The Landwell's Gift

Akiol took off the headset and sighed. Rue blinked and asked, "Had some trouble?"


Looking towards the headset he asked, "Your thoughts?"

"Truly wonderful. I had a lot of fun."

Akiol was unsure how to take the comment. He normally wouldn't have thought twice about a normal response, but coming from the once Demon Lord he found himself unnerved. Regardless he didn't let it show and instead tried to move off the bed, "It's about time I get out of here."

"Willingly submitting yourself to more pain are we?", Rue reached out and assisted Akiol.

He glanced in her direction. This show of kindness he would never get used to. Grabbing ahold of her shoulder Akiol used Rue to support himself. Upon taking a few steps he nodded and let go. As he thought, he could walk just fine. Any sort of strenuous movement might cause him to buckle over however.

At this point the Doctor walked in. Stunned for a moment he quickly ushered Akiol back to the bed, "You shouldn't move, you're in no state-"

"I'm aware, but I won't stay here for much longer."

The Doctor chewed the inner part of his cheek for a moment before changing his mind, "Fine, let me get Master Terwin."

Rue walked behind Akiol while her hands rested behind her back. Leaning to the side she asked, "This Master Terwin. Who is he as a character?"

"A wealthy and influential individual. As for his intentions I'm unsure, he's both willing to help for the greater good but also works to ensure he benefits from any given scenario."

"Influential, is he of royalty?"

"No, royalty is only of importance in very few places. The title of royalty doesn't hold nearly as much power here as it did for us."

"But his influence rivals those of royalty?"

"That I am unsure."

Rue frowned and started to walk in a circle. Stepping about she asked, "How are the others of the party? Did they make it here as well?"

"You're asking this why?"

"Do you need to know?"

Akiol frowned and watched her walk about. For a moment the way Rue walked about reminded him of an animal pacing in a cage. Taking a moment to grapple with this thought he answered, "Yes. They also arrived to this world alongside me."

Rue stopped walking. Looking towards Akiol she opened her mouth, "I-"

The door opened and Terwin walked in, "I've heard you're trying to leave?"

"I'm sure the care you can provide is second to none, but I have other plans.", Akiol answered.

"This is very unfortunate. However I understand. We'll have your clothing returned to you, and if you'd like we can arrange for a flight back."

Akiol shook his head, "I'm not going to fly back just yet. I'll find a place to stay around here for a while."

Terwin found himself unable to understand Akiol's intentions. So he offered, "We can arrange a place then?"

"I'll handle those matters."

"So be it. I thank you Akiol, we've learned quite a bit and owe you quite a bit more."

"Let's settle this by saying you owe me a favor then."

"I can do that. We'll have a car drop you off at the location of your desire."

"I thank you for your hospitality Terwin."

Terwin paused before shaking his head, "Terwin is an alias. I had others refer to me as such. Please, call me Joen."

Outstretched a hand Terwin, or rather Joen, smiled expectantly. Akiol figured there was more Joen was keeping secret, but the matter of aliases did not bother him. Taking the hand he shook it, "Joen then, thank you for your hospitality."

Letting go of Joen's hand Akiol found a card in his palm. Stepping out of the room Joen said, "If there's anything you find about Horizon's Origin, or to call upon that favor, call this number."

Akiol glanced at the card and a phone number made of a simple black text was printed upon it. There wasn't anything else of note, including the back end of the card. Joen called for a servant and said, "Get our guest his clothes, and his ride ready."

"Right away Master Terwin.", the servant bowed.

"There's no need for that anymore."

"Of course Master Landwell."

The servant turned to Akiol and gestured with a hand, "If you would follow me please."

Akiol followed the Servant with Rue tagging along behind. Looking about she commented, "Another influential person indebted to you."

"Our priorities just happened to align."

"Yet you gained a favor as well.", Rue rose an eyebrow.

"That I did."

Clicking her tongue Rue turned silent as she trailed behind. Akiol was guided to a dressing room where inside he found his old set of clothes properly tended to. Any signs of injury he sustained while wearing them couldn't be found, they were cleaned and repaired back to their original state. Slipping them on he spotted a large case underneath his belonging. Lifting it up he clicked it open. Inside the first thing he spotted was a note.

It read:

Akiol, although we've done what we can to protect you and your identity, we're not omniscient. So I leave you a gift. Something you seem to easily protect yourself with. Yours to have, no strings attached. Just make sure to charge it, cable is in the case.

-Joen Landwell


Moving the paper aside Akiol spotted the sword he used in the raid. It lay in a scabbard that had five green lights. Grabbing the scabbard he lifted it and gripped the handle. He let out a breath, his shoulders relaxed, and he unsheathed the blade. As it released from the scabbard it began to hum with its vibrations. Akiol tested its balance before smiling. Sheathing the blade he placed it back into the case and clicked it shut. 

Taking the case alongside him he exited the room. Upon walking out he spotted Rue in a different set of clothing herself. Sporting a pair of jeans and a basic t-shirt she walked up next to him, "What animal or plant makes clothing like this?"

She pinched at the jeans. Her face twisted, clearly not used to how they felt. Akiol shook his head, "That would depend. Some are made of a plant called cotton, others are made of materials that are outside of my understanding."

Returning to the servant the two followed them to the car. Upon entering the backseat Rue commented, "It's similar to the metal box that picked us up. Although much smaller."

"It's a car. Powered on a liquid fuel."

"Liquid fuel? Something like this would have to be powered by mana no?"

"In our world perhaps. In this world devoid of mana they develop more with their artifacts and technology. A process they call science."

"Playing to their strengths. It seems the tenacity of humans remains even beyond worlds."

"That's an understatement.", Akiol pictured the various incredible people he's come across.

As the car moved Rue stared outside, watching as various buildings passed by. Absorbing any form of information she could gain. It was beyond alien, the some buildings looked like they weren't even made of bricks. Holding one solid color or structure. As if formed by earthen magic. Others shone with beautiful colors, words blinking in bright lights. Others looked gloomy but incredibly clean. 

As they moved further she spotted buildings that threatened to pierce the very sky. Made of a reflective material. The styles were unlike anything she's seen before. Pressing against the car window she attempted to see the top of the tall building.

"Those are called skyscrapers."

"A fitting name.", Rue memorized such a powerful name.

Looking at the people she watched as they all held some sort of individuality, yet seemed apart of the same group. Although it wasn't uncommon for humans of her world to stick together, this was the first time she couldn't tell what social group they belonged to. One could tell the difference between peasants, those of higher status, and royals by their clothing. Yet she could not tell from the people who walked the streets.

Akiol watched her wonder. It was a stark difference of the cold warrior he faced to the death. A warrior stained their hands with blood, someone who was feared. Now they looked about with childlike wonder. Massaging his palm Akiol spoke, "I can answer some of your questions."

"I fear I have too many. With due time they shall be answered I believe.", Rue pushed away from the glass and looked towards him, "For now, where are we going?"

"To find a place to stay for now."

"I reckon I am to join you?"

"Naturally. You may be cooperative right now, but I don't fully trust you."

"I've had more than the right opportunity to end your life."

"That doesn't say much."

"Does it not?", Rue pushed up the corners of her lips with her fingers to make a smile.

Akiol shook his head, "You of all people should know. If our places were switched what would you do?"

Rue crossed her arms and leaned about pretending to think, "The same thing probably."

Unwilling to believe her words Akiol just shook his head, "Regardless I know there's not much you can do right now, so in exchange I'm willing provide knowledge."

"Always the kind to help aren't you. I'll continue to play along, just keep an eye out hmm?"

"You don't have to tell me."