Opportunity Strikes Once!

Bones and flesh flew as the undead reformed. Akiol didn't stop however, once again unsheathing Stars he swung horizontally, a spinning disc of Aura shredding the undead in half. 


{Way of the Galaxy: Planetary Ring}! 


The Dulluhan's mount leapt over the disc, crossing the large distance with ease. Brandishing a lance it charged forward with an insane speed. Lifting his blade Akiol clashed with the lance, aiming to disarm the Dulluhan. Incredibly surprised by the strength Akiol showcased the Dulluhan instead retracted his lance. His horse leapt to the side to clear some distance, but proved futile to Akiol's follow up attack. 


The Aura from the Planetary Ring morphed into several projectiles and flew forwards. The Dulluhan managed to deflect several but not all of these projectiles. Many landed on his steed which caused it to stumble. 


{Way of the Galaxy: Asteroid Belt}! 


Dashing forward Akiol lifted Stars above his head, but a horrifying screech called out and dragged Akiol away. Another taunt ability? As Akiol's head was forced to look towards what screeched he soon understood. The souls that hit his body were clinging to him. This call was forcing them back to the Lich, and dragging him along with it. 


Extending his foot to brace himself he expelled a force of Aura across his body. It spun violently, daring to shred anything that touched it. This force removed the souls clinging to him and nullified the dragging effect. Immediately turning around Akiol blocked a blow from the Dulluhan. 


A spiral of mana clashed with Stars and sent Akiol sliding into a horde of Undead. They immediately leapt towards him to claw him apart. Slashing through them with ease he fought to regain distance. However, a horde of souls descended from the sky and screeched towards him. Before he could dispel them the Dulluhan roared and once again taunted him. 


This strategy. . . this was similar to what players did against bosses. Constantly dragging the boss back and forth with taunt abilities until it died. Akiol was only somewhat okay with this method. Simply because being dragged back and forth allowed him to keep the attention of the two Third Stages. However the Territory posed an issue, if he were to defeat one wouldn't they just rise again? 


This type of fight would lead to their loss. There was no question about it. He needed to create some sort of opening, an opportunity to change the tides! 


Souls slammed into him which caused his knees to buckle. Almost falling forward he instead moved a leg to catch himself. Just as he stomped the ground a burst of Aura rang forth. Holding Stars by his waist he bent his legs forward. 


This move was simply far too risky to use under normal circumstances. Something he wasn't sure if he could utilize just yet without basically depleting his Aura. However he knew that Raven Thread's defenses were going to fall apart soon. He could see their forces dwindling faster than they could respawn. 


So without hesitation, he let loose an incredible amount of Aura! It morphed into lines that dashed between the undead, connecting them all into one body. A spiderweb of aura connecting to hundreds. . . now thousands of undead! 


A small whine could almost be heard, but was drowned in the sounds of war. Akiol felt the pressure as he now performed three moves at once! 


Utilizing the footwork of {Blazar Jet}, the properties of {Constellation} and the cutting force of {Photon Cutting Slash}, he morphed the three at once! Upon execution, he entirely disappeared from sight! 


Orothus laughed at the move, "It matters not! No matter how many times you cut down the undead they shall rise again! We are undying!" 


A second passed and the head of every undead flew into the air. The Dulluhan found himself split in half, but already started to mend back together. Akiol reappeared, his face showing an incredible amount of strain. Almost dropping Stars he grit his teeth and finished the rest of his technique. 


The combination of the three techniques wasn't the requirement for pulling of this one technique. Rather it simply required a large amount of already expended Aura. Once expelled from his body there's a short period in which Akiol could still control it before it vanished. This technique made use of this expelled Aura for prolonged battles. Or, if he deemed it necessary, an emergency move to pull off at the cost of most of his current Aura. 


From the severed heads of the undead Aura moved upwards in a string like manner. They began to swirl, and the battlefield began to brighten. Made of pure Aura a massive ball of Aura lingered above the undead like a star. It hovered and pulsed occasionally, but existed and did not collapse. 


{Way of the Galaxy. . .}

To this Akiol felt relieved, there was a chance that it didn't succeed, but now it was formed he could continue this fight! 


{Supergiant Star}!

The Supergiant Star pulsed, a wave of gentle Aura passed by the undead horde. Like a calm wave of the ocean, but undoubtedly this was a farce. This gentle wave tore at the undead, their rotten flesh and bones flinging off with ease. As the Undead King's Territory returned the undead's body back to normal the Supergiant Star pulsed again to rip it back off. 


This was Akiol's current solution to the never ending horde. Trapping them in a temporary loop of regeneration and disintegration. It's effect on Second Stage and below undead was deadly and practically rendered most of them useless. However the Lich and Dulluhan were still capable of combat! 


