Resort To Any Tactic

Umin's fists shot forward and space warped. The Chimera dashed directly in front of the warped space, a move Umin had predicted. Space snapped back and slammed into the Chimera, making it fly back again.

With a troubled expression Umin inspected his fist, "It feels wrong."

Givale fired several arrows towards the Chimera's position. A few hit causing parts of the Chimera to be erased. These regenerated and the Chimera murmured, "Dodge. . ?"

It's position flickered through the arrows as it closed the distance once again. Umin's face twisted, "That's why."

His fist shot forward, space warping. As it snapped back into place only part of the Chimera was sent flying back. Like it suddenly shed its body and formed a new one in the split second the space was corrected. Umin's fist seemed like it was swelling but he placed it behind his back and crouched.

A tendril shot past where his head was, "This one learns fast Yielya! I cannot handle it with this strength."

Unexpectedly, a cold look formed on Yielya's face, "Time. Buy whatever time you can."

Slightly off put by this serious expression Umin covered it with a facade of confidence, "Buying time is not needed, for the world owes me too much!"

Kan'na flicked a few magic circles to the side. They spiraled across the air and made contact with the Chimera. Strands of mana formed into ropes and bound the Chimera for approximately a single second before shattering. With an annoyed click of her tongue Kan'na continued writing on the ground.

Umin took that second as an opportunity. Four neon thin lines followed his fist's path. Punching the Chimera he expected it to shatter apart like before. Instead his fist only managed to make the flesh ripple. The Chimera looked down at him, and their faces came to meet. Although the Chimera had no actual features it seemed to make a mocking expression.

Mira's axe flashed and the head of the Chimera was torn clean off. Umin was slightly surprised at the outcome but he quickly returned to confidence, "I have not seen you before young one! Although you said to be an extra force, what is your name?"

"It's Mira!"

"You have my gratitude Mira! Such talents as yourself are hard to come by. If the Misten Cloud Sect were here I would've spared no effort to try and recruit you!"

"Thank you?", Mira wasn't entirely sure what Umin was talking about.

The Chimera regrew its head and several flesh tendrils shot forth towards Mira and Umin. They traveled only a few inches before the space in front of them twisted. Suddenly the tendrils traveled through portals and stabbed into the Chimera. It quivered for a moment before absorbing its own attack. A menacing voice once again leaking from it, "Strange. . ."

Yielya's eyes narrowed. Every time it spoke it usually meant it came to a conclusion. Each time it spoke against Wrock the tides suddenly turned. It was a sign, one of the Chimera growing used to the attacks.

It was too fast. Far far faster than the worse case scenario Yielya planned against. Not even a few minutes had passed yet it was already to this point. Umin could not consistently perform his techniques without destroying his body. If Yielya were to heal this destruction her Prayer would run short in no time. Kan'na could possibly do something, but with the Chimera's weakness disappearing there wasn't a lot that could be done.

Kan'na had maintained a troubled expression for a while too.

Givale and Mira were excellent help, but the link meant that only one of them needed to be taken down. Additionally if they were to fall. . . so would Akiol.

Mira slashed the Chimera apart, only for it to regenerate again. A tendril shot forth towards Mira, but a twist in space appeared in its path. Without stopping the tendril curved around the portal, despite there being less than an inch of space between it and the tendril. It impaled Mira's stomach and expanded, creating a massive wound.

Flinging Mira away the Chimera turned its attention to Givale, ignoring Umin who was still directly in front. Furious at being ignored Umin delivered a twin punch directly towards the Chimera's chest. Space warped behind his fists as he threw them forward. Slamming into the Chimera space snapped back.

The Chimera didn't even flinch. Umin's arms split at several parts and started bleeding from the stress he put on them. All of this effort just for the Chimera to be unbothered. To Umin it was both infuriating and disheartening.


Umin appeared next to Yielya. Already adjusting he asked, "Why?"

Yielya shook her head, "If I start sacrificing people for time now we aren't going to make it. You need to figure out something now, else you won't even buy a second."

Narrowing his eyes in response Umin placed his injured hands behind his back. Since Yielya hadn't healed them yet he presumed there was a reason for it. A complicated expression forming on his face he resorted to watching the two young ones buy some time.

Givale's instincts practically screamed at her and space twisted around her body. Appearing in the air she faced downwards and noticed the Chimera standing at her old position. With a slightly relieving feeling she drew back her bow. A large arrow formed and she released it. Space rippled in its path, clearly it was to hit its target. The Chimera looked up at the arrow, watching it move closer it dodged at the last possible moment with blinding speed. Appearing behind Givale it knocked her down with its arm. She cried out as she slammed into the ground.

Arm shaking the Chimera expanded its fist greatly. Punching downwards its arm extended out. The speed of this punch didn't match its size at all, rather Givale was still recoiling from slamming into the ground when the punch came closer.


