
Mira watched as the metal formed. The metallic ringing sound constantly being formed. The intense glare by the Blacksmiths.

Grenta wiped away some sweat, "Are you done over there Yunil?"

Yunil pulled two objects from the furnace, "Yes!"

"Then it's time for the most important part."

Grenta stepped away from the weapon, "A drop of your blood, place it on the weapon."

Mira approached the axe, it was glowing brightly. Heat radiated off it. Raising his hand over the weapon he paused for a moment. Thoughts of everything that he had done before arose again. Yet so had the forgiving Villagers' faces. Along with Akiol's.

He grit his teeth and dug his nails into his palm. His great strength was enough to break the skin and a few drops of blood flowed from the wound. As soon as the drops of blood made contact with the glowing axe, the world around it seemed to ripple.

The axe cracked, making Grenta's heart stop. Mira watched as the fresh wound in his hand healed rapidly, and then turned his attention towards the axe.

Spreading into web-like pattern across the axe Mira tilted his head. He then reached forward to grab it. Grenta reached out a hand to stop him, "Wait! That's really hot-"

Mira grabbed the handle and the axe shattered. Revealing a blood red axe with a demonic feel. The axe was massive, larger than Mira. It had one edge, the shape looking like a falling droplet of blood.

Mira felt it in his hands, "It's heavy."

Grenta was ecstatic, but suppressed it violently. There was a chance the weapon was ineffective. Gingerly raising her hand she asked, "May I see it?"

Mira handed it over, once it left his hands Grenta felt it drop. The weight was ridiculous, far beyond the weight of the material she used. She let go before her fingers were smashed, and the axe crushed the ground beneath it.

She had a pained expression, "A failure, it's beyond usable at this weight."

Mira picked it up, "It's not unusable."

Now understanding just how heavy it was, Grenta was stunned at Mira's strength. He weighed it in his hands before doing some practice swings, "Can I test it on something?"

"There's a block of Onyx Metal just over there, I usually use it to test the durability of a weapon."

Mira approached the block and swung downwards, the axe crushed the metal into something unrecognizable.

Grenta was stunned again, "It's dull? But an axe shouldn't-"

"Perfect. . .", a happy smile spread across Mira's face. The weapon he used in the forest was shaped like an axe, but acted like a blunt weapon. Wielding such a tool was familiar to him.

"I succeeded then? I made a proper weapon with Arc Steel?"

A glow radiated around Grenta as she inspected her hands in awe. She exclaimed, "I-I got the approval! I've become a Grandmaster!"

She bowed her head, "Thank you Borus! I will not disappoint!"

Mira squeezed the handle of the axe and it morphed into blood-like material. It rushed towards his palm and rested there, showing a strange mark. Flexing his palm and the mark turned into a blood-like substance and formed into the axe.

Grenta approached him, "Excellent! Now you just need to name it, then it will really bring it life!"

Mira stared the weapon and shook his head, "I don't want to name it."

"What? But a name will improve the weapon!"

"I want Akiol Sensei to name it."

"It'll be better if you-"

"Akiol Sensei will name it."

Grenta found Mira's unwavering expression to be very convincing, "Very well, let's check up on your friend."

~ ~ ~

Yunil wiped her brow, "According to master now is the point where you must use that material."

She handed over the two scales, "I have a feeling it may be best if you do it."

Givale accepted the scales and stared into them, "Do I just place them on top?"

"That will work."


Givale walked up to the burning knives. The heat wasn't enough to make her flinch, but she could feel it.

Lifting the two scales, one in each hand, she placed them on top of the daggers. Suddenly her mind shifted to the tower. The endless white, the passing of time which was incalculable. The freedom she obtained, and the world which seemed endless to explore.

She remembered the first time she entered Stars' special area. The boundless space was infinite, such a dramatic change compared to the restrictiveness of the tower.

When Akiol explored with her, it was the greatest time she ever had. So many new things, the world was so full of color. It was beautiful.

The daggers cracked, forcing Givale out of her trance, "Did I do something wrong?"

Yunil watched the daggers in interest, "No, I think something magical might happen instead."

Givale reached out to grab them, the moment she touched the burning hot daggers they shattered. What was left was an identical pair of daggers, their blades a deep violet. Picking them up she placed them close together. When the blades touched they changed. It looked like a window into the world, the scene changing to her favorite sights.

Upon seeing this she placed them apart, she silently swore that everything inside here must remain a secret to her.

Yunil approached, "So? What do you think?"

"I like them!"

"It's a brilliant bit of work, I'm surprised the Arc Steel didn't reject it. You should test them on the Onyx block- never mind it seems like your friend crushed it. Have you thought of a name?"

Givale stared at the daggers, "A name?"

"A name for a weapon personal to you—especially a newly created one—helps improve it further."

"I. . ."

She paused for a moment before shaking her head, "I don't want to name them."

"You sure? It'll help in the long run."

"I think I'd rather have someone else name them."

"Your choice."

Yunil glanced over at Grenta and mumbled, "She can still make such an expression."

"Givale! Look at what I got!"

Givale turned to Mira who was waving the axe, "Oh!! Yours is done too!"

The two showed off their new weapons happily, both having happy expressions on their face.

Grenta approached Yunil and teased, "You're not going to say anything?"

Yunil's eyes lowered, "Congrats on becoming Grandmaster."

"Perhaps completing my long lasting mission was the final step. My passion is burning again."

"That's wonderful of you."

