"I didn't think the South Province would actually put up a fight."
"They're all Second Stage, it's nothing impressive."
"But they're winning despite that. Could you win against Intel if you were the same Stage as her?"
"That's besides the point. They would've lost against Intel if they were Third Stage or higher."
"But they aren't and they won. That's enough proof of their abilities! These rookies are quite something."
"Bah, you're just following the hype. They'll face their first loss soon."
"I don't doubt that, but this is an incredible start!"
~ ~ ~
"Excellent work!"
Akiol sat down and took a breath, "Making me work hard!"
Wrock flexed his arms with a curious expression, "I'm all healed, but my Spirit isn't replenished?"
"The Arena restores, not revert.", Aaron explained.
"I assume revives too?"
"There's a small window of time after death where you can heal them back and not face any negative consequences."
"You put a lot of faith in this."
"We also have the top Priests in The Gated Arena who are capable of bringing them back should the worst happen."
"So energy doesn't count?"
"The purpose of The Arena is to help warriors breakthrough. If you restored everything it would be akin to reverting the experience."
"Ah, that makes sense."
Horrow nodded, "Fantastic work, we should be fine for the rest of today."
"Are they not targeting us?", asked the burly individual.
"They are, but they can't make it obvious. The West Province already challenged us, and we challenged the East. If the East challenges us back they essentially admit they're upset about the loss. If the North does, then it becomes obvious they're targeting us."
"So there's no more fights for us today?"
"That would be correct, unless they become shameless."
"Waste of my time then."
Turning towards the exit he didn't bother saying any farewells. Kan'na asked, "You sure you don't want to study? There's still two other challenges, could be a good opportunity."
"That would be pointless."
"Oh? I don't think so."
"It's distracting, if you can't realize that we have nothing else to talk about."
The burly man then exited without further word. Kan'na raised an eyebrow, "Well then, guess he had a bad day."
Wrock shook his head, "If everyone we fight against is like Intel we're going to be in trouble."
Horrow eased their worries, "They were one of the Aces, we shall be fine."
"The Aces are the best fighters of each Province. In order to let the newer generation shine there's an unspoken rule! The candidates must contain two new faces to gain experience, and you are limited to three of your most experienced warriors!"
Aaron adjusted the projection with a bit of mana, "I had wanted to wait until we introduced this bit, but since the East was unkind I will be rushing the introductions!"
He slapped the wall behind the projection, "The Aces! These are our most high risk enemies we should avoid fighting at all costs! The fact we managed to beat one was a stroke of luck! These people stand upon the apex of The Gated Arena!"
The projection flickered and a picture of Intel appeared, "Intel, of the Frozen Palace! Her skill with the spear is extraordinary, but her application of her ice is the most fearsome thing about her! The longer you fight the more it eats away at you!"
The projection switched the picture each time Aaron tapped the wall.
"Venom Stricken, Regula! A man who's fine use of poisons has ascended his body to higher heights! He doesn't use the poisons on his opponents, but rather himself!
"The Wind Graced, Namen! It's said his presence makes even the wind obey. His speed is extraordinary, very few can claim to beat him in a contest of speed! These three are the Aces of the East! If you ever find yourself in a battle against them. . ."
Horrow finished the sentence, "Fight! Your only hope is to break your limits and ascend beyond what you're capable of! In a true battle you may stand no chance. But that's fine! I do not expect you to win in a battle against the Aces. Just don't lose easily!"
~ ~ ~
"How would you rate them?"
Intel adjusted her hair as she responded, "A good eight. They're an excellent opponent."
"Yet you lost?"
"Was the purpose of this not so others can gain experience? If I had constantly intervened and gone all out they wouldn't have learned anything."
"We gave the South quite a bit of momentum. The fact one of our Aces lost has been quite the talk."
"Then shall I head for victory right from the start?"
Winter sighed, "Just don't lose again."
"I can do that."
"Thank you."
A bit of silence filled the room before Intel added, "They won't make it."
"They're certainly of skill, but like this they won't win. It's only a matter of time before they realize it too."
"Are you telling me not to worry?"
"Why would I?"
". . . You can go now."
Intel left the room calmly. Winter sat alone in the room and drummed her fingers, "Are they really nothing special?"
~ ~ ~
"At this rate we're not going to be of any help."
"But she was among the strongest! We-"
"Akiol struggled against her, and we can't beat him. If the rest are like him how are we supposed to compete?"
