True Ice Spear

"They pushed Intel to use her True Ice? She wasn't even struggling!"

"Calm yourself Vin, it just proves the power of Wrock's flames. If he's capable of melting the ordinary ice of hers then she naturally would need something stronger."

"But the True Ice prevents her from-"

"It will be fine. Intel's ability with the spear is among the top, especially if she gets serious."

~ ~ ~


Wrock shot forward at incredible speeds, the wings on his back propelling him forward. Intel braced herself for a clash, but just as Wrock barely reached her range he shot upwards! Floating in the air for a moment he waited for just a moment. Ying's figure appeared next to him and she swung her batons, "Don't think you can have air superiority!"

Akiol leapt upwards, and clashed with Ying's batons. Twisting his sword he knocked her back and steadied himself on a bit of mana, "Thanks!"


Dashing towards Ying Akiol prepared himself. Ying's ability to use the shadows proved troublesome, but it shouldn't be impossible to beat. Even if the cooldown between uses was thin, he just needed a few opportunities!

So create them!

Wrock swung his arms towards Intel, his wings following his movements. Suddenly a volley of feathers shot forth. Intel crouched and placed a hand on the floor, ice spread beneath her. Just as the feathers traveled half the distance between them the ice beneath he suddenly shot upwards, lifting her in the air! Grabbing her spear with two hands she began to knock away the feathers one-by-one!

Doubling the amount of projectiles Wrock aimed some feathers towards the base of the ice. Hoping that melting it should make it fall. Intel began to spin her spear at incredible speeds and started to lean to the side. The rising ice curved and spiraled towards Wrock, this movement increased the effective defensive range Intel could use. Her spear slicing through the feathers and causing them to disperse easily.

She closed the distance at an alarming speed. Ignoring defense she thrust her spear forward towards Wrock's heart! In response he kicked upwards, knocking it skywards! A trail of flame followed his kick and formed a circle.

{Spirit of the Phoenix: Wheel of Reincarnation}!

Turning his body to the left he curled his leg inward. With a rapid and smooth motion he thrust his leg forward. The flame around his leg condensed into a pair of talons. Intel swung the bottom part of her spear downwards and stabbed into Wrock's leg. Gritting his teeth he increased the amount of Spirit around his foot, the ice of the spear was managing to slowly freeze his leg! Fighting against the cold he also increased the size of the talons!

[True Ice: Firework Burst]

The tip of Intel's ice flashed and a ball of ice shot skyward. It spun rapidly and shot several thin icicles out. Raising his arms Wrock summoned forth more Spirit to block the icicles, but that wasn't Intel's aim!

The pair of wings on Wrock's back flickered. Due to them being used for flight they weren't very defensive and were shredded by the burst of icicles! The tug of gravity began to take action as Wrock started to fall. Suddenly a burst of Spirit shot forth from his leg and enlarged the talons greatly. They closed around Intel and grabbed her! As Wrock fell he kicked his leg and threw Intel!

Landing simultaneously they ran towards each other. A path of blue flame following Wrock's path. Intel launched a stab forward, utilizing her advantage with range! Wrock then lightly jumped, his left foot landing on the shaft of the spear, jumping off it he delivered an axe kick downwards! Intel retracted her spear and responded by swinging towards his kick!

{Spirit of the Phoenix: Wheel of Reincarnation}!

[Freezing Chill: Arising Glacier]!


An explosion of ice and flame shot forth and enveloped the two fighters!

Akiol felt the shockwave, he knew that he must hurry this fight! It wasn't like Wrock to fully admit he needed assistance in battle. That guy always wanted to push himself higher. However Akiol saw the reason why as he was freed. Wrock's arms were almost thoroughly destroyed!

It was masked by the constant blue flame, so he could only grasp a glance. But when Wrock blocked the ice lance from Intel it tore his arms nearly to shreds. Without proper use of his hands his attack power was reduced by quite a bit!


Swinging diagonally to the right Akiol knocked away one of the batons. Stepping closer he swung towards Ying. Ducking under his swing Ying followed up by kicking towards his stomach. Akiol raised his off-hand and grabbed her calf. Pulling it to the side and towards him he turned his sword and swung towards Ying's neck.

Just as his sword was about to make contact she turned into a dissipating shadow. A baton made contact with Akiol's face and made him take a step back. Ying then delivered two more swift blows with the newly created opening, each hitting his chest. Quickly recovering he rapidly exchanged blows with Ying.

Her defense was lacking, that much was obvious! She was relying on her shadow ability in this match. Because of it she was able to be more aggressive. But it was exactly what Akiol wanted!


Akiol swung Stars with both hands, a bit of Aura flickering around his arms. Ying, who attempted to block the strike, found her batons nearly being ripped from her hands. Rapidly changing positions he thrust his sword forward! As Stars pierced through her stomach she turned into a dissipating shadow. Suddenly Akiol found himself being thrown upwards, a powerful strike had knocked him into the air!

Flipping until he controlled himself he rapidly descended. A trail of Aura following behind him in the shape of a traditional lightning bolt pattern!

{Cataclysm Technique: Lightning Strike}!

Ying leapt to the side and dodged the blow. As Akiol landed a shockwave shot forth. A thunderous boom spread across the Arena, heard by all that was spectating. Akiol twisted his foot and launched towards Ying. Their weapons clashed again and again! Akiol gained another opening and took it, his sword grazing past Ying's shoulder!


Akiol keeled over, Ying kneed his stomach after once again turning into a dissipating shadow! Raising her batons she swung both of them downwards towards Akiol's head, knocking him to the ground!

His eyes flashed! There it was! The very thing he was looking for!

Whenever Ying used her strange shadow ability her actual shadow was reduced in opacity. After half a second it then regained it, returning to normal! The change was very slight, but noticeable! That meant Ying had a half-second cooldown on her ability!

This was his target!

Akiol rolled to the side and sprang back up. His sword flashing as he executed several strikes! Ying continued to clash with him the two weapons releasing a wondrous metallic song. Akiol's determination then skyrocketed for just a second!

Ying was stunned to find her defenses so quickly shattered, while she certainly wasn't the best close ranged her skills weren't simple either! So what had just happened? Her opponent wasn't like this just a few seconds ago!

His sword shot forward, making its path towards her stomach. As it got closer time seemed to slow. Akiol needed to time it perfectly! If he failed this once Ying would catch on to his plan and change her strategy! While her teleport seemed instant, that wasn't the case at all! It was just fast and close enough to where Akiol couldn't react in time, but he could tell!

So at the very moment his sword touched her, he needed to act! With a speed far greater! But to do that he needed to correctly predict her next move. Where would she strike next? What would be her next attack? His feet shifted and his senses heightened to the peak! The stance of {Absolute Territory}!

The tip of Stars poked her stomach and she turned to a dissipating shadow. Akiol felt something form to his side, the side where he was open the most! Aura blasted forth through his body, raising his speed and power to greater limits! Spinning his sword he slashed to the side, a path of thin Aura flowing behind!

{Way of the Galaxy. . .}

The trail of aura made a full disc around Akiol! His sword slashed through Ying's throat and delivered a fatal blow!

{Planetary Ring}!

Her eyes widened in disbelief, the speed he had moved surpassed her teleport? Something like that was only possible through a Berserk Skill, and she hadn't sensed a lick of chaotic mana!

What had he done?! What was this strange energy he used?! Ying's head disconnected from her body and then she disappeared from the Arena.

Akiol had finished off Ying!