Yomi, The Experimental Chef!

Wrock watched the entire thirty minutes. It was slightly entrancing, the chefs working tirelessly to compete. A pleasant aroma filled the hall, and a joyful atmosphere followed with. As the spectators gladly consumed the plates of food the timer finally hit zero.

"And Yomi is victorious! Let's give a round of applause for this month's head chef!"

A loud cry formed as the spectators cheered. Yomi bowed slightly, "My many thanks."

The announcer waved their hands, "Eat up! It's not everyday you get to feast upon the meals produced by the greatest chefs!"

Another cheer from the crowd followed and the remaining plates were rapidly claimed. Wrock didn't bother to claim one, for he wasn't particularly interested in the food. He watched as the chefs swiftly cleaned up their stations and began to quietly leave. As they left through a side entrance Yomi suddenly paused and looked back towards the crowd. Their eyes scanned through everyone until they found their target.

Swiftly and skillfully moving through the crowd they approached a figure, "You, what Class are you?"

Wrock rose an eyebrow, "Pugilist."

"Pugilist flames? I've seen those before, so why is yours giving off a different feeling?"

"Different feeling?"

Yomi looked around, "Not here, come with me."

"Forgive me, I'm new around here so I don't exactly trust you."

". . . A newcomer? I guess it's that time already. Then just meet me right outside, I'll give you further details there. Just know it might be worth for you."

"I can do that much."

"My many thanks."

Yomi and Wrock navigated through the dwindling crowd and left through the side entrance. The small alleyway it lead to wasn't comforting. However Wrock was positive no one would make a scene in a place like this. Yomi removed a small hair tie and let their curly hair flow. With a stretch they spoke, "I suppose introductions are in order. I am Yomi, currently this month's head chef."

"Wrock, newcomer."

"Wrock hm? You see I'm currently researching an aspect of cooking. I believe a flame can affect how a meal is produced. I've asked many different people with ample control over their flames to assist me, but the results have been. . . poor."

Wrock nodded along, "Then I assume your reason for speaking to me is?"

"Well during my research I've obtained a keen sight for unique flames. You have one that I have yet to see. So I ask, could you show me a bit of the flame?"

"Would that be different from you sensing it?"

"Yes, I can only sense it's one I have yet to see."

"I don't mind in that case."

Wrock lifted a hand and a blue flame flickered to life. Yomi's gaze intensified, he inspected it thoroughly and nodded to himself, "This holds an aspect very dear to some powerful creatures. I must ask, is this a form of Spirit?"

"You would be correct."

"How interesting! Spirit wielders are far and few between. There's only a few inside The Gated Arena, and none wield flame. What beast granted you this flame?"

"A Phoenix."

Yomi raised their eyebrow, "A blue Phoenix? I've never heard of a Phoenix with a blue colored flame."

"They are birds of fire, does flame not hold different colors naturally?"

"Right you are, I will have to write that down later."

Yomi scratched his chin, "Spirit hm. . . Wrock I must offer you an accord here. I have yet to cook with a true and proper Spirit flame. Would you allow me to borrow your flame?"

Wrock was against the idea of using the flame gifted to him by the Phoenix for cooking, "I don't exactly-"

"I am aware of how you Spirit users feel when it comes to using such a sacred gift for things you find paltry. So I have an offer that you might find reasonable."

Yomi pulled out a thick notebook, "Throughout my experiments with flame I had written everything I learned onto this. This holds more than my thoughts of cooking, but rather how flames react with certain elements of their wielder."

"I am not inexperienced with my Spirit."

"Yet you aren't proficient with it either. I can tell, you effortlessly summoned the flame to show me, but the rate you summoned it was inefficient. Tell you what, I know another Spirit user. I can ask them to assist with this project. So you'll not only have access to this book of my decades of research, but also a fellow Spirit user who is very proficient."

"So in return for assisting you with your tests, I am granted access to resources that will help my control over Spirit?"

"Yes precisely!"

Although Wrock was still hesitant, he would be lying if he said he wasn't interested. The majority of what he learned with Spirit was through his own trial and error, along with some assistance through written scriptures granted to him by his clan. He rarely was able to learn along a Spirit user, and he was intrigued to see how Spirit worked with NPCs in A World's Legacy.

The game proved to be more than simple, for he was able to constantly improve with the various encounters he had. If he could further improve his Spirit like this. . .

Wrock nodded, "I'd be a fool not to accept with such a generous offer. I look forward to working with you."