The sounds of screeching souls pierced Akiol's ears. Flying forward with their mouths agape. The Dulluhan leapt over the horde of undead and ran with the souls towards Akiol. 


Summoning the Supergiant Star had depleted his Aura reserves, and he could barely manage to coat Stars' edge with a silver line. However he could still manage. He had been keeping up with the two Third Stages without utilizing the Form of Fortification. 


Slicing through the souls he dashed towards the Dulluhan. Twirling at the tip of his lance mana began to spiral. Thrusting the lance forward the Dulluhan aimed to pierce through Akiol. Instead Akiol leapt over the attack, his blade flickered as several slashes formed on the Dulluhan's armor. Before he could land he pushed against the mana and leapt further across the air towards the Lich. 

Yanking the reigns of his steed the Dulluhan directed it to gallop across the air. Its hooves utilizing the same mana properties Akiol did. Pushing against the mana the steed rose into the air. 


A horrifying screech was heard again and Akiol's attention was ripped from the Lich and returned to the Dulluhan. Souls flew through the air behind him and aimed for his exposed back. 


With the same tactic Akiol abused before he managed to sever several of the souls. Yet once again a few slipped through this haphazard defense. Feeling the weight of the souls press against his shoulders Akiol grit his teeth. 




Deflecting an attack from the Dulluhan Akiol spun and stabbed him through the chest. To mock him the Dulluhan laughed and gripped Stars to rip the blade free. Yet Akiol's lips parted and he spoke a word, "Repulse." 


A heavy feeling sprouted around Stars. Gravity itself increased by the existence of a black hole. Manifesting at the tip of Stars it spun rapidly before expanding, pushing everything away. The Dulluhan broke into several pieces in a blink of an eye! 


~ ~ ~ 


Opportunity slammed an axe against the Death Eater. The impact made its body collapse and it wriggled in pain. A ghostly hand clenched her and attempted to squeeze the life out of her lungs. Breaking free she leapt towards the Poltergeist and swung downwards, slicing through harmlessly. A playful laugh rang as Yaulo spun freely through the air. Raising her hands into the air she lifted the asteroid. Mimicking the motion to grab a rope she spun the asteroid around like a flail and swung it towards Opportunity. Leaping towards the asteroid Opportunity spun and struck it with her axes, shattering it into bits with her great strength. 


How was she to hit something that had no physical form? Her Avatar, despite being made of mana, was proving to lack the properties to deal any damage. If mana didn't work, what would? Her train of thought was interrupted as she slammed her axes into the ground. Earth split and revealed the Death Eater rising to consume her. With a roar she summoned her avatar and gripped the lip of its mouth. Ripping it free from the ground she slammed it flat and shoved a fist through its body. 


Yaulo frowned, "Oh you're the worst kind to fight. Adrenaline junkie." 


An axe flipped through the air and passed through Yaulo's face. Opportunity opened her palm and pulled it back with a stoic expression. Catching the axe she stomped the ground and launched herself forward. Yaulo pulled against the air and lifted the fragments of the asteroid, "You're like a bull! Charging forward mindlessly!" 


Swirling around her the chunks of asteroid began to fly towards Opportunity. Twirling her axes she began to shatter them piece by piece as she approached the Poltergeist. It was during this moment that she realized Yaulo's grasp on objects breaks whenever someone else touches them. Which explained why Opportunity was able to defend against this attack like this. Throwing her axe through the barrage of debris it slammed into the ground. Dirt and earth lifted into the air to block Yaulo's vision. She snickered and swung downwards to push the debris back into the ground. Yet to her shock Opportunity had vanished in that small window. Looking about she struggled to find where Opportunity had vanished to. 


It was a burst of mana that drew Yaulo's attention. Opportunity had used the small moment to. . . flee? Dashing with an incredible speed Yaulo's eyes widened, "No you don't!" 


Outstretching her hand she reached to grasp Opportunity, pausing the moment in a heart beat. Yet her grip on the War Driven Sadist lasted but a moment! For the very axe that had caused the debris to fly rose into the air and passed through Yaulo! This forced her ghostly grip to vanish and Opportunity once again continued fleeing. 


Finally it made sense! Yaulo couldn't be entirely invulnerable to damage while grabbing objects! This left them at a standstill! If Opportunity was capable of interrupting the ghostly grasp, and Yaulo couldn't touch Opportunity, there was no point into continuing the battle! So with the created moment Opportunity was going to attack the edge of the Territory! 


Leaping upwards she crossed a large distance. Mana swirled and manifested into the avatar. Gripping her free hand into a fist she wound it back and roared, "Ryolu!!" 


On the other side of the Territory a green dragon flew with a blinding speed. Opening her jaws Ryolu let forth a powerful breath attack. The strength of a Third Stage dragon, and Opportunity's undeniable might in the form of a punch met at the Territory's border!