Machine and Bone

Torch crossed his arms, inside his mechanical body various clicks and whirs could be heard. Currently his massive robot army was tearing apart the already struggling undead. Yielya had mentioned that the purpose of his army was to remove pressure on the players. More importantly he was to be the spearhead against the reinforcements. 

"Backup will be any minute.", Yielya's voice came from the magic circle.

This was too handy, Torch flicked his wrist to reveal a series of buttons and a screen on his forearm. Tapping a few of the buttons he made a note to contact Kan'na sometime and figure out how to make proper communication devices. It wasn't going to be a million dollar idea, considering that the playerbase had various forms of communication regardless. However it seemed like a good idea to at least experiment with. Perhaps it'd be another popular product with large Guilds.

Jarvis spoke back, "It seems Determined Souls and Bakery Basics are holding off the Lich's personal army at the ravine. Incredible work those guys!"

Torch looked skywards and spotted two birds circling the battlefield. What did Jarvis call them again? Bo and To? Information was certainly the winner of wars. Torch would've grinned but he didn't have a facial expression module on his battle suit. Instead he moved through the standstill army and reached a strange model of robot. Part of his miscellaneous robot force were one of his personal favorite robots. It looked like a large box with spider legs, thus he named them "carrier spiders". 

Approaching one he placed a palm against its side and the spider lowered its body onto the ground and the box opened to various packaged materials. A large majority of the carrier spiders simply held the artillery rounds, since the ammo was incredible in size. But one of the carrier spiders was holding onto various prototypes. Sliding a box out he tapped the carrier spider and it lifted itself back up.

Placing the newfound box onto the ground he tenderly opened it, revealing a drone. It had three propellers, and in the center was a large crystal jutted out of a slot. Due to time constraints and physical limitations he was forced to design it like this. Lightweight but sturdy materials were very uncommon. He couldn't use a material like mythril due to its incredible mana compatibility. It often sucked out the mana used for the circuits.

"Well, once I get my mines running I should be able to find some good deep earth materials.", Torch pushed aside his thoughts and lifted the drone.

Flicking his wrist to reveal the keypad again he pressed a few buttons to synchronize with the drone. Its propellers whirred to life and he tossed it into the air. It struggled to maintain itself for a moment before rising further. As Torch messed with the controls he complained, "I seriously have to make a better interface. This is just ridiculous!"

Finally getting the hand of the controls he sent the drone forward, "Fly my pretty!"

As it hovered in the air Torch was able to obtain a real time video feed of the battlefield. Moving towards the undead castle he spotted the fight going on the ravine. The quality of the feed prevented him from seeing the smaller details, but from what he understood it was a standstill. Moving his gaze away from the feed he looked up to the barrier of the Territory. The effect of the "undead shall rise again" was proving to be an incredible wall. Even if they were to take down the generals, they would rise and continue providing a coordinated effort to take down the assault.

Placing a palm near his ear he asked, "Is there really no way for us to counter this Territory?"

Akiol was the one to respond, "You need your own Territory or a Domain to counter effects."

Removing his hand he spoke in his mechanical tone, "Damn. That's not something any of us have."

"Torch, they're coming.", Yielya gave the signal.

Maneuvering his drone to change its camera he saw a large horde of undead leave the castle and march steadily towards their force. As the force kept leaving the castle he felt a weight appear on his shoulders. The undead force was looking significantly larger than his own robot army. That much was for sure. Additionally as they walked he swore he saw more undead rise from the ground to join the march.

So he reported what he saw, "Yielya, there's a significant sized army heading our way. Their numbers are looking a lot larger than what we're currently dealing with. More importantly a lot more than my current force."

"You have permission to use some artillery to slow their approach. Right now work on delaying the inevitable, we're still too disorganized to take on a new force! And for the sake of our survival can someone work on the the Territory aspect?!"

