In A Flash Of Light

Ryolu roared and several hundred orbs of poison formed.

While in their human form Dragon's were much smaller, they were truly powerful in their original form. Between their incredibly hard scales, ridiculous strength, and their massive magic ability, a Dragon was no small opponent.

Despite all of this Travis was confident. Time and time again he came across opponents far stronger than him, and he still lived to this day! A Second Stage Dragon would be no different!

[Truth Threefold: Revealing]!

Every movement made by Opportunity and Ryolu was revealed. The barrage of attacks, every step that was made. Nothing escaped his eye! Travis walked forward, the orbs of poison shot forth and barraged around him. Yet not a single one touched his clothes.

He swung horizontally, a circular black attack shooting forth. The disc connected with Opportunity, clashing against a pair of golden arms.

[Rising Black Moon]!

Opportunity forced the attack downwards, the golden arms flickered in response. The moment she landed her figure vanished, showing off her speed.

To Travis, it wasn't that fast.


Their weapons clashed, a burst of wind blowing away loose debris. Travis' arm shook under Opportunity's strength, but nothing further.

She smiled, "It looks like I gained the upper hand!"

"Don't get full of yourself!"

Teleporting a distance away using [Truth Twofold: Existence] he managed to dodge an incoming swipe from Ryolu.

He then jumped back, flipping over a large arm holding an axe. Swinging twice two dark crescent attacks fired off. Arcing through the air they were cut short only a moment later. Travis extended his arms as Ryolu's jaw closed around him. As she tried to bite down he fought back. As his arms struggled to keep him alive he taunted, "Is this all a Dragon can do?!" 

A ball of green poison formed at the base of Ryolu's throat. Travis grinned, poking at a Dragon's pride is one way to get them riled up! He let go, spinning inside Ryolu's mouth as her jaws closed in. The inside wasn't protected by scales, presenting a wonderful chance! Ryolu roared in pain, two swords embedded themselves into the roof of her mouth. The poison began to gather faster, but the strength behind her jaws weakened!

Freeing his swords he escaped the jaws of the Dragon. Ryolu's eyes gained a sharp glare as she released a powerful Poison Breath.

A Dragon's breath attack! Their legendary ace move! One breath from a Dragon can cripple a City! The poison rapidly extended across the field. Anything living coming into contact with it rapidly wilted and died. Anything non-living melted or broke under the raw power. A massive path of destruction formed. Poison lingering across and around it. A noxious gas slowing rising from the puddles.

Travis hung from Ryolu's jaw, he had barely dodged the deadly breath attack. Even though he barely dodged death, his heart did not waver! Flipping himself upside down he kicked Ryolu's chin with both feet. The force caused her head to rise, and for him to shoot towards the ground.

Extending a hand he touched the ground and bent his elbow. Turning his body he spun and kicked an approaching Opportunity. His kick was met with a powerful guard, failing to hit properly. Her attack was interrupted however, which was his main goal.

The breath attack had bought him precious seconds, his stats rising every moment! Now he believed that the gap was in his favor!

He boosted himself into the air with a spin. Extending Lumen out a ray of white light burst forth. With Travis' spin a large circular area was cut, trees that still stood now fell. Their trunks were carved cleanly.

Landing on his feet he gave them no chance to recover. His eyes stung slightly, the effects of [Truth Threefold: Revealing] had ended. Regardless he no longer needed it!

[Rising Black Moon]!

A crescent shaped black attack sped across the field. It slammed into Ryolu's chest, but no damage was visible. Still she roared in frustration, proving the attack was effective.

Abyss Magic was not to be trifled with! Alongside his War Sight, every successful attack weakened them further. As the Abyss magic slowly ate away at their strength while he would only grow stronger!


Travis parried an incoming strike from Opportunity. Maneuvering his sword he pushed the axe away and delivered a shallow cut to her thigh. She didn't flinch, instead she used the gap between the axe head and the handle to trap Travis' blades. Now with his weapons pinned a golden arm manifested above her.

"Impressive, but not well thought out!"

Abe turned into a black mist, freeing up Travis' hand. He swiftly punched Opportunity's face, making her stumble back. Raising his hand a ball of dark energy gathered at his palm.

Skill Evolution!

[Depth's Beam] evolved to:

[Everdeep Blast]!


A beam several times larger than what Travis was used to fired off. Opportunity lifted her arms and manifested two additional golden arms to protect herself. The blast slammed into her defenses and knocked her off her feet.

The beam faded and revealed a knocked out Opportunity, a massive trail of destruction in front of her.


Ryolu roared and a massive green orb formed in the air. It began to warp weirdly and several balls of poison shot out from it. A barrage of these projectiles scattered everywhere. Upon landing a small explosion formed, and anything unfortunate to be hit by it died quickly.

Moreover she took off into the sky, several thin needles of poison forming above her. She flapped her wings and these shot downwards, aiming to piece through whatever was in its way.

Travis leapt upwards, cutting any of the needles that came close while dodging the explosive projectiles. He occasionally used a bit of mana to create an unstable foothold, but it was enough to work with.

As he ascended to the sky Ryolu shouted, 'You dare fight a Dragon in the sky?!'

"Fight?! You overestimate yourself!"

Travis launched even higher, he began stacking several debuffs onto Ryolu. Including the terrifying effects of [Truth Twofold: Revealing].

He got within range, he could see a pair of talons aiming for him. Most likely he would be carved into two if he was hit.

Everything slowed, his focus sharpened to a single point. He didn't even attempt to block or dodge. Instead he focused everything he had into this one attack. His two swords were swung, a solid black line following the tip of Abe while a similar white one followed Lumen.

They converged paths and made contact with the mark granted by [Truth Twofold: Revealing].

Ryolu paused momentarily, a large X shaped gash forming across her abdomen. Her brilliant scales had been cut, and the wound that followed was not light. Travis quickly followed the attack, now that the tough defenses of the scales was reduced he had a chance to end the battle here!

A pillar of light erupted, Ryolu roared in agony as her body was enveloped by it. The power behind the attack was too much for her to defend against.

[Final Judgement: Holy Eruption]!!

The pillar faded and no sign of Ryolu remained. The white circles on Travis' body shattered and dissipated. Walking towards Opportunity's body he spoke, "In the end you couldn't stop me."

Opportunity's hand twitched, her being slowly turning to ash. She then asked with a mumble, "For what reason. . . ?"

"What reason?"

"Why do you get this strong?"

"I had no choice, for the future I desired. Yet as I watch the outcome unfurl in a direction I failed to see, I realize perhaps it was the wrong choice."

"So. . . what will you do?"

"Reach a point where none can challenge me."

"Just to stand above everyone?"

"Precisely, only at the top can I rest easy."

"What a. . . lame reason."

Opportunity slumped as the process sped up. Her body turned to ash and flew into the wind. Travis watched as he sheathed his swords.

With a frown he mumbled, "If only you could properly understand."

His cloak fluttered violently as the wind picked up. He took it as a sign to leave, he needed a moment to recover from the battle.