Yomi smiled gratefully, "My many thanks. Here take this, tomorrow it will guide you to a location. There I shall introduce you to that Spirit wielder and explain what my experiments will consist of."

Handing over a thin crystal slip Yomi picked up his things, "Ah, also take this! Since it will take a while for you to go through its contents I will hand this over beforehand!"

A thick notebook flew across the alleyway towards Wrock. Lifting his hand he caught it with ease and flipped through its contents. As he skimmed past the various notes he couldn't help but smile.

"This. . . this is quite something."

~ ~ ~

"Ah excuse me miss, but you have to pass an exam to get through here-."

Kan'na turned to see a stunned individual. Tilting her head she asked, "An exam? I can do that, but I wasn't told about that?"

"I-I am very sorry, but is that a Mark of the Arcane?"

"You can see that?"

"You'll have to forgive me, if I had noticed it sooner I would not have stopped you."

"It seems this Mark grants me extra privileges?"

"Not quite, you see this Academy of ours only allows access to those they think are worthy. By worthy you just have to prove you are knowledgeable in the Arcane Arts. That's why I said you needed to take an exam. However if you have been granted a Mark of the Arcane the exam in unnecessary, for it proves your knowledge."

"How intriguing. In that case I assume I am free to continue?"

"Well, yes but if you could wait just a moment I would like to call the Headmaster. It's not everyday we find someone who has a Mark of the Arcane."

"I don't mind waiting then."

"Thank you, it will be just a moment."

Kan'na had approached The Gated Arena's academy in hopes to find any unknown knowledge she could study upon. It was when she approached its doorway that the gatekeeper stopped her. It was interesting to know that the Mark of the Arcane had this kind of benefit.

She noticed a strange movement of mana which drew her attention. An individual appeared dressed in a deep purple robe. Adjusting their clothes they asked, "A Mark of the Arcane? No, there's two of them?"

The figure approached Kan'na and inspected her carefully, "It's the outfit? An item of Second Stage was granted a Mark? Is this your creation?"

"Partially, I had some assistance."

"What parts was your doing?"

"The writing."

"So it was mostly your doing then. I must say, you have reached the peak of Second Stage magic!"

"I doubt that, I feel like I can improve far beyond this."

"That you can! Come with me, those granted a Mark of the Arcane are permitted to ignore our classes and indulge in self study. I shall give you a tour!"

~ ~ ~

"Well well! If it isn't the South Province Head. How have you been?"

An old man scoffed, "Cease your front. Why have you come to me?"

A shrug was given as an answer. They looked about before solemnly shaking their head, "I just think it was about time for the South Province to fully disband. Nobody comes here anymore, your glory days are long over."

"The South Province has a worthy reputation! I will not let it fall apart!"

"No, it has a worthy history. Now your reputation isn't a fraction of what it once was."

The man sighed, "Listen, it pains me too. But it's just taking up resources and space, you're no longer contributing to The Gated Arena. It's about time you let go of these lingering memories and let something new form."

"I won't let this place fall apart."

The man sighed, "Alright enough sugarcoat. Listen here, if this Province does not perform well during this year's Arena, then it will be disbanded immediately."

"By what order?"

"The unanimous vote of the other three Provinces. By rule you will have to obey as long as the conditions are fair."

"Bah! What fair conditions?"

"It's simple really, you just have to be placed second or higher in the rankings. If so we shall leave you alone and will no longer be able to vote for your disbandment again. Fair enough is it not?"

"You did this on purpose!"

"I cannot deny that! While I truly miss the glory days of the South Province, I simply cannot allow that to interfere with the growth of talents. You shall have a copy of the announcement, it will act as a confirmation of you receiving the condition."

The man tossed over a thin crystal slip, "Oh also, there was another condition. Once this year's Arena ends, if you manage to triple your current talents we shall consider it your win."

"It seems you truly wish for the destruction of the South Province.", the old man said as he caught the crystal slip.

"We must always march forward, lingering in the past makes us stagnant. You know the purpose of The Gated Arena."

"Hmph, make yourself scarce."

"I will bother you no longer."

The old man grit his teeth as he watched the visitor leave. Second or higher in this year's Arena?! That was an impossible task! None of any members of the South Province were capable of producing such a feat. Additionally accepting new members was borderline impossible-!

He turned his attention to a stack of documents. The records sent by. . .

"Don't lose hope. . . very well this shall be the South Province's final fight. Even if I must sacrifice everything I shall not be made a fool of!"