Torch could almost exclaim his glee that he got to test his artillery. Swiftly sending commands through his interface he watched as the artillery cannons adjusted themselves. Their massive barrels began to point towards the sky and shells loaded into their barrels. Pointing towards the direction the horde is coming from he spoke calmly because his voice couldn't speak in any other tones, "Fire."

The recoil shook the ground as the barrels compressed from the force. The shells arced through the air and landed at the front of the undead horde, explosions occurring that flung undead flesh and bone across the field. Watching the incredible beauty of his artillery he felt a sense of satisfaction. Finally, his creations were being used!

However his rounds were limited, he would prefer to not have to use up all the rounds he brought just to buy time. These would have to be used sparingly. Instead he opted for a more terrain advantage. A carrier spider crawled next to him and Torch placed a palm on its side. As it laid down and opened up hundreds of smaller carrier spiders crawled out. They rapidly covered ground, traversing the soft dirt with surprising ease. Upon reaching their designated spots they used their legs to drill into the ground and bury themselves entirely.

Torch selected a few and they exploded. Leaving deep pits into the ground. A majority of these smaller carrier spiders remained undetonated, acting as mines for any unfortunate creature to step on. Naturally the tiny carrier spiders held explosives! 

Tapping on his interface he ordered a handful of the Knights of the Round to move towards the incoming horde. Moving in unison a large portion of his robot army turned and walked towards the ordered location. The sounds of mechanical whirs and their footsteps echoed throughout the battlefield despite the sounds of battle. 

A battle of unyielding undead and unwavering machine! Torch walked towards the battle himself, it was very important that none got past until the Guilds were ready. He was already fully aware of his role, now it was simply time to fulfill it.

~ ~ ~

Yielya watched as the undead were punched, slashed, and battered into pieces. She even used some of her Prayer on the undead to turn them to ash, but still they rose again and again. It was clear that the more destroyed the undead were the weaker they became. The Territory wasn't omnipotent, there was a limit. The problem was the sheer number of undead. Even if they become so weak that they could trip and fall apart, they were still an obstacle. 

It was clear the method to deal with this assault was to just smother them with numbers. Each and every powerful Third Stage fighter would be tied up in a battle to divert their attention until the main force had completely fallen. This tactic was only possible because of the Territory!

Domains or your own Territory! Domains weren't entirely unheard of, although their effects were often nothing as potent as this. Territory however was something Yielya saw twice. Once during the review footage of their fight against Bakery Basics. When Uyana unleashed her domain against Akiol. The second time being against Perina with Nimin! Each time she saw a Domain was with a wielder of one of Borus' creations! 

Uyana was currently struggling to summon that same Territory. With Akiol being the only other person with a Borus creation it would be up to him to summon a Territory. However he already stated that it was far beyond his control! Synced Nexus was basically impossible for him due to the number of links he was holding onto! 

Then. . . Yielya's eyes sparkled at a thought and she spoke through the communication Magic Circle, "Kan'na! Move the Third Stage enemies outside of the Territory! If they're outside then we won't have to worry about them rising again!"

Silence returned which caused Yielya to frown. Flipping a coin she knocked it into the sky and swapped with it to gain an eye on the battlefield. Her eyes darted across the fights until she spotted Kan'na. The incredible magic going forth was clear to see, but more importantly it seemed like Kan'na was. . . 

Yielya couldn't understand what she was seeing. Swapping back to the floor before she gained too much falling momentum. Raising a hand to her ear she paused, who exactly should she send? Opportunity and Ryolu were fighting one of the Third Stage enemies. Tilia was in charge of keeping the majority of the Guilds alive with her defensive abilities. Jarvis was on recon. Akiol was mostly out of the fight until he could recover more Aura. Givale was the only anti air force they had, so Mira? Clicking her tongue she made a comment to herself, "We should've waited for Wrock to get back!"

Placing her palm near her ear she ordered, "Akiol! Get Mira to back up Kan'na! It seems the Lich had more than souls in store, she's currently being pressured!"

Akiol's voice responded in amazement, "Kan'na is being pressured? What is causing that?"