Fallen Star

Jarvis took his chance almost immediately. Colors flew from his book and a large crane stood next to him.

"Ah? More bandits?"

"If you could."

"Of course I can! I find it funny that you get pestered by the average criminal."

Neorvil flapped one of her wings and vines suddenly shot from the ground and bound the bandits.


Jarvis stepped forward. Suddenly Neorvil twisted her neck to the side, "Oh? There seems to be an interesting creature."

This caught Jarvis' attention immediately, "Where?"

A bush shuffled and a small fox appeared, a bead in their mouth. Jarvis raised an eyebrow, "Ah, so it was you."

The Kitsune from before stared at Jarvis, indecipherable eyes gleaming. Jarvis smiled, "Right then, we're equal now."

The Kitsune continued to stare. As if looking for something.

Kiro walked over, "I think-"

Holding out a hand Jarvis tilted his head slightly, "You sure?"

Momentarily dumbfounded Kiro asked, "Can you understand it?"

Yielya stumbled over, "Kiro. . . lend me your shoulder real quick. I don't want to collapse because it'll just make this worse."

Kiro hesitated, but supported Yielya. As she walked her over to Go Kiro asked, "Can he actually understand it?"

"Not so loud please."


"We never quite understood. In fact we don't know much about Jarvis' past. But the guy has an affinity when it comes with animals. Whether or not it's a true understanding, he always seems to communicate with them effortlessly."

"I have no idea who he is exactly. Guy is full of mysteries."

"That's not intentional, he hardly opens up. Perhaps if you were an animal or something you'd understand him more, he bonds with his tames like they're family."

"Aren't you a relative?"

"Nah, just a friend."

"I thought-"

Jarvis watched as the Kitsune placed the bead in his palm. The bandits were about to shout something, but a thick vine prevented them from speaking.

Looking at the bead Jarvis shook his head, "No, I don't want this."

He handed it back, but the Kitsune only stared. With a frown he urged the Kitsune, "I don't feel well doing something like this."

Met with only stares Jarvis sighed, "Then how about we meet in the middle?"

The Book of Life hovered between them, its pages slowly flipping. The Kitsune tilted its head, its gaze turning to the book.

"Let it be mutual.", Jarvis said simply.

As if understanding the Kitsune picked up the bead and touched the Book of Life. It fluttered its pages and began to glow. Slowly lines of a golden light began to swirl around the Kitsune.

Suddenly the sound of glass shattering was heard. Neorvil turned her attention towards Jarvis, "Hm?"

Every creature in the Book of Life suddenly noticed a change.

The light around the Kitsune faded and it sat, two tails casually swaying. Jarvis was ecstatic, "You've obtained another tail!"

'This book is quite interesting.'

"Isn't it?"

Jarvis doubled back, "And you can speak now?"

'Those with two tails can communicate like this.'


'Well I am a Kitsune.'

The two tails seemed to speed up at the praise, but the Kitsune held a sense of pride.

Kiro couldn't believe her eyes, "This guy. . . entered Second Star so casually. Yet instead of celebrating he chooses to prioritize the Kitsune?!"

"Oh Jarvis leveled up? How nice.", Yielya murmured.

"You make it seem like it's no big deal?!"

"I figured he would soon, he seemed to be one of the few who had his path figured out. I can only really think of one other person too."

"You speak as if there is more of you."

"Did Jarvis not tell you? Six of us in total, currently we are split apart."

"Are all of you as ridiculous as this guy?"

"Depends on how you view ridiculous, but yeah, sometimes even more so."

". . ."

~ ~ ~

Nimin's eyes glowed fiercely, "Not yet!"

"If you think that you even stand a chance against me, you're more than just wrong!"

An energy flew towards Nimin, spinning Glint he knocked aside the energy with a bit of mana. His foot dug into the ground and he took off at an incredible speed! He charged with his spear pointed straight towards Perina's heart!

Perina caught the spear effortlessly, "You still lack strength Nimin. You always will."

"I'm tired of sitting by while your tyranny continues! I will not have it!"

"Those in strength control the fate of the weak."

"Screw that!"

Cracks began to form in the ground as Nimin doubled down on pushing his spear. His eyes glowing brighter, "The strong decide?! Are the lives of innocents worth nothing?!"

Perina's grip began to shake slightly, she narrowed her eyes, "The weak are meaningless in this world."

"The same weak who created that castle?! Those same people who work to live, who suffer needlessly?! Those people contribute more to this world than you will ever! These same people who toil under the sun to provide for what you think is luxury! You call those people worthless?!"

Nimin's eyes turned even brighter, slowly lines of a golden light began to form across his face. Traveling down his neck and onto his back. Slowly wings of a golden light formed.

His strength increased further, "People like you who can never see this doesn't deserve power!"

Perina grit her teeth, "Tsk!"

She grabbed the shaft of Glint with her offhand and lifted the spear. Nimin was also lifted with the spear, his face wavering slightly.

Perina lifted him over and slammed him onto the ground, "The weak who can never see the heights will live forever under those who climb. Why should I care about them?"

The air being knocked out of Nimin's lungs caused him to cough violently. Perina kicked his side, the strength caused him to be sent tumbling across the ground. Nimin forcefully stabbed Glint into the ground and slowed to a stop. Still regaining his breath he stared at Perina with a fierce gaze.

Stumbling onto his feet he lifted Glint into an offensive stance. One of his eyes turned blurry, it was then he noticed the amount of blood escaping his body.

Perina shook her head disappointedly, "You had such a great chance, a chance to assist my growth into the realm of Fourth Star! You were supposed to be that final piece, in a brilliantly poetic way."

"I decide my own fate."

She shook her head, "No not quite, you lack the strength for that. Let us meet again Forever One, when we do I shall end your life truly."

Nimin's eyes widened and he coughed blood. Looking down he saw a gaping hole in his chest. He collapsed onto his knee, his vision darkening.

"Not yet."


"Not yet. . . !"

'Nimin it's alright, we can fight again another day.'

"Not yet!!!"


"I'll make her see!!"

The golden wings lifted and flapped downwards. Nimin soared into the sky, "I'll make her have a taste of what she's done!"

Glint released a powerful light, one that lit up the entirety of the city. This drew Perina's attention of course.

Nimin's wings flapped once more, as he shot towards Perina, "Everything! This is for everything! [FALLEN STAR]!!!"

Perina frowned and lifted a hand to block it. Suddenly she felt a stinging sensation.

Glint had pierced her palm!

Nimin's eyes met hers, "Remember this! Remember this pain! When I'm back, I'll make sure of it! You will feel more than just this!"

Nimin's body turned into a golden light, it expanded slightly and shattered. Turning into shards of a once brilliant light.