"Akiol-Sensei said-"
"He's more aware than we are! We're going to just become fodder like this. I don't know about you but I'm not going to let that happen!"
Stars coughed, "Okay so what does that have to do with me."
Givale pointed a finger at him, "I've seen it here! There's some guy who appears occasionally. I can tell he's strong, so let us fight him for training!"
Mira objected, "We don't know him! You can't just ask strangers to fight for training!"
"That guy gives off that makes my blood boil! With this we can train without bothering Akiol! He's already helped us so much, it's about time we take matters into our own hands!"
"Hold on a minute here, what guy? I don't let anyone else in here.", Stars asked.
"It's a guy with long hair, I've only seen him a bit. But every time I do I get this feeling he isn't to be messed with."
Stars narrowed his eyes, "Did he wear a plum colored outfit?"
"Yes! So you do know who I am talking about!"
He shook his head, "No, you can't fight him."
"Why not?! Surely he can help us!"
"It's not going to happen."
"Come on! I don't want to bring down this team!"
"It's not happening!"
"Why are you acting like this!? Can't you just-"
"Enough Givale!", Stars then turned away and slowly dissipated.
Givale watched on in anger, "I never ask you of anything! But I can't do this alone! Why don't you help?!"
Mira sat down on a metallic bench. The bickering of Givale and Stars made his ears tired. Akiol sat next to him and shook his head, "It's tiring isn't it?"
"Why do they fight so much?"
"I. . . I think it's a matter of pride. Stars is an Upper Four sword, and Givale's a Dragon. Two apex things, so perhaps it's an instinctive nature to compete."
"Why don't they fight with me?"
"I think it's just because that's who you are."
"Who I am?"
"Yeah, I can't put it properly into words. But you don't hold the same pride as them. That doesn't make you inferior in any way, but they don't see you as a competitor. Rather they see you as a friend."
"Oh. . ."
Akiol tapped the bench, "Could I ask you a favor?"
"Of course!", Mira perked up.
"If at anytime those two fight and I'm not around to put a stop to it, could you take my place?"
"You want me to stop them from fighting?"
"If you can, if it proves to be too much don't worry about it. I just think you're the only person I can think of that's capable of doing so."
"I can do my best!"
"That's all I ask."
Akiol stood up, "Alright I'm going to put a stop to this. That's enough practice for today. Get a bit of rest okay?"
"Yes Akiol-Sensei!"
"Stars! Don't you just ignore me!", Givale yelled.
Mira walked up to her, "I, uh, can talk to him."
"I can do this Mira, don't worry-"
Mira shook his head, "Let me. You have to think of something else if he doesn't let us right?"
Givale paused and examined Mira's eyes. She then sighed, "Alright! I'll think of something."
Mira nodded and walked a distance away. Once he was out of Givale's initial hearing range he spoke, "Stars?"
"I know you're mad at us, but I just want to know why."
"I'm not mad at you Mira."
"O-Oh, I'm sorry!"
Stars materialized next to him, "My goodness, why are you apologizing."
"Well I assumed and-"
"It's alright! It's fine. I'm just mad at Givale's lack of. . . tact."
"Ah well, I don't know what words to say."
"Well why were you so mad? I've never seen you like that."
Stars leaned back and began to float, as if in a hovering chair. He sat silent for a bit before answering, "The one in the plum colored outfit, have you seen them before?"
"Uh, would you be mad if I said yes."
"I won't."
Mira lifted a finger, "Once."
"Do you remember that time?"
"He was just standing, staring at the sky. I wanted to approach him but. . ."
"He just didn't let you eh?"
"That's very like him."
"Who is he?"
Stars closed his eyes, "My previous Wielder. . . long before Akiol was."
"But- what would he be here for?"
"He's not. My previous Wielder has long been dead. What you're seeing is a fragment of him. I didn't think that he would appear."
"So that's the reason you didn't agree to Givale's request?"
". . ."
"If. . . If you don't want to see him again we will figure something else out. But ignoring Givale isn't the right answer!"
"You're taking her side with this?"
"While we watched Akiol fight she wasn't studying their moves. She was very concerned. She's asking you to help. So why fight?"
"Her making demands isn't the same as asking for help. You can't just expect others to do as you ask."
"Oh. . . okay."
"She'll realize it soon enough. Don't worry."