Grenta stopped the self praise and turned to Yunil. Her Disciples expression wasn't one she had hoped to see. Patting her shoulder she asked, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"I. . . I'm sorry for leaving you to become a Royal Blacksmith."

"I never held a grudge about that. Ever Disciple must break free from the Master to find their own path. I might not approve of the choice, but I will support you regardless."

"I only chose this path so I wouldn't rely on you. I had hoped to use the title of Royal in order to obtain enough resources to expand my craft. I disliked using your materials."

Grenta smiled, "Then all the more to you. When you finally become a Master Blacksmith, come to me. We can celebrate both our promotions that day."

"But you-"

"Mine can come later."

"Then, wait for me!"

"I'll be here."

. . .


Akiol was snapped out of his meditation to see two eager individuals showing him weapons.

Seeing their pleased faces he asked, "You guys like them?"


"Yes! Thank you Akiol Sensei!"

Givale paused before adding, "Thank you!"

Akiol smiled, "No problem, I'll be sure to teach you two how to wield them properly."

"There's actually one thing. . .", Givale said as she hesitated.

Mira handed over the axe, "We want you to name them."

"Name them? Is that necessary?", Akiol asked.

Yunil walked up behind them, "It will improve the weapon, growth types excel when they're given a name."

'Usually the name should be given by the wielder. But a name given by you won't have an less of an effect.' -Stars

'Why?' -Akiol

'The Link to put it simply.' -Stars

Akiol accepted the axe and felt his arms drop. His hands suddenly were pinned to the ground underneath it, "This is quite heavy!"

Mira nodded, "Very!"

Yunil frowned at the sight, "I thought wielders of the Twelve were unable to hold other weapons."

"Not specifically.", Akiol corrected, "I am not allowed to wield a weapon. I can carry anything as long as I don't have the intention of wielding, or attacking with, it. Else it would be incredibly inconvenient."

Stars called out, 'Wielding us only brings benefit!'

Akiol wasn't surprised that Mira was able to wield such an axe with visible ease. Even after the Link Mira still wielded a greater strength than him. Although Akiol wouldn't be helpless to it.

His Aura spiked as he lifted the axe, as he felt it he gained an insight to what it represented. Still he asked, "Are you sure you want me to name this? My naming ability isn't the best."

Mira nodded confidently, "Of course!"

"Alright, I'll do my best."

Immersing himself into the axe he further expanded on its meaning. Once he believed he had a proper grasp on it he named it, "Weight of Blood."

"Thank you!"

Akiol paused for a moment when he felt the weapon vibrate, as if it hummed. With a smile he responded as he handed it back, "You're welcome."

The response was to more than just Mira.

Givale handed over the daggers, excitedly waiting her turn. Picking them both up he repeated the process. After becoming confident he named them, "Boundless Worlds."

Givale was also pleased, "Hurray!"

'Your naming isn't even bad. Why don't you name your own techniques then?' -Stars

'Like how someone can fight harder for something they care about, I could say the same for my naming sense.' -Akiol

'Well you have my approval!'

'I appreciate it.'

Yunil added, "Now they're proper weapons. We should head back as well, forging those took a long time. If I spend anymore time here I'll be behind schedule."

"Can I ask for something else as well?"

"What is it?"

Akiol gestured towards the weapons, "They can't hold these forever."

Mira lifted the axe, "No need for me!"

The axe morphed to blood and embedded itself into his palm. Givale however shrugged, "I can't do that."

Yunil was amused, "I can make something for her, but we best head back quickly."

"Hop on!"

Givale turned back into her true form. As Akiol hopped onto her back he paused, "Did you always have these horns?"

Two deep violet horns sprouted from her head, they matched nicely with her eyes. Givale shook her head, 'These are new?'

"So you do have something like it. These must be the daggers."

'They turned to horns? But I used my scales!'

"World works in strange ways. We'll look at those more closely when we get back."

Mira and Yunil climbed onto her back. Bouncing about excitedly Mira exclaimed, "I haven't done this yet!"

'Stop bouncing!'

Mira stopped, "Sorry."

'Also be careful, falling isn't fun!'

Givale took off into the sky, making the ground become slower as she rose.


(Author here! Since Akiol doesn't have access to the System, I figured I'd add the ingame description of the weapons for those who are interested!)

[Weight of Blood]

Rarity: Unique (Growth Type)

Forged from Arc Steel and fused with Mira's blood, this weapon represents the weight of his guilt. Resolving to break free the drops of blood fused with the Arc Steel and formed into an extremely heavy weapon. It is almost unwieldy to anyone. Only Mira can properly use this.


- 300% of Strength Stat


- Behemoth Strength Title

When Equipped:

- +20% of Strength Stat

- Enhances any "Blood" Skills

Extra Skills:

{Blood Binding: Binds the weapon to the user's hand, allowing for quick access.}



[Boundless Worlds]

Rarity: Unique (Growth Type)

Created with Arc Steel and two Dragon Scales, the weapon manifested Givale's awe of the world that seemed to endless and beautiful. When placed together the wielder can glance into the sights deemed beautiful. It can only properly be used by Givale.


- 90% of Intellect Stat

- 90% of Strength Stat

- 100% of Agility Stat


- Dragon Race

- Space Magic

When Equipped:

- +20% to all Stats

- Enhances any "Space" Skills

Extra Skills:

{Glancing into Memories (Passive): When placing the blades together they will become a window into Givale's favorite sights.}

{Made of Dragon Scales (Passive): When turning into a Dragon, the daggers will turn into horns.}