The fist quivered as Mira managed to catch it. His body bent dangerously as the strength outmatched his. Getting closer from the ground Mira grit his teeth and pushed with all the might he could muster, but it wasn't enough. Thankfully at this moment Givale recovered and space warped. The two were teleported to safety a small distance away. Yielya's eyes darted to the side and she breathed a sigh of relief.

The fist was too large for her to lay eyes on the two, thus making her War Sight ineffective at that moment. Although if she had to be honest, she couldn't see the exchange completely.

Mira placed his arm in a strange position and caused it to crack with a swift movement. Blood red energy seeped out and spilled onto the floor. His axe reformed in his palm and his strength leapt higher.

{Limitation Acupuncture: Left Hand Point}!

His body rippled as his muscles shifted. Mira's leg swept to the side and he pushed against the ground-


Dust and rubble rose as he launched across the field. Swinging his axe towards the Chimera he intended to tear it apart then and there!


The Chimera clashed with the axe directly, not fearing the vast amount of strength it held. Vibrating intensely from the blow Mira couldn't quite comprehend it. He had severed the Chimera's head just a moment ago, so why was it now unharmed from his even stronger blow?


The Chimera moved in an instant. Rotating around the axe it punched downwards towards Mira and slammed him into the ground. Mira's axe fell from his grip as the blow caused his entire body to stop responding for a moment. Lifting a leg the Chimera slammed Mira into the ground.

Givale teleported to the back of the Chimera, her daggers shining and space twisting around them. Swinging them forward space began to split-

Her body tensed from a sudden impact. Blood surfaced to her mouth and she struggled against spitting it out. A tendril had moved faster than she could anticipate and impaled her stomach. Lifting Givale with the tendril the Chimera flung her onto Mira. Pinning them down with a foot it spoke, "Remove."

Red heretic energy sparked and slammed against the two. Their bodies stopped responding to their commands and instead they cried out in pain.

As if responding to the cries two figures twitched. Wrock's eyes snapped open and he found the two suffering. Gritting his teeth he lifted himself to his feet. How could he let those two fight in his place? Was he really going to lie here while others suffered?

Umin's face twisted. A poor memory surfaced and he clenched his fists. Unwilling to let a similar situation happen he solidified his will. His arm flicked to the side, "I will not let this creature slander the name of the Misten Cloud Sect any longer! I, the number one Genius Umin, will stake my everything on this fight!"

Clouds formed above Umin and a strange lightning began to rumble. An unfamiliar glow arose to the surface of his skin, "Such repercussions can be healed with time. So be it!"

A piece of Umin's soul lifted free and burned away. It's size was essentially minuscule, but it caused him a great deal of pain. With a grin to hide the excruciating pain he shouted, "I might not have my inner Qi, but the soul of a Transcender remains unwavering! I will show it to you know, feel the wrath of the man who once took on the heavens!"

Umin's figure flickered and suddenly the Chimera flung back. Only after that did Umin come into view, his position of one that finished a kick. His hands remaining on his back a confident look remained on his face.

The Chimera slid to a stop and its gaze returned to Umin, "Strange-"


Azure flame slammed against it, Wrock's gleaming eyes was the first to be revealed through the flame.

The sound of glass cracking could be heard. . .

Wrock vented his anger, "I will not lie in wait while you cause others to suffer!"

Umin raised an eyebrow, "Ha! That is quite the spirit! I will gladly accept such assistance!"

The Chimera attempted to throw a punch, but was interrupted by an incredible attack. It crashed through several trees from the recoil. Umin appeared hovering in the air, "I don't have too much time like this Wrock, but I can buy time!"

Wrock's face twisted, "I'll figure something out."

His eyes flicked to the side, a string of words making its presence known.

He frowned, something wasn't right about this. Yet he couldn't quite place a finger on it.

If there was a sound of glass mending, it would be heard currently.

Wrock felt this was a lot different that the previous ascensions of Stages. Irritated at the sudden boundary he was about to weigh his options when suddenly another set of messages appeared.

Although he couldn't quite leap into the realm of Third Stage. Wrock gained something that might just help for a moment. An old trump card he used to rely on.

A blue aura leapt from his skin. It clung to the flames as Wrock combined the might of his strongest moves. {Arising of the Phoenix}, the greatest steps he could muster with his Spirit. The markings on his body once again arose as he further synchronized himself and the Azure flame. The base bonus of Rebirth guided his strength higher. His Titles increased his power further. The Skills on his Gi made it leap another step. Now [Endless Fighting Spirit] made it touch a realm unseen before.

After the nerf of stacking Berserk Skills, normally all these buffs would have been added together before applying. However the strength provided by {Arising of the Phoenix} was not considered a Skill. Rather it was a technique. Therefor the power provided by it was now amplified threefold.

Through technique, the power of pre-nerfed Berserk Skill stacking returned.

The blue aura exploded, its size far larger than when he previously used it. Azure flames floated about in it, adding to the shade of blue.

Wrock took a stance, "This. . . what a peculiar feeling."

At this moment, he couldn't stop smiling.