl began to cave, "I get it! I get it! I'll listen!"

"Nonsense.", Dimitrin did not hesitate.

"I'm close to becoming the Demon Lord! You can use that to your advantage! I'll listen to what you say! I'll make a contract!"

"You had your chance, which was squandered."

"I understand! But I'm offering something more!"

"Your wails grow tiresome to listen to."


Dimitrin stomped onto the Demon's throat, a horrifying crack sounded. Muryl's eyes widened then turned blank.

The nunchucks faded away as Dimitrin collected themself. Dusting off their attire they nodded, satisfied.

"Oh, he would need this to repair his sword."

Dark Abyssal energy formed midair and stabbed into the Demon's chest. With a swift movement a heart was lifted into the air.

"Now then."

~ ~ ~

"Well well, look at the state you're in!"

"Lord. . . Flinnder. . .", Travis replied weakly.

"Drink a potion, let's not bleed over my floor alright?"

Travis pulled out one of the potions in his bag, he suddenly remembered that he had quite a few potions that might've been helpful before his fight with Muryl. In his excitement and haste he had forgotten about them.

He downed one of the potions and his wounds began to heal rapidly. A sigh of relief left his mouth. Not forgetting his manners Travis moved into a kneeling position.

Flinnder grinned, "Well! I have a feeling we have some catching up to do! I recently watched your little skirmish with the other semi-immortals. An enjoyable sight, though that girl was someone you shouldn't have messed with."

Travis frowned subconsciously, "What?"

"The one with the Chosen Blessing, the one who gave her that Blessing. . . Forget about that, more importantly that other sword I see you wielding. Imagine my surprise when we felt one of the laws shatter temporarily."

"The laws?"

"So few words yet so many questions! You're normally a bright one! You broke one of the laws that bind this world! No one is supposed to wield two swords of Borus."

"I had no choice to survive."

"That's the thing with you isn't it? Whenever you have to survive you tend to break the shackles that bind you. I wouldn't doubt you had some breakthrough during the fight with that Demon."

". . ."

"You did didn't you? I'm sure many would want to choke you for that ability."

"It's not something I can control."

Flinnder chuckled, "I was a bit surprised to see you in the Demonic Plane so soon."

"Which reminds me, how did you get to me?"

"You're not the only one capable of breaking the shackles that bind them.", Flinnder said with a wink.

With a change of subject Flinnder continued, "I had planned to interfere with the inheritance of the Demon's Throne. You see despite the Demon's being inferior to us, the Demon Lord is something we need to be cautious of. I had hoped to delay them by meddling in their politics, but you added an unknown variable."

"My apologies."

"This works out anyway, with this they'll assume assassination and start fighting."

"I see."

"Onto more important matters. The other Dukes wish to see you. It's not often someone breaks one of the laws. They've been pestering me to introduce you."

"Oh. . ."

"I plan on annoying them a little farther, so you can relax and recover here for a bit. I'm sure Dimitrin is quite displeased with your performance."

A subconscious shiver went down Travis' spine, much to the amusement of Flinnder.

A crooked black square appeared and Dimitrin stepped out, "I have returned my Lord."

"We were just talking about you!"


"Our Ex-Champion here was just talking about how his skills were lacking!"

Travis gulped, he was pretty certain no such words left his lips.

Dimitrin nodded, "I agree, how long is he staying my Lord?"

"Around a week, maybe more."

"Plenty of time. Rest up, you have training early in the morning."

Travis lowered his head, ". . . As you command."

~ ~ ~

"Thanks for the help!"

Wrock grinned, "No problem! Have a good one!"

He had come across some players struggling with a wild monster. After asking for permission Wrock rapidly assisted them. The players seemed to know who he was and were quite happy with the outcome.

As Wrock walked away he rubbed his nose, "Ah, guess I've gotten a little popular!"

"Indeed you have."

His good mood rapidly vanished as Wrock turned to face the voice. A lightly armored male approached him, chiseled body visible.

The mysterious figure managed to approach him without Wrock noticing. It was alarming to say the least. On edge Wrock asked, "And you are?"

"My name does not matter, I am here for only one thing."

"I sure hope it doesn't have to do with me."

"Well then the answer may disappoint, for I'm after you."

Wrock lifted his hands into a basic fighting stance, "Sorry, but I don't swing that way."

"Fond of jokes?"

His eyes widened, for the newcomer threw a fist he was barely able to see. The only reason he was capable of dodging was thanks to {Hyperfocused Battle Intensity}, which he had switched to the moment the mysterious person had revealed themselves.

Not planning on fooling around, Wrock rapidly activated his War Sight. The figure was quite pleased, "So you were able to dodge that much, you are as great as I had hoped."

They shot forward, releasing two punches rapidly. Wrock managed to dodge them, albeit barely. He felt like he was dodging bullets, the fighter he was against reminding him of Rygeth. Not wanting to only be dodging Wrock threw a swift jab towards the figure's abs. This was caught easily, Wrock felt his fist being crushed underneath the stranger's strength.

They spoke approvingly, "And to strike back despite your disadvantageous situation!"

Wrock teleported into the sky using [Intense Speed]. Wincing he rapidly use a combination of three Skills.

[Mastered Basic Punch]!

[Second Tempo Strike]!

[Thundering Impact]!

The two shockwaves shot forward. The figure merely smiled and shot a fist forward of their own. Their own shockwave formed and clashed with Wrock's, canceling each other out.

The figure nodded, "You're even better. It's official, you're coming with me."

Wrock landed and was about to retort, but could not. For before he even realized it.

His vision went black.