
"Honorable Leader. . ."

"It seems like they truly intend to rid of the South Province."

"Should we put a stop to it?"

The Honorable Leader considered the choice for only a few seconds, "No, we cannot hold favoritism. It is true that the South Province has heavily stagnated. In order to continue nurturing various talents we cannot allow any resources to be wasted."

"Still. . . this is blatant targeting!"

"If the head of the South Province refuses to act then it shall crumble. However if he truly desires to maintain its legacy, he will act."

"Can they even succeed?"

"They will need a miracle."

"So it won't happen?"

"I didn't say that."

~ ~ ~

"So this is the one who gained a Mark while only Second Stage?"

"This would be Kan'na, during her Trial she showcased an abnormal level of knowledge when it comes to runes."

"This style reminds me of her."


"Memories from the past."

The two inspected Kan'na in her studies from a distance away. Aaron scratched his head, "I never understood the reason for creating magic circles like that. It seems like you need to be fluent in runes, and that could take a lifetime."

"Which is why those who succeed are considered geniuses. A type of magic that grants a freedom the others do not, but in return requires nearly triple more effort to fully understand it. If this person has studied it to the point where they were awarded a Mark of the Arcane, I am afraid they won't be beaten in a contest of knowledge among their peers."

"So we put them in the list of candidates?"

"Of course, the fact that they continue to diligently study now proves their passion. Who's the next person?"

"An individual known as Wrock, his Trial was on the borderline of breaking records. He was among the first to be offered to join the other Provinces, but was the first to decline."

The South Province Head looked through the profile, "Another Pugilist?"

"In case we can't recruit any of the others."

"Fair, let's get a move on then."

~ ~ ~

Akiol leaned back and moved his hand forward. Grabbing Mira's arm he used the momentum to pull Mira forward. This made him stumble into Givale's path.

Jumping over Mira she didn't falter in her attack. Her daggers reflected light as they were swung. Mira also recovered and swung his axe, leaving Akiol to deal with two attacks from different directions.

Akiol jumped over the axe and pushed himself off of it, Mira's ridiculous strength levels allowed him to pull off this kind of move. Twisting his body slightly he kicked towards Givale in one smooth motion. She lifted her arms and blocked the kick, but it wasn't enough to completely stop the momentum. As she landed she braced herself to charge forward again immediately, but Akiol held up a hand, "That's enough for today!"

"Aw! I feel like I was close to hitting you though!", Givale pouted.

"You two can continue practicing, I have someone to speak to."


"Yes Akiol-Sensei!"

Akiol smiled faintly and turned away. For the past few days he had been sparring with Givale and Mira. Their improvement was steady, and Akiol was beginning to feel the pressure from their teamwork. He would be a fool not to recognize talent.

This time around he noticed a few eyes watching their match. Since they were sticking around Akiol figured he would go see what they were up to.

Leaving the arena he approached the general area he felt the stares coming from. Soon enough two people came into view. An old man curiously watching Givale and Mira fight, and a disheveled figure adjusting their glasses. Akiol raised a hand in greeting, "I couldn't help but notice you two were watching. Was there something in particular you wanted?"

The glasses wearing figure looked over in surprise, "A-Ah no! We were just spectating. My apologies if it was distracting."

"Aha, you lot were sticking about for some time so I figured I would at least check in."

The old man then turned his attention, "Those two, do you know who is responsible for teaching them?"

"The two in the arena?"


"That would be me, I only provided a guiding hand here and there. They mostly developed this themselves."

"You taught them? How fascinating."

"I might not be the most qualified person, but I don't think I'm unqualified."

"You did a fantastic job, are they still being taught?"

"I find there isn't much I can properly teach them now. The more battles they experience the better they shall grow, so I only contribute to that factor."

"So that was why you were sparring."


The old man scratched his chin thoughtfully, "Aaron, how many people are left on the list?"

"This one is the last Chief."

"I have gained an inkling of how I wish to proceed now.", the old man turned to Akiol, "I am Horrow, the current head of the South Province."

Akiol raised a hand, "Ah, if this is about joining a Province I'm afraid I will decline."

"I expected as much, which is why I am here."


"You have yet to join a Province due to the restrictions it imposes, am I right?"

"Spot on in fact, I don't like being tied down."

"That is why I come to you with a different offer."

"I suppose the least I could do is hear it out."

Horrow smiled, "My thanks. You see, within three weeks time a certain event is going to take place here in The Gated Arena. The main reason it is called that name is due to the Arena it is built upon. One of which that opens only once a year. This event is the most important to the Provinces, for it is our guaranteed way to increase our fame and attraction of recruits."

"The Honorable Leader told me about that a little."

"Oh? You've met the Honorable Leader?"

"I had a small issue he helped me with."

"Interesting. . ."

Aaron coughed, "A-Anyway, currently the South Province lacks any means of competing in this year's Arena. Our current state. . . it's not the best. However we cannot lose this year, else it will spell the end of the South Province."

Akiol had an inkling of where this was going, "So your offer is?"

Horrow continued, "We don't want you to join the South Province. Rather we want you to fight under our name."

Akiol tilted his head slightly, "Like a representative?"


Akiol lifted his shoulders in a helpless gesture, "I'm not sure if I will be of any use. Tons of fighters here are no doubt above Second Stage. I don't have any means of fighting those of a higher Stage."

"The Arena works very similarly to the one you use here. The stronger opponent will be set to the same Stage as the weaker one."

"Seems like something that can be abused."

"Only if you wish to seem like so. Reputation is very important in The Gated Arena."

"So you want me to participate in this Arena as a representative of the South Province?"

"Correct, although I'm afraid there is only one thing I can offer you for this."


"The opportunity to fight against the other Province's talented fighters. Also, it is not just you I want."

"Who else?"

Horrow pointed a finger towards the small arena, "Those two as well."

Akiol raised his eyebrows in surprise. Aaron nearly dropped his glasses, "Chief?!"

"It has come to my attention that we won't win this Arena. So this is my next plan, show some potential. These two have a lot of it."

Akiol turned to Givale and Mira. A faint smile appeared on his lips, "All right, but you will have to convince those two. If they don't want to participate I won't join."

"Very well!"