Moving Forward

A strange voice lingered throughout the air, "A strange place this is."

Wrock groggily came to his senses, "What?"

"A world built upon fragments of stored memories. As if they were trying to hide?"

His vision was blurry, Wrock couldn't quite understand what was going on.

The voice finished, "This measly authority is trying to push me away too."

Wrock's vision began to clear and he spotted something that made his heart pause. Immediately he lowered his head and placed it against the ground, "I didn't mean to look upon you."

"You've already seen me before Wrock. You've already earned the right."

Wrock slowly raised his head, "Thank you."

"Now this place, it gave you this strange vessel that was capable of wielding Spirit. With it you refined your soul further."

"Does this displease you?"

"The contrary. If I knew such a place existed before maybe I wouldn't have needed to bother with your clan."

Wrock's body twitched.

"Calm yourself. I was not seriously considering it. Your clan has contributed significantly. I owe a lot."

"Forgive my insolence."

"Now this authority. . . it calls itself the 'World'?"

"That is what I believe, if you are talking about what I'm thinking."

"Amusing. Although not wrong. However it's isolated you in fear of me."

"It cannot understand."

"Of course not. This place lies in a different dimension compared to your home."

"If I might ask?"

"Go ahead."

"What brings you to this place?"

"You reached a new level of Spirit. One that was capable of summoning me. However this wasn't out of steady progression, but a sacrificial power?"

"I had no idea it brought you here."

"It did not summon me. I merely came to see what had occurred."

"I. . . see."

"Now this place. It has allowed you to progress further?"


"Excellent. Your Spirit has reached a good point."

The one who was speaking was the Myriad Phoenix. Wrock's God, and the very being he has been dedicating his life to. He had no clue it would actually present itself in another world like this.

The Myriad Phoenix lifted a wing, "Since this authority has removed the strength it has granted. I shall substitute it. The levels. . . what are they called?"


"Stages. . . a primitive choice. I am sure you can tell, your 'Stages' are gone."

Wrock nodded, "My power is. . . not here."

"No, the power you were granted is gone. However my Spirit remains."

"It has been my closest ally."

"It has further refined your soul. Because of it I am here, and because of it I have deemed you worthy of further investment."

"I cannot fully comprehend what you mean.", Wrock dare not disrespect the Phoenix.

"Instead of following this authority's 'Stages', I will grant you the ability to climb similarly. Your power will not falter under these 'Stages'."

Wrock's head once against lowered to the ground, "Thank you! I am not worthy."

"Enough. I said you reached the requirements, is that not worthy? Do not make me repeat myself."

"Of course."

"Refine your Spirit Wrock. That is the only way to grow stronger. I will take my leave, you will not see me again for a long while."

"Thank you."

The Myriad Phoenix said nothing and it vanished. Wrock's vision quickly turned black as his consciousness faded rapidly. Whatever place they were in, it was clear he was only able to move due to the Myriad Phoenix.

Upon respawning Wrock examined himself. Strangely enough he didn't feel much different, but his previous feeling of Second Stage was nowhere to be found. With a motion he moved to look at his stats, but a different message appeared.


Similarly to Akiol, Wrock no longer had the assistance of the System. The difference being Akiol was put in a position above the System's control, while Wrock was locked out of it. Wrock clenched his fist and Azure flame spun. Feeling the quality of Spirit he suddenly grinned, "Oh this. . . this was worth it."

Although Wrock wished to return to the others and make sure they were alright, the memory of his fight against the Chimera was fresh in his mind. If he did not take the opportunity to reflect and improve, it would be detrimental to his further improvement.

Moreover, something clicked within his mind. A strange thought. Yet he felt it was the right thing to do at this moment.

Swiftly logging out Wrock took off the headset. Moving about he rapidly began to put stuff into various bags. Gathering the items and his headset he moved downstairs. Pausing at the door he quickly scribbled a note and left it in the livingroom before stepping through the door.

What Wrock was planning on was none other than seclusion. With a new level of Spirit, and his God's strength filling his bones. Wrock needed to completely focus on it and couldn't afford distractions. Thus he decided to leave, and return when he understood this new strength. Although he didn't get to say goodbye personally to his party, Wrock felt like they would understand.

What none of them knew however, was just how long it was going to be until they met again.

~ ~ ~

Currently in the livingroom, Akiol had finished pitching the idea of tackling the undead, "Which is why we need to become Third Stage, although some of us already managed that."

Kan'na sighed, "So excluding Tilia and Jarvis, the rest of us needs to ascend."

Akiol sympathized with her concern, "Now that Wrock is in seclusion we lost a powerhouse. I'm going to gather some extra forces to help out, since dealing with an army with just us is a death wish."

"With the time you gave. . . I might be able to succeed. What about you?", Kan'na turned to Yielya.

"Maybe I ought to have a sandwich.", Yielya replied nonchalantly.

Akiol spread his hands helplessly, "Plus there's no guarantee I myself can ascend. Since my Stages aren't like yours."

"You wouldn't propose this if you weren't positive on the matter."

"I can't guarantee anything that's all."

Tilia was with the idea, "That's fine, with the time I can look for some better gear. I remember the dwarves mentioning they would help but. . ."

"It might be a bit too soon to go back.", Kan'na finished her sentence.

"Regardless this is something I planned on tackling no matter what. Unless I'm singled out that is. If you don't want to help I won't insist."

Jarvis spoke after a while, "You can toss aside the pleasantries, you already know we were going to help. The only problem is whether or not everyone will be ready before that time. I'll do some preparation on my end too."

Akiol expressed his thanks. After exchanging a few smaller details he decided to log in for the day and get started on recruitment.

His plan was simple, he would need exceptional and talented fighters to handle the more fragile stuff, and a main force consisting of quantity over quality. As he thought about this he decided on a few options for each end. Logging in he was immediately bombarded with questions from Givale, Mira, and Stars. Barely managing to quiet them down he opened the forums and sent a few messages in various chat groups.

There was a high chance Opportunity was going to join. Her skill and power was not to be underestimated, and Akiol strongly believed she would be a good choice. Especially to make up for the loss in power from Wrock's seclusion.

To his surprise, two people immediately responded. One agreed to talk later, while the other wanted to speak as soon as possible. After a bit of conversation Akiol was able to determine their location and quickly headed their way.

Givale and Mira tagged behind him. Curious to what was going on Akiol was constantly bombarded with questions from them. Patiently answering he eventually arrived to his target destination.

Looking up he couldn't help but feel humored. Not too long ago he was neck to neck fighting against these people. Now here he was about to ask for help.

His current location was none other than Jumpstart Pavilion's Guild. It looked grander than he remembered, for he had passed by it a few times before. In the corner of his eye he spotted a robot making repairs to a section of it. Laughing faintly he entered the building.

"You arrived quick. Vice-Leader will see you."

Being led to a room a familiar face smiled, "Akiol, I didn't think you'd approach me like this."

"I'm trying what I can."

"Take a seat, I'd like to hear about this offer of yours."

Thus Akiol began to take the first step towards his plan. A series of actions spurred by nothing grand, just a matter of settling old debts. A choice he would later regret.