Travis grit his teeth, the moment the undead king rose from his throne that would spell the end of every member within the Territory!
What was the point of this assault on the undead if you were going to throw it all away?!
Travis unleashed a Berserk Skill to increase his stats, a desperate attempt to find Averoth's piece so he could snatch it before retreating as quickly as possible. Increasing the pace of his footsteps Travis began to search about in the castle, trying to find where the piece was. Unfortunately without Averoth's guidance he couldn't pin point the exact location. Instead he was relying on his Eyes of Trinity to reveal a secret entrance, or something hidden in plain sight.
"Damn! There's nothing around here! Why did he have to go and provoke a Fourth Stage?!"
Much like how Third Stage was the condensed Stage, and the beginning of an individual's progression as a 'candidate'. The Fourth Stage was in an entirely different realm. It was someone who was known, an individual with power and fame. This was 'Prominence.' Additionally this was why Fourth Stages usually were rulers of certain factions.
This meant that players wouldn't be able to ascend past Third Stage with exclusively levels, and would quickly become a hard cap. Those who entered Fourth Stage were legends far and few between, with no player ever having reached Fifth Stage before Travis' regression. When an individual follows their path with resolution, they would eventually be known and allowed to ascend into Fourth Stage, if they had the potential of course.
With such a odd restriction the power boost was equal and just as dramatic. Fourth Stages were so powerful that they often did not fight or remain on the Mortal's Domain! Only those who's presence was required either by purpose or contract would remain on the Mortal's Domain. Thus making Fourth Stages here basically an invincible force!
To assault the undead without your own Fourth Stage was almost suicide, if it wasn't for the fact that the Undead King rarely acted. Much like a typical king he sat on his throne and gave orders to his capable underlings. Moreover with the Territory's restriction, the assault on the undead had some sort of chance. Yet what Akiol was doing was throwing away all of their advantages!
He couldn't wrap his mind around it. Had the slime become powerful enough to take on a Fourth Stage? The only power capable of doing that was Synced Nexus, but the time was too short to have mastered such an ability to that degree. So why?
What was the purpose of this assault?
Travis slid across a corner and immediately drew his two blades. Slicing apart incoming pottery and cutlery. Floating through a wall a voice spoke, "An intruder!"
"Yaulo, the poltergeist."
"Oh! My name is known!"
With his Eyes of Trinity Travis was usually able to identify whatever enemy he came across. Very few Statuses could escape his eye. Raising his blade he warned, "Out of my way."
"No can do! No snooping about in the castle!"
Due to the pressure of the Undead King Travis was currently incapable of utilizing his strength, and with his War Sight being occupied to prevent his suffocation his toolset was more restricted than usual. However against a Poltergeist, he had his options.
[Truth Twofold: Existence]!
Appearing behind Yaulo he then swung his blades through her, various slashes appearing on her back. With a yelp she swiftly floated away and reached towards the wounds, "You can hurt me?! Why?!"
[Truth: Neutral]!
"Formless foes have long since stopped being a problem.", Travis taunted while pointing Lumen forward.
[Pierce Even Heaven]!
A light shot forward at incredible speeds, it swirled about with Holy energy and pierced through Yaulo with no effort. A hole appeared in her body and she held a face of shock, "No. . . why do I have to fight those who can hurt me?"
Travis frowned at the comment but allowed Yaulo to flee. It was strange, as if she was already fearing being harmed. If someone else was capable of hurting her, he intended to thank them. That residing fear made her quick to retreat instead of to abuse the Territory's effects. Turning around Travis continued to search across the castle, once he found the piece it was time to go!
~ ~ ~
Akiol narrowed his eyes and glanced towards the side. Two new presences appeared. One he presumed to be Yaulo since her severed ghostly parts retreated towards the castle, the other he wasn't sure. If it was an enemy that could be an issue, but if it wasn't. . .
Hoping that they would quickly leave Akiol returned his gaze to the king. He was well aware of the utter force the Undead King was capable of, and just how truly powerful a Fourth Stage was. After all he teamed up with a few and even faced against a number of them. Even with his new sword technique, and his ever growing power, he fully understood that the moment the Undead King sat up from his throne he would die shortly after.
Which is why Akiol remained on alert, this wasn't a sacrifice. He wasn't going to risk Mira and Givale as well. His only purpose was to remove the Territory, even if just for a few seconds, to allow the capable people he gathered to finish off their targets. That was all.
"And so, you've come to my lands to wage war.", the Undead King's fury seemed to subside.
Akiol felt he was wasting time. Unfortunately the Undead King seemed more like the cool-headed type of king rather than the egotistical one. Unflinching to his provocations. So in this case was his only choice to force it through physical means?
That had its own dangers. The amount of Aura it would take would immediately cut off the last of his reserves he was keeping to escape. With Stars it might be possible, a mixture of the Berserk Skill and another Skill might provide enough force to move the Undead King. Unfortunately Akiol had little practice with Stars after ascending to Third Stage, something he was now regretting.
Resting his chin against his knuckles the Undead King spoke calmly, "It was you wasn't it? The one who organized this surprising force against us."
"The insight of a King isn't to be underestimated.", Akiol continued to watch with heightened senses.
"Usually the one who strategizes such an assault would sit back, or be the one who takes the greatest risk. The role of a ruler or a leader."
"In this case I suppose I'm the leader, and you the ruler.", Akiol once again tried to provoke the king.
"You are not worth my attention."
"Yet the only reason why your army remains is because of your actions. Your Territory."
To this the Undead King remained silent. Despite his inaction he was aware of what was occurring. His prideful underlings were losing greatly. Perhaps this was because of their confidence in his Territory. That instead of proper tactics they took risks due to the fact that they could not die. In a way the undead were in this situation because of his actions, this much he was aware of.
"It certainly seems you gathered capable fighters. To push my generals and underlings to this point of desperation is a testament to your abilities.", the Undead King instead turned to praise.
It was a shame, the cool-headed king was willing to admit his own faults. At this point any further antagonizing would only allow the Undead King to maintain his emotions. Compared to other hot-headed fighters it was clear that Akiol's methods were going to have to change.
If antagonizing the the Undead King wasn't going to work, then threats would have to.
"Do you think you'll beat us in tenacity? That we wouldn't find a way? Such talented individuals, do you think none of them wouldn't be able to find a way to bypass your Territory?", Akiol questioned.
"If you had such methods you wouldn't be here."
The Undead King was aware of Akiol's intentions. This much was expected. Even still Akiol continued to look into the sunken eye-less sockets of the Undead King's skull, "For now, but if the endless horde of undead push them to their limits. When they begin to tap into capabilities that they weren't aware of before, can you remain confident on your throne? A witness to the fall of the undead's most capable?"
"Such threats are empty. It is clear you're running out of options to risk yourself to gain an edge. I could end you in moments."
"Yet you don't, because in those moments you're afraid that the very capable people I have gathered will take advantage."
A voice pierced Akiol's ear, the voice of Kan'na shouted with a hint of glee, "Finally! I have teleported the Lich and Dulluhan outside of the Territory! They made it difficult for me, but it's done. Once they're handled I can grab the rest!"
Now confidence was restored to Akiol. His gaze hardened, "Or maybe we have already bypassed it. After all we entered despite one of the rules."
Fury burst from the Undead King, "Do not dare!"
"I don't dare, I act!", Akiol retorted back.
At long last! The Territory was slowly no longer becoming an issue!